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  1. Menos Grande
    It depends, if the other person talks too much, I usualy don't do that much talking. If the other is a quiet person I try to fill with small talk or things about myself.. I try to be funny , but sometimes it goes out of hand.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 26, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  2. Menos Grande
  3. Menos Grande
  4. Menos Grande
    Stuck with some paper work at my college!
    Profile Post Comment by Menos Grande, May 26, 2013
  5. Menos Grande
    My only problem with Firefox is that my shockwave flash keeps crashing like always... but all my stuff are in it.. so when I am watching something in youtube or listening music I try to open it in chrome as I work in FF.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 4, 2013 in forum: Technology
  6. Menos Grande

    Post by: Menos Grande, May 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Menos Grande
    Urobochi made me curious... I am stiking to it, even though not much can be said about it by now.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 4, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Menos Grande
    There are people whithout a Xbox, so it could be an option... I don't know why they can't put the old Xbox conected by cable though...
    I would like that the Ps4 had the same system, but if we use the same PSN account in the end it doesn't make any difference between having the Ps3 separeted from the Ps4, as our online progress will be combined like playing in the Psp/vita and your saves and Trophys stack with yours saves and trophies from Ps3, so making a "small Ps3" to conect with the Ps4 would only save a HDMI concection, and maybe some space.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Menos Grande
    Are you Brazilian as well? I never heard of one national animal in Brazil though we have quite a few like "Lobo guará" that isn't on the list ... is not that big deal like the bald eagle for the americans... they could just had put a tree as Brazil was named from one.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Menos Grande
    THe only strange thing is why to buy something only to close the doors?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 4, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Menos Grande
    Check your inbox, last time they gave me money it was on it, I just gone there ad pick the code.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Menos Grande
    I wouldn't care if they did a "stupidy" version of the cartoon only for children if they kept the "normal" version like disney did with the Avengers.. but this is too much :(!
    Didn't know about Beast boy backstory..
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Menos Grande
    I liked how his head seems able to fall off, maybe by changing heads he is able to use new abilites probably from the 12 generals.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Menos Grande
    Good video, Let's wait for the gameplay
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Menos Grande
    There is any construction around you? I noticed that ever since they start a building around the corner my room gets dusty all the time, I already cleanned twice this week.. the way that I find to keep it clean for more time is by closing the windows.. and thats bad as you lose the wind :(...
    But responding your question yes humidifiers help! I don't know how dry is where you live for the difference be more or less noticible.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Menos Grande
    Sora, Riku, Kairi: They are just more important than the rest, and done miracles that the others never could.. so if they don't have more POWER than the other groups they are probably the trio with more potential!
    Sora-> Turn into a Heartless and controled (Xehanort did it too), As a Heartless he found his way back into being a person, and fused with Roxas, has DUAL WIELDING, Found the Door to darkness, and the Door to Light.
    Riku-> Has mastered darkness and made it his own, Like sora found the door to darkness and to light, wasn't corrupted (Only he and Ansem, but Ansem still got that yellow eyes), mastered the 7 sleeping key holes, AND became a TRUE MASTER (thus being better than Terra in all possible ways).
    Kairi-> Strange how the "Most special one" is the one that did less .. but she is a princess with a keyblade pure light all the way.

    Close second would be BBS. the problem is that BBS were the people that were model to Sora, Riku and Kairi, only that they were the failed experiment, Terra didn't conquer darkness, Ventus didn't overcome his darkness and his heart was broken (unlike sora, who managed to come back from the dark), and Aqua that failed to save their friends (Unlike Kairi, that saved Sora, first by giving her heart, than by bringing him back from the darkness twice, not to mention all things Naminé did, and she is her Nobody so if you are combining Lea+Axel it's only fair that you combine Naminé and Kairi).

    Axel, Roxas and Xion... are just what they are, failed and without much else to say but sorrow.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 29, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Menos Grande
    Yeah we knew the plot of BBS and 358/2. But that is only because they were prequel, so there were so many clues that they couldn't espace much from it... Just see 358/2 for them to have some news whatsoever they had to FABRICATE a character only to dispose of it, and all clues about it (calling it, because xion is assexual). And we all know how that go well..

    I don't think Sora will die though, or Mickey (I think they can't kill any disney characters), but Sora has the resolve to kill himself for the good of others, just like he did at KH 1, He might as well had died if wasn't lucky , so it isn't off the table, but there are so many characters right now that killing the character that will continue the series is kind of nonsense.. but if done right they can pull it of.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 29, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Menos Grande
    If Sora died it would be like a messiah, a boy that was born to save all others from, pain take all the pain and end it with his life.. it would be a suiting ending for Sora, but is highly unlikely, even the characters that "did died" in KH2 came back as their original forms, even Sora "died" at KH 1, (and goofy ç.ç!!!), but not for long..

    I guess if anyone will die is Xehanort, he has to die just for him not to come back again, Eraqus that is only alive at Terra's Heart could also die after saving Terra. some side characters like Lea or Terra could die to save their friends, but it would be rather cruel that they received this new life only to lose it again.

    So I don't belive there will be deaths, it will not be like the Last Harry Potter when JK decided to "Kill everybody she didn't kill along the series"... IF there is Death in KH I guess it will be only one , and only to get rid of Xehanort for ever.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Menos Grande
    It is possible, but not necessary, and yet with KH coming back to the consoles it is a real possibility that this path is taken, as almost all games add the feature "Multiplayer" only because they feel it should be... (Yes I am looking at you Tom Raider).
    But I would like to have some KH game with Multiplayer capabilities so I could play with my friends afterwords... another thing that I would much apreciate is something that was abandoned in this genetarion that is "OFFLINE MULTIPLAYER" (CO-OP , and Vs). 99% of my games (minus the fighting games) are all "Single player" or "multiplayer only online" and that sucks, I bought a second controller and I want to use it, I have friends, I have a girlfriend (that don't like being left behind as I focus on a game).

    And KH could pull it off! Just make it so the second and third controllers can control Donald or Goffy! I would be REAL cool. It would not take much from the first player , and if you are playing alone they could act with their AI like they do already! Doing Trinitys could be fun also, something like Player one Press O than player 2 has to press wathever follows if they got it right the trinity would connect!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Menos Grande
    It depends on the series... I guess I am more of a "suspend your disbelief" kind of guy... but it depends:
    1) If you are watching a comedy, there are some continuty problems that should be overlooked, compared to a investigation movie or such.
    2) I like some non-sense things where the humor is at the bizzareness of it, so you have to embrace the "mistakes".

    But if you're going to see a "cerebral" movie like INCEPTION, "turn off" your brain is the last thing you should/want to do, because all focus , and all things have some meaning. Overanalasying something that is made only for your fun, might spoil it though! "Sometimes a cigar is only a ciggar, not a penis" You don't have to "witch hunt every frame of the movie", though is difficult to not do it, when it is in your personality to do it.

    There are some movies that EARN your "suspend of disbelief", Like AVENGERS, you could spend ALL day discussing "Why does the Captain america's Shield, when hits something doesn't fall off? As if it reppels 'inercia' and all energy is dispelled from it, when it hit something it shouldn't be redirected, it should just not move, as when THOR hit with his hammer Captain didn't move, so no energy was passed down"
    YOU COULD/CAN lose all day analysing why "it is impossible" or you can accept some conceits, the first one being "It's a separeted fantastic world, and not all our rules apply"
    IF the movie is good enough you can overlook this things.. if the movie SUCKS like Resident Evil, you just don't care.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: Discussion