so anyway what type of computer games do u play u have to play to be on here lol
the blocker can never ingolf the consten shadows in the corners of your life lol so no matter what you try i am contius
err bleach houki boshi it is great how about you then baby lol (sos if u don't want to be called that but i thort i would do that so i would...
well anyway nice to meet you and thanks for the friend request
i am nether alive or dead so u can eat me but u can not stop me i will live on as lone as darkness exsests
ok so whats up what do u want to talk about?
hi ya whats up
you say that but you have never seen The Mender drucken monkey been a snake for a dragon lol
err proberly because you have not been on at the sametime lol
well if you still want to talk i am here but if u want to get off i wont keep ya
well that is the drucken monkey stance for ya all i need is a sway in my legs and a stick on my back and i can win any fight
lol cool no worrys m8 if u want to role play then i am your man lol so any way whats up
and i get out one little banboo stick
and i will get into a drucken monkey stance
well tell me abit about your self then so i no abit about the person am talking to
arr you are off line well good night and till we see each other again i will bid you a good life and can't wait till the next time we meet
ok you pass you are a foe i will face en gared lol
oh and we are twin brothers lol it is fun sometimes not not all the time
hello ok out with it whats with the friend request lol i meen that in a question tone not a nasty one
just like a sheep lol ok last question if u had to give up a sence which one would it be me it would bee my smell