I am more than willing to post there. Are you in any good rps that you can recommend joining?
I think I may be a Heartless
So is it a site for one big RP or is it whattever you want it to be?
I do what I can, I'm here for you if you ever need to get rid of it. I know I know, its a noble thing to do but I am just a man. *sun pours in...
I can take it off your hands for you ^_^
I agree the Shadows are adorable Just look at my avatar.
I don't see a link in you sig
Its all good, I can defiantly relate to that. This computer is junk.
I may be new here but I can try and help you if you would like. How are your families relations with your grandfather? What kind of person is he.
Are you still there?
Glad I found out this place has rpers. I haven't had a good place to rp in a while. The sites I were on would just die. But this site seems to be...
"So we are pretty much to do whatever we want to do?" he inquired. He was thinking this might not be such a bad idea after all.
That sounds cool. Kind of rolls off the tongue. So I take it you are a RPer too.
"Care to elaborate? What are we supposed to watch over?" he asked. "It would really help me out a lot if you wouldn't be so cryptic." he stated honestly. Seriously this chick was confusing him first she stops him from killing Sora and Xemnas and now this watching over stuff.
Lol, close with the last one. It's Shane. I just kicked off the S. Couldn't make it work. XD
You guys can count on me. I will post as much as I am able to. <o/
Hi brad its nice to meet you
I know what you mean. I am gonna have to go see it when it comes out.
Hi everyone. I am new here and I would like to say Hello. Its awesome being on this site so far and I have made a friend. If you would like to be my friend then I got no problem with that. Well uh Hi and I hope to have more fun.
I am going in for Basic Programming and if I do good in that during my first semester I will be switched of to game programing.