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  1. Dmaster
    "Theory, you still talk way too much for even me to keep up with." Melody laughed as she jumped on Theory's bed. "and i dunno, when i got back, first thing i saw was Near worried absolutely sick about Luna in hospital, so it was kinda obvious they'd hook up sooner or later."
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dmaster
    hey big D, how's the next chap coming anyway?
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Dmaster
    "Hey, Theory, how's it been?" Mellody asked, walking into the room.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Dmaster
    So, this is...L? Dein thought raising an eyebrow at whom was apparently L, and then taking a step away from the girl beside him as he realised how intensly she was gazing at this man.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Dmaster
    Mellody knocked hisitantly on Theory's door. Despite likeing her, and often having fun gossiping with her, she was unsure of how much Theory had changed, and hated the fact she knew things about Mello she didn't. BUt all the same she couldn't complain, standing there patiently.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dmaster
    ooc: lol, meh. can we just do something please?
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dmaster
    ooc: Matt: and this is what a potion does *is playing pokemon*
    Mello: and this my friend, is how you place your finishing touches to your bomb, now remember to give yourself enough time to escape, and then marvel at the beautiful explosions of burning toys, and then laugh at near! >D

    then do so? your characters.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dmaster
    ooc: a) i can't imagine Matt teaching... nor can i imagine Mello... or Mello's detention XD b) up to you, they beh under your control.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dmaster
    ooc: agreed...

    and why don't we have the three of them talk to each-other or something?
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dmaster
    ooc: wrong, he says he can hear the bells, and he asks who the bells or what the bells are ringing for, signifying his own death, he KNEW he was gonan die, and he spent his last day trying to make Light, his one friend, happy, and guess who kileld him? that's right, that sunuva...

    anyway, he was on the roof so he could try to think straight, and when Light walked up he said there's been something bothering him, he's been hearing bells all day e.t.c. you get the point...
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dmaster
    Dein sighed coherently, pulling his scarf tighter around his neck, unsure of what to expect as he slowly walked up to the gates, noting the others.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dmaster
    then we could still use it at least in ZXA DX
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  13. Dmaster
    none taken, but Cian's also quick to conclusions from how big D's making him, which'd just confuse you... okay, i agree, to Rick's dislike ._.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Dmaster
    i'm the cavalry? oh, and hey paladin, been a bit.
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dmaster
    Played by: Dmaster
    Name: Dein
    Real Name: Denithan Jones
    Gender: male
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Medium blonde hair, roughly 6"4, almost always wears long brown clothing (including a brown scarf) and has cyan coloured eyes.
    Backstory: Denithan, or Dein as he prefers to be called, grew up without parents. His sister disapeared shortly after starting school, however, he has consistently been getting letters from her since. Dein knows very little about himself, and is often confused, relaying the phrase 'i don't know' consistently. From first glance, most'd say Dein has a depression issue, when really he just thinks alot.
    Personality Quirks:Though surprisingly smart, even for his age and university, he thinks for too much, rarely shows emotion, and almost always figure out how something is his own fault. All in all he kinda does have a depression issue...

    ooc: one name... RA...
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Dmaster
    umm... i think that's more a prologue then a first chapter ^-^' but ok, it's all good...

    oh, oh! can i still help with teh story?
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Dmaster
    actually, if you read carefully, Prairie says Ciel made model Z from what was left of Zero (meaning his helmet DX) but i wanna know what happened to his body... they only ever suggested he was gone but never gave us proof of complete decimation of his body, so maybe Zero himself will come back! =D

    oh, and what happens if the reason why Vent and Aile can't acces the full powers of teh biometals is because of their inexperience with them? from waht i've seen, they can do a few new attacks in ZXA and you can also consider the fact they were just kids in ZX... but in the same instance, in ZX only be fusing the other models with model X were they able to use the ones they weren't chosen for...

    but all the way they could've still of used model Z >| Giro actually GAVE it to them so screw ZX...
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  18. Dmaster
    what happens if you're on hard mode, without acces to that one specific sub tank?

    and how the hell am i meant to beat Leganchor on hard mode? O.o i mean you beat him, and are left with like one life and half your gauge thingie (unless you beh pro or something) and then you get ambushed by all these little things! >.<

    oh, oh Falco, do what i do! stick close to the walls with the second to last boss, and jump over his attacks and stuff, then against teh last, sit there in teh corner charging teh ZX buster while attacking everything that comes within range with the saber, dash jump up, shoot, go back, then when he goes to second stage, change to model Hx, and charge both saber things to second level, release teh whirlwind thing, one then the other and he should be on third stage... (model ZX time!) then you look up how to dodge his attacks, do so accordingly, jump up slash him with teh saber, dash away, charge, when he forces you to jump, shoot him, slash him, and repeat until you win... oh, and try to reserve your sub tanks...

    oh and, antiweapon, you can always do what i do (sorta cheating) have 2 sub-tanks, and just dash back and forth in the little hallway spaces they give you between the Flying and ice dudes and the fire and phantom guys, and then do it again before you get to teh final boss until you have full sub-tanks... and for extra lives, after you beat the wind dudes, go back, climb teh wall fly up (model Hx) fly dah across slash, do the dame again to go up, get the life, go down, through the door, then back again and repeat till you have 9 lives... and tehn realise the megaman are part cat! O.O and so's Sonic!

    and does anyone else feel cheated that they didn't let you use model Z seperately?
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  19. Dmaster
    umm... i believe that as others have said, Riku will be a boss.
    But everyone seems to think the game will end when Roxas was beaten, but what happens if we go straight through twilight town, and somehow end up exploring Sora's soul, right up until the final battle with Sora at the end...

    then you may also get hidden bosses, but as we have nothing on the 14th member ('cept it's a she) we can't really say if she's been messing with Sora or not...

    for all we know she could be the female knight from the hidden ending but that's highly unlikely...

    anyway, tis just my opinion, but i think you'll fight Riku in ansem form, be beaten, get a cut-scene where he's being put into cyber world, and then do something else as he progresses there, then once Sora's awake, BAM we're back as Roxas fighting through his soul until we fight Sora...

    if you think about it, this helps why they fought inside Sora's soul in the KH 2 cutscene and the actual final mix boss battle...
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Dmaster
    heya big D i really really need your help...
    Post by: Dmaster, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Forum Families