"Just leave it sweetie..."
"Girl are you thick or something?" Mellody asked looknig at Blondie strangely.
"I rephrase, emotionas and feelings you will never experience..."
"Affection that you'll never know." Mellody stated bluntly.
"Don't play dumb blondie." Mellody moaned. "Forget about them, and get me some water!"
"Yes i did..." Mellody sighed. "And no you're not getting anything out of me..."
"How long...?" Mellody asked rubbing her face, and reaching around for some water or something.
Mellody moaned exasperantly, rolling out of bed half awake, slamming face first, once again, into the floor, and looking over at Blondie and the others. oh just great... just f*cking great...
everyone died... and i am not performing CPR >.>
... ... hey everyone. Is there anyone here... what's new? i didn't con into being friends with me? and how're ya all?
Denithan's gaze, a deep uncaring thing by now, watched a small black crow in the distance, the soul chain hanging loosely from him... ooc: if it matter's, i'ma be back in half an hour >_>
ooc: i thought only the one who made the rp was allowed to do that? O.o oh well... Denithan looked around queitly, the moonlight reflecting on odd glow onto him...
ooc: just everyone meeting each-other i think... Denithna sighed, walking by Ren, to the door. "Unless you want me to stick around, guess i better go before your mother gets back... cyas."
"Right..." Mellody moaned rolling over, and getting up. "Well, i'm going to my actual bed, cya both..." and with that she walked off... ooc: be happy i care lol
Melody laughed to herself happily. "As if you can deny it."
"That's good..." Denithan sighed, looking away from her agian as they caught up to Ren. ooc: gtg, so jsut think of Denithan as helping her aroudn and not talking... he dun talk much anyway lol... and if you want, you can use Denithan to a basic degree, jsut nothing major...
"Yeah... right..." Mellody smiled. "Well, at least i know you're making good on Near's nicknames."
"Oww..." Mellody groaned, sitting back up, almost completly awake now. "Thanks for the help you stupid love-birds..."
Mellod continued to fight ofr consciosnous for a bit longer, eventualyl slamming head first into the floor, and groaning weakly...
"You sure you're okay...?" Denithan asked again, following Ren.