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  1. Nexah
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Nexah for Kaidron Blaze, Oct 13, 2009
  2. Nexah
    I will try some one moment.
    Profile Post by Nexah for Kaidron Blaze, Oct 13, 2009
  3. Nexah
  4. Nexah
  5. Nexah
  6. Nexah
  7. Nexah
  8. Nexah
  9. Nexah
  10. Nexah
  11. Nexah
  12. Nexah
    Profile Post

    Dude, is Nerx evil?

    Dude, is Nerx evil?
    Profile Post by Nexah for Vladimir Makarov, Oct 13, 2009
  13. Nexah
    Hey Maik, if you have any spare time could you fix a slight typo on mine? No rush but if you could. I made a typo in my request and it was supposed to say seen instead of see. Thanks a bunch if you could and I'm sorry.
    Post by: Nexah, Oct 13, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  14. Nexah
  15. Nexah
  16. Nexah
    OOC:Sorry I had computer problems. Back now.

    BIC: Nexah had enough of this man at this point. "Who cares" he said to Micro, " I don't care what she or you thinks will happen. She may hate us when we get her heart back, that is a possibility, but their is a thin line between love and hate. We are her friends and her family, we will support her and get her through any guilt she has. I may not have a heart but I can remember what it was like to have one. And you, you don't deserve the one beating inside your chest. Your not going to get the chance of getting into her heart ever again." Nexah said and then jumped up to the bell section, facing off with Micro
    Post by: Nexah, Oct 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nexah
  18. Nexah
  19. Nexah
  20. Nexah