There used to be a "chat" button that we had to temporarily get rid of. Until it's back, I'll PM you the invite!
Everything can be talked in General. So long as it doesn't violate the rules
You got my vote and support. You're good at it. You should do it. Even if not for KHV. I can give a rundown on common stream stuff like alerts, bots, raids, etc if you wanna do it.
Sans disapproves
I should ask, what form would you guys want this to exist in and what can I do to help it go through? Here's how we could get them on Twitch: Spoiler Things covered by Fair Use are allowed*
Any feedback?
Seeing as we can have custom emotes in our Discord group, it'd be nice if we had a form or even an event for all the graphic artists around here to make some rockin' emotes for us to spread and use across Discord chats. (If you do a contest, we could get the community in on the voting annnd aware pins of emotes to the winners so they'd have a bit of pride on the line too) Here's the guide Twitch uses for its emotes, so we could reword this into a submission guideline: And if we use Twitch more, we could upload them to Better Twitch TV so we could get some spread around Twitch. Excellent suggestion Jay. Good job. Join the chat here.
So wait, who goes next? The person who gets it right? Rules unclear.
Gotchu fam Spoiler
Truss me fam. I know.
Maybe he's into that. Good for him. Traps need more love.
I can say I've gone to mark something creative before but there was no creative to mark.
>Aqua's really quick to save her friends. She doesn't think twice about helping them when they're in danger. >Sora's really quick to save his friends. He doesn't think twice about helping them when they're in danger. >Roxas's really quick to save his friends. He doesn't think twice about helping them when they're in danger >Tron's really quick to save his friends. He doesn't think twice about helping them when they're in danger. I can say this about literally any character in this franchise who's ever been playable. Fuck, you can say all this about Riku and he actually tried to sacrifice his friend to the dark lord. And all of these characters have had self-doubt and low esteem at one point. Seriously, all this thread talks about is her martyrdom... All of it...
That's why she has the ice cream mini-game.