Welcome to the madness, glad to have you on board. Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask if you have any questions~ Hope you enjoy KH3D as well.
We've stopped at episode 6 tonight. For those who were attended, we will resume the last five episodes tomorrow night at roughly the same time. (10 pm est)
Ah. Must've missed that post. Carry on then.
Need some Laura Bailey in here. [video=youtube;lwBNzK2kYGI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwBNzK2kYGI[/video] She's also Lust in FMA and Shin Chan.
Why? Because the actually have fingers?
Not too bad so far for a fanmade project.
Phhh, I pick on all the staff. Both past and present. It's not to difficult. But it is more enjoyable to slowly work your way towards it though.
Quit your whining and go get 973 more posts. :P You can do it!
Yep it was Kay, just checked.
I did? I could have sworn it was her.
I think we should promote Sara for a minute just to have her do it. It's the only way it will mean anything.
Well now I'm really concerned. :P
It is the better of the two after all.
It's a lot easier to both respond and respect an opinion when you actually make a clarifying one. And yes, it was slightly negative because of how broad the one post was, which lead me to giving an answer as such. You seem to have a lot of hatred towards the staff, which is fine, but I feel this hatred is coming from more than just the one thread being locked tonight. You are always welcome to discuss with me what you personally think can be approved on with the staff team, if that's truly what is bothering you. As I said, he did make that clear after I already had posted the comment instead of doing so in the first place. That's the only reason we're still talking about this right now. I do appreciate you trying to help out, though I find it rather odd you were somehow able to interpret all that from his original post. Oh well.
Calling out members is against the rules yes, that includes calling out staff. Staff are members too, after all. What you want to considered a direct or indirect call out can be debated. If somehow such a mild comment offended anyone, I do apologize. Then why boldly say, actually here since you like direct quotes so much: Why even say something like that if he truly does believe the staff isn't the only reason for whatever "decline" the site is going through at the moment? I mean yes, he did later clarify that isn't what he meant to say, but originally interpreted I think the comment was easily out of line. Also his post did not mention the Vivi incident as well, further making the comment more broad.
Essentially, yes it was. I don't waste my time getting angry at people like you, I'm too old and have been here too long for that. Sorry to disappoint you, if for some reason you were hoping I was mad somehow. Putting your silly "lol y u mad thou" comments aside, You obviously did not make that clear when you boldly stated your experience here would continue to decline in enjoyment until a major change in the staff was made. But obviously you have already realized the mistake you made there during your discussion with Libre, so I applaud you for that. If you realize now that no one is to blame and both the staff and the members could both use some adjustments, we are back on the same page and welcome you to continue working with us to make our community a better place for everyone.
Do you even read your posts before you submit them? You just got done saying the staff needs a "major change", and now you're saying you are "not blaming anyone". Also for whatever reason, you are also ranting about how you somehow think that I think you're "emotional" and my post is somehow immature as a result. All I did was call you out on a stupid comment you made in your previous post, where is this other garbage coming from? Furthermore, if you truly think the staff is completely at fault for everything that has happened to make the site's experience "worse" since you joined, I think you stand alone on that position. Oh I'm sorry, "no one is at fault now" I forgot you changed your mind between posts. -Edit- Libre beat me to it.
Oh sure, it's all the staff's fault and everything you do is the work of an angel. Grow up.
What are you doing? This section is for introductions and departures.