They should be.
We'll try custom profiles again to see if they are fixed in the later version. If not they're staying disabled. Also if this upgrade is anything like the last one, shouldn't take more than maybe an hour. Most of which is fixing template bugs.
I just hope it's the world line where he's actually a girl.
Do you like french toast?
Pretty busy lately. How about you
Hmm. Only driver I could find was this one.
Damn, so many Erio figures now. I only have one though.
Very nice. I have a few figs on order as well, anywhere between now and I think July. I really need to stop spamming the preorder button on amiami.
Man I'm hungry.
You're all small time. [video=youtube;VZK-N5LuRJE][/video]
Don't think I have it saved. It was pretty generic gaia avatar, but he had it forever.
So true. I think he had that one longer.
Er... why is this in the anime section? Anyways Spoiler: Episode 3 So they decided to use the "taking away bending" as the plot device. While I'm curious how Amon learned to do this (I mean Aang learned it from a turtle but come on, he's the avatar) I don't know how I feel about this. I was kinda hoping for a new kind of bending to be introduced by him (ex. like in the first season there was blood bending and metal bending) but maybe there will be later on. Pretty good series so far though, can't wait to see Korra in the avatar state at some point.
It requires just as much effort on my part, so yes it does.
And you're not Luxord. What's your point?
Skulls that fight for Dead Master.
Why change it? Dead Master is awesome.