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  1. Menos Grande
    I really like these series even when it were just the manga! But the anime is being so well made that is even better than the manga (something rare) , there is only one scene that I didn't like that might cause some timeline problems in the future, that was presented at the beginning of the manga (Eren's father experiment) and after the attack on the anime (leaving him with one night to do the experiments, pick his son from Mikasa without being noticed and return him to her without being noticed as well).

    That being said! There are a good amount of good points of the anime! First! At the manga a lot of characters look alike and as they end up dieing so often is difficult to care about anyone that isn't from the main trio... the anime made a bit of character development before send people to be killed by titans what made some random characters like Thomas seemed like a real character that died!

    Armin is a GREAT character, even though the series right now is a bit Eren-centric Armin started to bright with his quick decisions and good plans ! He end ups saving a lot of people in the process! The anime already showed that, but we will be even more important when they venture outside the walls!

    Even though the character seems cliche at first they are not at all!
    You see your common male protagonist is often that optimistic guy that never gives up at adversity and stuff like that.
    Even though Eren share the trait of "never give up at adversity" from most characters he has also a very nihilist view of the world SINCE HE WAS A KID, that is something not often common! We can see that well at the episode that he saves Mikasa (when she was a kid), he kills the guys who capture her without a flinch! He is hardend by life since he was a Kid!

    Mikasa as well seems cliche.. but her episode as a kid shows her motivations, she is led by Eren to see this world true color: Carnage! We see it everywhere but we don't notice it as we are "anesthetized" by the recurrence of that... and because of our egocentric view that we are different than animals, the struggle to survive was always there is only that being at the "top" for so long made us human soft.

    This is the real theme of the series really, the willinness to fight in front of adversity is what make us intitled to survive, but we've denied it.

    If you look all the series, even though the Titans sure are stronger than humans 95% of human's casuality is often due given up and stop fighting, we will see a little number of people that acutally kept fighting until the end and died.. we've became sorrounded by walls for one hundred years , and thus became soft cattle ready to the slaughter.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Menos Grande
    Yeah I already played Kingdom Hearts III, it disappointed me so much that I came back in time to warn myself ç.ç !
    I am aware of that, is only that I don't own a vita (but that might change in some days), only a Ps3 so I never played liberation.. I was hopping that the character from liberation appeared at AC III I was sad when that didn't happen :(!

    And for the battle system... I was never a fan of the systeam in any of the AC games, but at least at AC II revelations there where a lot of weapons that we lost in AC III the Hook blade is something that i miss a lot! Not only because of fighting /using ropes , but for the "Double jump" while climbing! Climbing at AC III got pretty messy.. sometimes Connor would refuse to climb some random places and i would have to circle around it until he finaly climbs it :(!
    Our assassin's crew were better also, in ACIII they seem like random thugs, and I don't like how we use them.
    Other problem is that even though a lot of weapons were taken out, our overall menu got bigger so we have to go to a special menu (pause the game) to chose our weapon!

    Because the game is set at america and all buildings are smaller than the great constructions that we had in previous games we lost some great things like the parachute ... i think overall we lost more things then what we gainned, also I would like to see some messages from the first civilization with our eagle vision just like in AC II, these little puzzles where lost... we had to find the "hidden messenge" than decode it!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Menos Grande
    I hope that they go back a bit to the fighting style of AC II: revelations.
    I was pretty sad that the hidden blade was so poorly used by Connor... Double killing from behind is almost impossible! From above also, we lost the poison blade as well! And all the bombs :(! The battle system at AC was always bad, but it got a bit worse at KH III, i liked all the hunting though.

    I am more interested at AC III: Liberation! There were a lot of hints of freedom for the slaves at AC III, I hope that Liberation end ups being like a DJANGO UNCHAINED : THE GAME!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Menos Grande
    I think is funny that people just noticed that sony said since febuary that they would not require DRM, but would left open.. after they said they would do the right thing by the players, but people just noticed this things now...

    It however does not change the fact that even though sony will not require DRM, publishers can still aply themselves (like internet activation).. so there is nothing new said by Sony, and we are now as we were before..
    The good thing is that sony has many studios so at least their exclusives won't have DRM.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Menos Grande
    Well even Sora had some ceremony , if you think . Sure he received the Keyblade because of Ventus heart, but all this time he was touching the keyblade (that wasn't his) and when it finally consider Sora's heart to be fitting it came back to him (at Hollow Bastion), thus he became a true keyblade wielder.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Menos Grande
  7. Menos Grande
    My washing machine is close to the kitchen, there is a "service room" (don't know how you call it in english) , that we usualy keep laundry machine, cleaning products, brooms etc.. It is usualy adjacent to the kitchen, even when I lived in a house it was like that (but larger areas), this "service room" may have a huge window (for drying purposes) and special piping that allows to have a water tap and the washing machine at the same time.
    Basicaly our kitchens are like these:
    (This one is kind different from most as it has also an secondary room for the cleaning lady, with a bathroom, old apartaments have rooms like these nowdays is too expensive to have cleaning ladys working in your house)
    You need a tap water tank for washing special fabric , so as you can see this service room is almost at the kitchen.
    But that's in here, we normally don't put the landry at the basement/garage etc... also almost no one has a basement or attic
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Menos Grande


    Two coments:
    1) Playing at your cellphone! I hope is better than actually playing on your phone.. maybe we get to see KH III first in Aiden's phone ç.ç
    2) I heard that it is ok to hack or pirate this game XD
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Menos Grande
    About the "Door to light" even though i do believe that it will be further explored, he already did open a Door to light that made he and Riku be able to come back to the realm of light, in KH II also he was able to escape the realm of darkness with the sweat salt ice cream that Riku gave him.
    Most people that are trapped in the realm of darkness get stucked there until they give in to the darkness (and use dark corridors) , or use the help of some worlds in between like Castle Oblivion. For beings of light to escape darkness unharmed is pretty difficult, and Sora did at least two times, just by Seeing that Master Aqua is stuck in there for more than 10 years it goes to show how difficult is to escape without give in to the darkness (but she gets a golden star for not becoming a Heartless after so much time in there).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Menos Grande
    I don't think piracy is as big problem as it were before! At 80-90's there where PIRATE CONSOLES that were consoles that could play games from different consoles like sega and nintendo.

    By 2000-2006 in the Ps1 and Ps2 era it was easy to download a game and burn a cd and play it bypassing even region locks.

    Ps3 until now is almost piracy free (there are some mods but you have to give up updates so you lose all new games), with systems updates the piracy issue is way more contained them it was in previous years.. sure Xbox 360 and Wii can be hacked , but I don't think it is so problematic as it was before as they sold so well.

    The major "problem" in game industry , is that today the game market is divided , in the previous generation Ps2 was everywhere so if you made a medium-bad game for Ps2 it could still sell pretty well (not to mention it was cheaper to make games back than) .. today when a publisher / developer does something bad it comes back to bite on their assess .

    THQ made good games, but had the WONDERFULL idea to make that Wii tablet/draw thing that made them break, Lucasarts made the most expensive game ever (that MMO of Starwars) and it turn out to be just "ok" , i think is a free game now.. so it was sold than closed. Square spend millions in the making of Spirits Within (that i enjoyed, but FF fans didn't) and that was a risk that they took.

    The problem is.. in every investment go well or not, and usually if you fail in one of these the next game has to be great to save you so mediocre publishers/developers close... mostly developers as publishers take all the money and leave the developers be slaughter.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  11. Menos Grande
    I didn't mean cheaper to make, but to watch.. even if the tickets go as high as 20$ it still will be less than buying a console (200$-500$) plus the game (60$), and be forced to play only the games from whichever console you have.. so the basic public of movies is EVERYONE, the basic public of Halo are Xbox owners.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  12. Menos Grande
    Nomura stated that the Kingdom Key that Roxas uses (at the same time as Sora's) is the Kingdom Key, so it is.

    I believe that Nomura said that there were as many Keyblades as those that are worthy to wield one.

    Which I think basically means there's one for anyone who strong enough to use one/infinite number of keyblades.

    Also there is the need that the cerimony takes place.. as for why not "Captain Jack spearrow" or others didn't became Keyblade wielder ... is because the Keyblade didn't recongnized his heart as strong enough.

    Also Eraqus probably made Terra and Aqua into Keyblade weilders , (So did Yen Sid with Mickey, Terra with Riku). There isn't no sign that the Keyblade was passed over and lost to the master , so he probably can pass that ability to as many people he wants and than see if they are capable or not of using..

    Just Like Xion and Roxas had a Keyblade because Sora has, all organization XIII which have Xehanort dark heart will inherit the ability to use the keyblade , they probably will use different keychains only to make the game more fun, and to show their individual fighting style as well as we probably gain a new keychain (maybe theirs) after winning.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Menos Grande

    E3 2013

    They did say that "The console is only a box" maybe we are looking at the Ps4 right now!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Menos Grande
    Ok, like I said in your previous topic:‽.139628/page-2#post-4069069 and before that in the topic "So, What about Oathkeaper":
    Yes I do believe (and I think is quite obvious) that Kingdom Key + Kingdom Key D were made after X-blade broke at BBS.. as it is the only Light/Dark Keyblade in the universe half of it go to the realm of darkness and half of it to the realm of light.
    Mickey knew about X-blade because he was there when Xehanort made it with the help of Vanitas, he also knew that the worlds were in danger because of Ansem SoD, not sure if he or Yen Sid came up with the plan... but afterwords it was obvious that they needed both Keys to close Kingdom Hearts , so King Mickey goes to the Realm of Darkness to make sure that HE GETS IT (not some heartless or some Seaker of Darkness like Ansem or the Organization), and of course Kingom Key D was the most difficult Key to get , and the one that had more chance to fall into the hands of the "enemy".. So Mickey go and grabbed that Key. But not without sending Donald and Goffy after the "boy with the other key", that would sure appear in the realm of light, from the start Mickey knew he had to sacrifice himself (be trapped in the realm of darkness) as Kingdom hearts needs to be closed from both sides.. so all KH 1 was planned by Mickey (maybe not Riku's role, that was Ansem meddling).
    If any two keyblades were able to close the door of Kingdom Hearts Mickey wouldn't need to get Kingdom Key D, as he already had Starseaker keyblade.

    Sora had the power to use the Keyblade (because of Ven), and Riku as well Kingdom Key happend to be there in Destiny Islands and goes after Sora because Riku opened his heart to Darkness.

    Even though Sora did became the "Key that will save everybody", I agree that he wasn't important at first! I think that all the profecys that happens in Kingdom Hearts , function as a chemical reaction.. if the terms are met "it will happen" , Sora didn't need to be the Key that would save everybody, but once the Kingdom key chose him he was (and I am talking after he got it back in hollow bastion). Just Like because Xehanort is creating 13 darkness it will appear 7 lights (Keyblade users) to fight against it..

    But I don't Think Sora will ever open Kingdom Hearts, he may enter it, see the true light, but he must never use it's power remember that seeking the true light is what made Darkness so Sora's role is to protect the Light of Kingdom hearts from anyone that wants it's power!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Menos Grande
    Even before DDD, some characters believed that Roxas had a heart Axel asks "You are sure you don't have a heart", then there is all that thing that you HAVE to have 2 hearts to use 2 keyblades (something Roxas do even before Sora). I think by the time BBS was out it was pretty obvious that Roxas had Ventus' heart, even before the game was out it was stated that "Ventus had a conection with Roxas" so yeah... the suprising thing in DDD wasn't that Roxas had a heart, it was that the rest of the organization had one as well... the only one that seems to have one is Roxas and maybe Axel , but one could argue that Axel was trapped by the force of Roxas' Heart just like Sora's Heart made the people in Castle Oblivion remember him even though they never met him.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Menos Grande
    The thing about movies is that they are so much less expensive than a video game , and so much more universal that is way more easy to be profitable, even if they don't get much money in one country they can try again in the other, and you don't have to have a "specific machine" to see a movie, just go to a theater.

    The Apple way.. is a reality more and more games will be available through download, I only hope that when it comes to it the digital games becomes cheaper than the physical ones, today when I go to the PSN all new games are sold at full price, so i might as well buy the physical thing as it will save my HDD and I'll have the cover and the stuff to keep.

    I've found that the next generation solution could be a mix between PSN (PSN +) and Steam...
    Live sucks, even though it has some cool features like talk with your friends that are playing other games and stuff... it forces you to pay, and gives you little in return.
    PSN is simpler than Live, though it offers you much more gaming! When you become a PLUS user you get an instant collection so it is just like renting (it is exactly like renting) for the price of a new game you can play dozens of games the whole year... This strategy is great! I hope Sony keeps it! But the thing PSN is short on is sales.. even though the prices are lower for PSN + users they aren't as low as steam, if we could get those sweat deals at PSN I would probably skip A LOT of physical games.

    Sony even let you download you game in 5 different consoles (even though I don't think they planned this to be used for you to share your games with friends).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  17. Menos Grande
    Before going after save games go first for game data as probably you don't have 300 mb in saves..
    I often delete games I am not currently playing (that install themselves). I have a 160g HD, maybe is time to get a new one.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Menos Grande
    No you can't be punished before you do something wrong. At the same time it falls to the game industry to control it.

    But we as gamers allow some compromising as we want the industry to keep profitable.. is like the "kickstart" program normal people pay (with no return) for indie games being made because we want new games, even if we may end up paying more.. the thing is that it always must be a line that we shouldn't cross in the abuse.. for me Xbox have crossed, but for many it didn't they are ready to sign up to all this new rules that robs us from the First sale doctrine

    The sad part is that Xbox one will probably do well at sales, and more abuses will be common like today is normal to pay 10$ to see the "True ending" of a game, at the 90's this wouldn't stand.. as there is no regulation in games the only way to "talk" is by boycott, but Microsoft (and others) belive (and they are right) that even if some people don't by their system a large number of casuals and missinformed or conformed people will so they can do about anything...

    And after they bleed us dry they can come and say "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IS LIKE to be only rich, and not MILLIONAIRE! We don't receive enough and we are going down! IT'S YOUR FAULT T_T!!!"
    Not taking responsability for all the errors they made.

    Piracy is a thing that will never end.. you can adapt to it and survive or not.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  19. Menos Grande
    I was sure that he used Kingdom Key when Xehanort took his body in a blanket to Destiny Islands, maybe you are right.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Menos Grande
    I really liked Hollow Bastion at KH II, but I understand you.. maybe if you weren't capable to get to the castle before the fight against the 1000 heartless it would be fine.. but at some point go back there would be cool. Than again the world got pretty big full of people and other worlds inside it!
    I confess that I had to think a little before remmembering that it was the same world that appeared in KH 1.. it seems another world entirely..
    Other thing that would be good was to be able to get there at BBS... at BBS all worlds were smaller for obvious reasons..

    And YET! There is a bright side for it aswell! Since we can't go there it feels like another world interely and today i am sick of playing the SAME KH I worlds every new game >_>!
    I kinda impresssed they didn't pull the same crap making us replay KH II.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX