It was just like when Riku used Roxa's Keyblade, is not that it was HIS KEYBLADE, but when you are a Keyblade user you are able to take and use other people keyblade (like Aqua took Master Eraqus Keyblade). Kingdom Key was never meant to Riku, as we saw in BBS that Ventus Had that Keyblade when Xeharnort split his heart, so Sora had that Keyblade because of Ventus.. maybe Kingdom Key is a "world Keyblade" and Riku could get it since he is from Destiny Islands aswell and Ventus used Kingdom Key at Destiny Island as well. (so there are some Keyblades bound to some places, Like Mickey had to go to the Dark realm to pick Kingdom Key D). And YET the Kingdom Key + Kingdom Key D , seems like they were born because of the X-blade , that's why the X-blade is made of both of them and that's why in order to close Kingdom Hearts you needed Kingom Key + Kingom Key D (from both sides) .. as they have half of the X-blade true power in itself... I guess Kingom Key after crafted gone to Destiny Island, as well as Kingdom Key D gone to realm of darkness (maybe to that shore where everybody ends up?).. so If Riku used his ability as Keyblade user he could pick the Kingom Key for himself, but Ventus took it before so it was Ventus Keyblade that Riku would inherit, thus Sora would probably be able to use it as well since he has Ventus Heart. Riku needed to have a medium to achiave the Keyblade , Sora probably didn't need one because he used Ventus.. or maybe he used his Wood sword.
It will be difficult to announce 2.5 at E3 as 1.5 isn't out in US... probably they will do something in Japan... But OMG they are sure Lazy ain them? A game that is basicaly ready with all voices already record and EVEN than they still take a year to come overseas? It is 2013 they can't do this anymore even Pokemon had a world release! Not only that I don't see any god of war game or whatever taking 1 year to go to japan even though is more difficult to adapt.
I think the Keyblade of people hearts is like the X-blade (Hell is half of the X-blade, as the X-blade split in 13 darkness and 7 lights). Before there where X-blade, it is the source of all the other Keyblades (It is stated that they were forged to mirror the x-blade). The X-blade itself has 2 keychains so Keychains were always a thing! Probably the first keyblade user got in contact with one of the original Keyblades made from worlds , maybe the X-blade itself, after that he than choosed aprentices to try to achieve Kingdom Hearts , there was a divide and war went on until BBS story. I think Keychains are always the memories of something , a happy feeling, a big trauma (like the dark keyblade Terra gets at the end of the game), a mark of greatness! This can or can't be crafted by an actual object if you link the object to the memory(Oathkeeper, Olympia, three wishes, Divine rose, Hidden Dragon, Hero's crest, whising lamp, Fenrir, bond of flame, etc..) or not. Sometimes the memory of the world itself will give you a keychain. It's important to mention that even when the keychain is made from an object the object itself doesn't cease to exist so it only uses it as model! Hero's crest was made as basis of the crest of hercules, Oathkeeper as that star kairi gives you, Hidden Dragon by Mulan's sword (that she still keeps after), Wishing lamp/three wishes (Gennie's lamp that you don't take.. even though you did take it in KH1 to use it as a summon device).
Attack on Titan is the best on your list! Valvare is OK! It is like code geas, it has some good ideas mixed with some fanservice, if you are not sick of Teenagers at animes go ahead! I would really recomend MAHOU SHOUJO MADOKA MAGIKA!
I hope that the games that are available at Ps3 (Like DC online) are cross playable with Ps4.
First Sara: I agree with you that Microsoft polices are abusive, and I probably won't buy their system, however... There are somethings that you are being misled... "Ok Kinect needs some space, and some disable people can't use it" , I know that the new Kinect needs less space than the previous, but yes space is a good thing when you're jumping around... the internet thing is also b******s** , BUT! That's Ok, it is a choice of the microsoft to afford losing some clients in the light of this new features... It's like all the evil that Steve Jobs did to cellphones (that most people don't care), first we don't have numbers anymore .. hell we don't have real buttons... what does that mean? **** all people that are blind or has low sight because they can't feel what they're tipping... all cellphones are doing this also so they got no other option but to buy 5+ year old cellphone or expensive blackberries to cover this... Also how about people with big fingers that can't type properly in touchscreen? All them are not the target of the "Steve Job campain" no one complains about it though... why? It's their choice and they can have their way around it... if you buy their system you are saying OK to their rules and limitations. THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM! The real problem in Xbox one, is that it steals our right of property ... let me explain everything that you buy In Xbox, all the years that you spend paying Xbox live, won't make the games you purchased YOURS, they'll never be yours! Not truely... this may be only a hindrance for starters It is like "Ok.. like Steve Jobs didn't want any blind people messing with his Iphone, Microsoft doesn't want anyone without internet access". That would be OK, because when you bought the Xbox one you agree about that ridiculous thing... but the thing people don't see is that... You have to keep your side of the bargain , Microsoft doesnt. So what about if someday Xbox Live was off? No single playing for you? Your console will brick. So if this generation ends, and a new Xbox arises.... what is next? They'll continue to support the servers forever? Like they did with Halo 2? No they won't.. so that means that the second they turn off the servers you got 24 hours to play with your Xbox one than kiss it good buy... you will never be able to replay your games (that you bought) and virtually all the games will be dead (no new game, not possible to trade or sell without live). People compares this with STEAM polices the diference is however, that STEAM let's you play the games you have without internet conection so even if steam dies out tomorrow all things you have are yours even if it's softwere IT IS YOURS(though you can't sell it), you can't say the same thing about Microsoft. Basically the Microsoft says "Don't worry, when your internet is down, Xbox will allow you to use the toilet"
I Know Wii sold more consoles, but I am not sure which one made more money.. one Ps3 is way more expensive than one Wii so I don't know. As far as the current gen goes, Playstation finaly surpassed Xbox this year at selling so, I don't think they "won" this gen... Hell doing games for Playstation just "feels better" as sony already has an good heritage from PS2, everyone wanted to make games for Playstation (they would like to do to nintendo as well if they supported third parties) ... even with all the problems of the begining the Xbox was way behind Ps3 until the Kinect kick in and gave the Xbox a refresh.. specially comparing to Ps move that is just to expensive for casuals and too boring for hardcore gamers.. Xbox was doing well specially because they always felt like the "noob at gaming industry", they didn't had a big name like sony or nintendo, or their history in gaming, titles (like who cared about the original xbox? They had nothing to begin with) , nor they got a portable console. So Xbox did well with the few things they got on their side, maybe they got cocky.. at the same time maybe they thought that Sony would put DRM on their game as well (they even did a patent on that matter) , when they end up being the only "bad guys" they were not prepared for it.
Agree with BBS and COM they were made to be dark, because before playing them we already knew that it would all go wrong (as we have seen before in other games) so that we had things to do in the other games... I think the only thing that makes COM worse is that is kinda impossible to save Xion... I can see Terra being saved, Aqua (is alive and well if only she finds a door to light), Ventus (His heart must be healed by now, If Riku or Sora finds his body they will be probably able to awake him after what they gained at 3D). Even Vanitas/Roxas I can see them being "saved" by becoming parts of Ventus, but Xion isn't anything to begin with, she doesn't have a heart, a body, soul... The only thing that could hapen to her is Sora remember her memories. I was also sad about the Organization XIII members at the end of KH II (mainly Axel), but after that we learned that all them are back to life , and whole as they wished to be so no point being sad over them.
I think they didn't wait until E3 cause gamers wouldn't like to spend 2 hours listening about Tv when there are some game attractions elsewhere.. So I am hoping they stick with games at E3. As for listening to the Buyers.. I don't like Xbox as much as the Ps3, but I don't know how much of their dumb ass moves they can't back down right now, or will but haven't had the time yet.. but Yes is mainly their fault and lack of organization since all the bad Information we got we got from them! Hell Xbox one was doing better BEFORE they said anything.. remember that Info that leaked about a possibility of the new Xbox being able to play Xbox 360 titles if you bought something else together with it (xbox mini i think?) . It seems it was just a rumor, but it was a positive thing for them and it wasn't officially said by them lol.
too much final fantasy, too little of KH :(
great! A lot of great games coming for Ps3 this year.
It was already off when I tried to watch it :(
Aladin made four wishes at the movies as well by tricking the gennie so It's only fair, maybe without saying "I wish".
KH 2.5... but we might dream about KH 3 right? Like they noticed "Oh no! Ps3 is dying, we really should skip all the other games and come back to KH III only to make it to Ps3!" ç.ç
On the data world he is god, but at real world he shouldn't be able to do so much, If he could why he would need the hero of the Keyblade? He didn't care about Kingdom HEarts by that point revange was everything that matters to him.
Don't really know it got major attetion at sharings in facebook (down here, don't no up there).
It was Ansem the wise, Riku discovred at Twilight town (in castle oblivion). He was faking to be Ansem seeker of darkness, because he belives in the power of darkness this whole game was Ansem the wise teasing riku with Darkness and Mickey bringing him back twoards the light.
Ops! I meant Green, I was mentioning the mangá
Did you guys hear about that swedish store that teased about new geneartion games? Don't know if it is fake though: Ps4 Spoiler and Xbox: Spoiler
I remmember that Blue's Eevee died because he didn't evolve him :(.. it really shorteens it life's spawn