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  1. Menos Grande
    Whatever space you got you can fill it up with no time if is all in your hard drive, when I botught my ps3 I though 160 gigas would never fill up now I have to delete things always.. thank god I can still play games on Blu-ray.
    But I hope that they give you the possibility to change your HD(Like ps3) or putting and external HD(Like xbox 360).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Menos Grande
    That maybe true I guess but is odd for me that so many people uses the guardian and all the time is Terra, I think even Ansem (the wise, not the seeker of darkness) used it at chain of memories/reverse rebirth:

    And Ansem the wise (DiZ) Reverse/Rebirth doesn't have anything to due with Terra. IF guardian is just a "Dark hability" is ok, if not it is at least strange.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Menos Grande
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Menos Grande
    Neutral, it is a good idea as it will be a bigger road than it would if it were divided, thus better trafic, and yet troublesome!
    The problem is one: People are ******bags!
    Driving cars, on bikes, motocycling or even by foot! Everyone can be a pain in the ass. When someone doesn't do their part the others suffer.
    I heard about a country that take out all the traffic signals and people had to drive using common sense, apparently it gone well.. just to show that no matter how many rules are there if the people aren't trying to follow them it won't work.

    A car can try to pick the green light at the last moment just as it turns red, cut someone to get where they want, or even drive where they shouldn't to save some minutes. The same can be said of bikes, motocicles and walkers (trying to cross the road out of the proper place, basicaly going over the cars).

    Some is based on the culture that only cars and motocycles should need a license to drive (thus classes, and tickets if you do anything wrong), and I can pike a bike or start walking like an ass without any care.. but this is just some of the problem.

    The truth is the 'car' is the deadlyest thing in the road (comparing with the motocycle, bike, people) so "With great powers, comes great responsabilites!" the car SHOULD ALWAYS pay attention to the others, because the fault will probably befall him, even if it wasn't entirely his fault!
    If one car STOPS at the middle of the road , and the back car bumps into it is HIS FAULT even though the car in the front was being an ass is the car from behind responsability to watch what the other is doing and have a safe distance.

    The same applys with Bikes , motocycles, people... always the "stronger" one should be more responsible than the weaker so the fault goes: Car>Motocycle>bike>People because if a weaker thing makes an error they will probably just end up hurting themselves not the stronger one, that's why you should always be aware of the others are doing and specially what the "weak" are doing.

    Its funny that when I see people driving it seems that they were born driving, and never once walked the streets, It is more common that the CARS doesn't respect the walkers than the other side around...
    Think of it next time there is someone trying to cross the streat and you don't stop for them.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  5. Menos Grande
    Agree! I don't belive in the power of media of "brainwahsing people", but even if we were to belive it, it isn't something that happens that often enough to be a rule so we can regulate if something is or isn't ok! Is not like "we know that X thing makes people do Y" is that "X made ONE INDIVIDUAL do Y" so... Maybe a movie or game did someone kill another , but another person "trigger" can be bumping his toe in a desk or something as trivial as this..
    In the end we must take responsabilities for our actions!
    There is a good article about this:
    In this article the guy says about the year that he didn't go online, he had a lot of problems that we associate with abuse of internet , but at the end he discovered that even without it he would come back to his bad habits.. so is a "internal problem" that he can't handle, the internet is just a escape, but anything else could be.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Menos Grande
    I hope that is not the "news of FF" at E3 that they said there would be ç.ç
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Menos Grande
    I agree and strongely disagree at the same time!

    First things first! If you Think the guardian is Terra, is not! As we saw through the series before Terranort used the guardian against Aqua:

    Ansem(seeker of darkness) uses it everytime, BUT RIKU ALSO USES IT AGAINS ROXAS:

    Now... we see that before Terranort became a Heartless the guardian existed, if Terra had became a Heartless at that point Xemnas should had been born there! We know that Ansem and Xemnas only appered years after Xehanort studied under Ansem.

    At 358/2 days when Riku uses His darkness to use the guardian he was already free from Ansem's hold that's why he didn't lost his heart nor the Keyblade while at that form.

    So I strongely disagree that "the guardian is Terra". I think he is the equivalent of That Ship Xemnas fuses himself into when becomes one with Kingdom Hearts, or that giant thing Marluxia became at the end of Chain of memories.

    I do however agree that is a bit off that only Ansem's incarnations showed that power.. (but it can be only a aesthetics thing).
    I would agree if one said that the guardian is the DARK EQUIVALENT of the DUAL KEYBLADE WIELDING... like, when you got two hearts inside your body you are able to use two keyblades (why didn't sora took that chance at Kh1 ?) , If you are at the dark side because you have multiple hearts you are able to use the guardian as a "second weapon". Xeharnot and Riku are the only people at the dark side that we currently know that had two or more hearts inside of them.. that would justify only them being able of using the guardian! But I don't think is propely Terra, but due to Terra's presence Xehanort was able to use the guardian (Like Sora has Roxas Heart, but I don't think that Roxas itself is the other Keyblade, like I don't think Xion is the second keyblade of Roxas even though inheriting their hearts enables the user to use the secondary weapon).

    We could also look the guardian as "Ansem true form" , as a beeing of darkness that he become he apears as the Guardian, but he isn't still a Heartless as he mantained his body.. as he gained that ability before becaming a heartless he kept it after even whithout a heart and Riku "has it because Ansem has it" , just like "Sora can use two keyblades, because Roxas could".. and that's why even when his fake body gave up the guardian still wanted to fight.

    It can be Terra aswell but i don't belive it is.

    Also... how does terra can keep up with all this spliting? The lingiring spirit is where his spirit is, his body and heart with Ansem, and his keyblade (and Roxa's) followed Aqua to the realm of Darkness /o\ How many parts are there? And so Xemnas has Terra's body but not his soul? Maybe he lost to Xehanort mainly because he didn't put his spirit into it LoL ?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Menos Grande
    never heard of it ç.ç sorry!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Menos Grande paste ç.ç ?????
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Menos Grande
    By not trying because is trading you are a slave of the "anti culture moviment" you are just as much controlled like the mass.
    You shouldn't care about it, and if you do try it it will be your opinion not from others.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Menos Grande
    Black 2/White 2 have better pokemon at the begining, but I prefer Black/white backstory.
    The league is way stronger than previous ones and in Black2/white2 they are even stronger. But the game itself isn't hard.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Menos Grande
    I don't like when games make live action videos It always look kinda silly .Like that one of God of war Ascention, that everybody was a person but Kratos; or that other over Xbox Reveal Quantum break. But I think I am the only one that thinks like that.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Menos Grande
    Pretty sure they are teasing 2.5, all the fact that are 3 games show, and not 1,2,4 lead us to belive in it. Not to mention it it weren't teasing for 2.5 why wouldn't they put scenes of Kingdom hearts dream drop distance?
    If ALL the other games (3D included) were there one could argue that is only a slideshow to prepare us for KH III, but as only 3 games were show and 1.5 was also about 3 games it just make sense that is the same kind of compilation.
    With all that in mind in a previous interview it was stated that "If there is a KH 2.5, it won't be an accident" so if square mantain it self profitable they probably will make it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Menos Grande
    Also was impressed by it.. though they probably figure it out that old games can't give that much money no more.. if they had pay themselves already great, if not they probably wont, and by doing it they can "clean" their image even though is pretty much inocuous
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 30, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Menos Grande
    Played for onde day straigh once, never touched again... can''t lose my life like that.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Menos Grande

    E3 2013

    Wait and see I guess
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 30, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Menos Grande
    Is not the best chocolate there is, but is good! Although I can't eat much of it the first 3 spoons of nutella are great.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Menos Grande
    I guess i am a mix of all (minus social) I would love to be a social gamer, unfurtunetly I don't have that many friends playing.. from time to time I would gather some people to play Age of Mythology.. but that gang is over now :(!
    I like some games, and read about it, before playing and I try to get it 100% (all trophy)... however I can stay months whithout playing anything (my Ps3 is currently gathering dust) ... And yet when I have the time (I can't play only for 1hour or 2) I 'll play the game all the time 5 hours or more whithout a sweat! The last game I was playing was Ac III, In least than four days I made almost everything there is.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 30, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  19. Menos Grande
    Great Idea! If it were not for the price I would get the Ps vita right away, PSN has given me so many Ps vita games so I could install on my vita :D! Unfortunetly I don't have one, and don't plan on buying one soon. Yet it will be awesome for those who have it. I am also happy that they're not dropping the Ps Vita.. PSP was always changing.

    ---- and on twitter---
    "Sony has heard your cries for #PS4NoDrM and is pleased to announce we have no intentions of releasing Dr. Mario for PS4."

    ""I think it is outrageous that both Microsoft and Nintendo intend to block access to used PS4 games on their consoles #PS4NoDRM #PS4UsedGames"

    :D! Kaz Hirai
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Menos Grande
    Happy that it will be the "game of thrones" cover and not the white one..
    Unfortunetly Gamestop doesn't send here :(
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 29, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates