But you can go UNDER WATER @_@! To think that Altair didn't know how to swim now we can even explore the tresures at bottom of sea >(! But I agree that It shouldn't be a number just AC: Black flag.
Even if coulson whould live at some point I would realy like a pre-quel of avangers just to understand how SHIELD come to be.. similar to Iron Man that "Transformed our world , into marvel's world", it would be cool that they showed how US forces, or ONU forces combined to become SHIELD, and maybe they could show SWORD also.
Anatel (a government departament in Brazil) is Know to f*ck up the gaming industry, when doing their job of regulamenting the games/cellphones/whatever they often find themselves showing things to the public view before a real public add is made , the pics of the Ps3 slim (version 2) were leeked by them before sony had their chance to show (maybe Ps4 goes the same way), anyway, they are announcing a new game (they were rating the game by the way), and the game title is CASTLE OF ILLUSION STARRING MICKEY MOUSE , for: (free for all) (always got stuck at the monocycle clows) Source 26/02/2013 PlayStation 3 Plataforma/Aventura Livre 26/02/2013 Xbox 360 Plataforma/Aventura Livre 26/02/2013 PlaysStation Vita Plataforma/Aventura Livre 26/02/2013 Wii U Plataforma/Aventura Livre
It's a great show about two american boys, doind rock n' roll killing monsters.. It kinda lost it's way after the apocalipse, but it is always fun to watch.. is more character driven than plot driven nowdays... I guess it was always more about the characters than the plot.. "Family" being togheter etc... The U.S. is as much a character as Sam and Dean, even when they are doing "World events" (Like apocalipse, or going after nazis) they never ever leave the states.. what is realy fun about it is that the show is actually shot at Canada.
In the biological view humans are somewhat draw to polygamy. In poligamical species normaly there is one sex that is bigger than the other, how much bigger it is comparing to the other sex more sexual partners it will get ( the monogamical species being an penguim that has a 1:1 ratio and a hugely polygamical being elephant seals that have huges harems), although men are not twice bigger than females (15 cm on avarege), some polygamy is to be expected. What makes humans have the illusion of monogamy? First we are not that much polygamical as other species (there is a gradient), and yet we are not as monogamical also.. we think that monogamy is being exclusive to one person during a brief period of time, that is not it... truly monogamical species only have one mate for life, and even though we do maridge, and can stick with one person for life probably it wasn't the only person that we ever dated in all our life, do you see the difference? We as humans created levels of "relationship" so we could call ourselves monogamical .. we can have any number of girlfriends/boyfriends before we settle down with the "one", not counting the couples that cheat (that is a form of polygamy as well). But.. as the difference of sizes isn't so much, and the ratio of male/female is ALMOST 1:1 (but there are more women) we construct a monogamical society that avoids conflict, as a men with many women could mean that a lot of other men would be whithout none. There is also the social aspect of this, there are cultures that women marry many men (to avoid spliting the lands that brothers would enherit they marry the same woman), and the opsite as well it depends if it is a patriarch or matriarch society. That being said, I do belive in polygamy and monogamy (one could be true to another, exclusive for whatever period of time, but could be attracted to others, or had others before).
Even though they don't do it in most games... if you look into KH trophies from the DS games you will see that they are VERY hard and time consuming to achieve... and almost everything counts towards achive new trophies.
D LINKS are better, the cool thing about Summons is that you can't die while summoning.. but most of them aren't so fun, or powerfull in the end I stuck with 1 or 2... D LINKs, you continue to use your character, he just gets new powers through friendship "even though they're not there, your hearts are connected", Summoning actualy brings the person to your aid, but you don't do much when you summon them... Summoning also feels like exploitation, or slavery, or pokemon battle, as the one who is summoned almost always don't have a say when you summon then.. they were turned into "gems" revived by the Fairy Grandmother to help you, but you didn't became friends with them beforehand, you just use them! D LINK is like you become friends with some one and the D LINK represents your friendship. Also D LINKS were more life savers them Summoning, in BBS you could use CURE before you get it with your D LINKs, summons are always left behind because you got other cooler moves.
I think they maybe experimenting if they are all that big shot that they think they are, to sell 2 block busters at the same time.. Everybody new they're doind it.. they are always doing a new AC.. they could just make this video to the PS4 event, so it was a new thing.. not that Watch dogs wasnt good, but we already knew it from E3. As for the Brazilian AC I think it was a blank propousal that Ubisoft made. Sure they are excited about the increasing number of buyers of AC in Brazil, as much that they did an especial mission at Brazil (at AC III), but it was so bad tastefull of their part that we got offended and they promised a whole game in Brazil to make up for it, yet I don't think they thinked through when they promised this game, as most of Brazilain story isn't that much appealing.. and much restricted to what they could combine with AC.. they could make a game in the monarchy era, as Dom Pedro I, was know to being part of secret socitys, and then he banished them from the church and country , Brazil is also the largest catholic country in the world so there could be templars about... yet there is no great war or revolution in here, even our liberation from Portugal was bought.
They probably put Zeus as he is a playable character at GOW chain of olympus (or ghost of sparta.. don't recall), maybe they'll put Athena or the Infamous COD of war ç.ç!@
I really wanted to pre-order it, because I KNOW i will buy it. And the price is good also. But... amazon doesn't let me to buy a game and ship it to Brazil :( not fair! We are all region 1.. so why can't I buy it? I would understand if it was a pre-order from japan or whatever.. :(
It could go either way.. I think they are experimenting with the game, and are not acustumed to making trophies... I think most of the trophies will be story related, maybe some easter eggs that will link us to the future (like mentioning Roxas on a Chain or KH 1 trophy.. or calling "another boy with a key" , etc.. when you turn into a heartless or when you go to twilight town). The side games of KH are really boring I hate the gummy ships.. if a lot of trophies go to this I probably wont get platinum on KH.. and that would be a bomer.... I can see 2 trophies being unlocked by deafting sephiroth.. one like "The screat battle" or "One winged angel" and another for getting all Keyblades (as you get a Keyblade from wining, and probably will be the last one, or maybe Ultima)... don't know if they gonna give us "time related trophies" because it is something that should be on the original game (the aspect of counting time) if it weren't they would have a lot of problem to add it only for one trophy. The WORST part of this is that I DO BEALIVE that there will be trophies for EVERY difficulty, but for some reason ALL remakes I ever play demand you to playthrough all difficulties, I would be awesome if we could just play once in the highest difficulty and unlock all trophies, or maybe 2 playthroughs at best. As much I love Chain of memories getting 100% of the cards will be challenging.. I guess i never did it, whithout the trophies there isn't as much motivation to do it. Days will be piece of cake.
Never used as Guild Master also, then again I never played WoW so I wouldn't know.
They did speak YES, they are hiring people with Ps3 background for 3 years or more, at the lauching there was already a chubby guy that was carrying over for ps3 version, by this time it would be a surprise if it were lauched for Xbox.
My finger was already iching to buy the japonese version, but now knowing how long to wait, I guess I'll wait.. It seems strange to me how long we will wait, as the japonese version will also come with english dubs so the vocalization should be over by now.. don't know how much time they'll spend translating menus and stuff inside but it should not be long.. I hope that by the time Kingdom Hearts is out the Ps3 games already have a price drop.
They're saying this since before the game was out for pc.. don't know how they can treat it as "news' whithout even showing some vids..
I've been riding busses for sometime I don't think they're discussing (not the ones i ride), but sure they are crowded and that suck.