You really deserved the happy ending. It was a pleasure getting to know you and I'm glad you came out.
THEY LISTENED AND PUT IN A DARK MODE? BLESS Thanks @libregkd We kept asking and they made it sound like it wasn't happening
Correct. Please be flattered. You did good work. See, the ability to quote it is super important I feel. Because no one praises commercials for their movie quality. And even if you acknowledge it's not perfect, it means we should try to improve it because.... THAT'S RIGHT WE GOIN' OUT OF ORDER This is PRECISELY why we need better branding, better production, etc etc and to consider all feedback. We don't have a platform where we can say "good enough" and it really is because our audience will watch us anyway. The fact is B agreed, Hayabusa agreed, and a few others agreed in the discord (I wish I could link but I can get screenshots if required). This isn't an excuse to try less, it's an excuse to try more. Which was the spirit of getting a better version of the old intro. But you have to look at what made it successful on its own, which isn't... ..labeling its success on nostalgia. Because the fact is, we had a lot of intros. People only remember one. Why? Because it was memorable. Maybe the time had A LOT to do with it, but in the days of Dazzle, we had a different intro and people didn't take as well. What I'm saying is, you're right, people can be nostalgic about anything. But mainly? People are nostalgic about things they consider good. Hit the notes that they consider good and you'll bring it out. This is not a Pewdiepie situation where we're like "give us 2014 pewdiepie and game videos" when he doesn't want that audience anymore. This is us chasing the same audience and ignoring what will resonate with them. It's too intense for me, and I got some agreements on the discord. I hate to say it, but even if it worked for 0.2, what makes you think it's going to work for say Atlantica? We could maybe make a poll if you like? But I think we should be going for subtle, not "amateur gameplay walkthrough intro." You're welcome. I hope this response doesn't sully the sentiment at all.
So I have some criticisms about the new intro. I like the call back and the animation. Good. I'm aware it spells out Nice touch, but it seems like it was used as a starting point for picking quotes more than it was some sort of benefit. Like, if I were to tell you that your new advertisement had "HM HM" in it, would you really be happy if it didn't seem like some sort sick reference? Remember, this is branding. Not a puzzle. Your ten second intro shouldn't be memorable AFTER the "aha!" moment, but before. And I think the attempt at doing something neat on top of something already neat killed it for me a bit. Idk, maybe no one else agrees. But whenever I see people remember our old intro (like the TFS shoutout), it's some abstract quote Xal chose on TOP of the names. I don't think hm-hm carries the same power as "I'm a fool" or "you're right" This leads me to the second critique and god I'm sorry if the wording here hurts some feels... The music is a good choice ON ITS OWN. But this is not going to be seen on its own. Outside of this post, not once. It's going to be a lead up. The old intro's background music was more like a noise for a reason, and it was a good reason I think deserves some respect here because it CLEARLY worked. Instead, you have built it up with fast paced music that then goes to cold silence as we transition to SORA GOOFING OFF ON DESTINY ISLAND OR ROXAS MESSING ABOUT IN TWILIGHT TOWN. It only works when transitioning into scenes that start off as action vs anything more chilled about. And I bet you anything that most of our downloads are the Roxas cutscenes in KH2 which all have calm TT music. You're coming off intense violin from a final boss theme to chill Summer break music. IT doesn't work more often than it works. It has the same mentality to me as like when people start off their YouTube video with hard rock and then go to "hey what's p guys today I'm playing candy crush." The juxtaposition is just too much for me.
Thanks Mak.
Thank you Explode.
Last game 5 went in one night. This is tame.
Discord works best. DigitalAtlas#7943 If you don't want to hmu there, hit me up here.
I actually kinda agree with this.
People pay $5 a month to some Twitch people for emotes sooooo nah, not bad.
I'm sorry I ever doubted you. <3 Please come home.
I agree with this. In the discord, Kar said he'd outline the funding and if there were any surplus stuff that we could vote how to use it so I hope that sticks.