Me rn
Can this just be a viral marketing scheme for the screenshare launch. I CAN'T BREATHE. Trying to explain a coding conflict to him was a herculean task. I was not ready for said task.
Did he getchu fam? I got an invite I can pass
I nominate Dr Lux so I can ask him about Smash Mouth
"Everyone who died should not be alive." This might be my new favorite Lexi-ism
Are you really going to tell me that BBS is a better adventure than Dr. Dolittle or Alvin and the Chipmunks?
Arts and crafts don't generally lead to cool adventures the way talking to animals does Also are you high
I don't know you too well despite you being here awhile... BUT MAN you just won this thread and a portion of my heart with that post.
VS C'mon, who really deserves to be rejected. Spoiler Aqua. Spoiler By the fan base
Snow White has friends and can lure animals with her voice.
Cat's occasionally have multiple homes if they wander a neighborhood, but they always come back.
Snow White has interests other than being a martyr.
Welcome back to your old stomping grounds, bud
It slipped my mind until I couldn't figure out where an hour of my life went.
Guys Ams made a typo. On a birthday post. Of all places.