well i would say skill because it would be skillful enoght to defeat all of them but it is up to u lol
great so fair so good lol ok if i said skill, strenght or speed which one would you say
well ..... nothing to be fair lol
well my nickname is the devil so something we can relat to lol so how about you become my right hand girl
well maybe you are ok if i said gun or sword witch one would you say
well i live to fight and find the one opponent that will gove The mender a good fight
like i said i don't care how you look if u want to go out with the oger like me the u must be ether a goddess or an angel so i am luckey ether way
as long as you are happy that is all that matters
what about if me The Mender fights you then we are even in a fight
thanks for the pic but the computer can not find it but to be fair i don't need it u are the most beuteful women i no even if i don't see you hope...
sos got bugged by my mum i mean i am realy happy over the moon that sort of thing
wow so how would i defeat you then
well all is fine here to be fair i am now on cloud night because i did not exspect that u would say yes
no worrys baby i am now a bit drunk and on a computer with my mum friend lol so we both have problems so anyway how are you then xxx
well thank you my lovely lol well can i get a pic of u then if that is ok (sos i would give you a pic of me but i don't have anything with me but...
REALY!!!! to be honest i thort it would be a no like everyone else lol well it is up to u i will never push u to do something u don't want to do
well that is nice to no lol
ok a bit strange but if u are looking for a new bf i am free
ok what else do u no what to use lol
have to go m8 will get you next time lol there is a joke there