I like KH2's storyline better. Character dept was good. =]
NaruHina SasuHina // LOL. CRACK pairing haha. IchiRuki
I love The Nightmare Before Christmas. Aladdin is second. ^_^
I love Birth by Sleep!! Deep Dive is second haha..
Belle would sooo win!!!!!!! XD
Mira - Spanish for "look" Sugoi - Japanese for unbelieveable, neat, awesome, etc. lookAwesome. lookUnbelievable. blah blah. you get the point. lol =]
I am excited big time! I wanna see my friends already! And yet, I am incredibly nervous. New school ugh.
^Ahh, thats gotta suck. Dogs are cool..though some scare the crap out of me. And ...Aww cute doggies ^_^
It was 20 bucks on Gamestop and it was the only thign that looked good compare to the other games, that my little christmas gift card can afford. jaja.
YAY im in. XD Character Name: Elita Vega Age: 15 Personality: A stubborn girl who hates losing but is actually friendly. Appearance: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x...girl/brown.jpg Weapon/Ability: A sword that can manipulate water in two of its stages[liquid and gas] Alliance: Peace Maker Character History: Elita likes sports so, no surprisingly, she is an athletic person. Only knowing a bit of the Sol Emerald due to her family thinking it was safer not letting her know much, she is extremely curious about it …especially lately after hearing a lot of fuss about it after she unintentionally overheard a conversation, finding out that one of her ancestors were that of the five powerful magicians. Elita is currently working extremely hard to learn how to manipulate water in its solid stage but still isn’t even close. She can’t ask anyone for help because she refuses to manipulate water without her sword, which her family finds odd. So, everyday she goes out in the forest to a waterfall that’s not far and tries practicing there.
Maximum The Hormone has some crazy songs. haha. I like it when the girl in the band sings though.
Linkin Park is awesome. I just dont like their new album at all. Boring stuff. haha. One song was okay...bleed it out..i think..something like that.
DIdn't like it. And the dance that Zac Effron did made me laugh so hard. XD Haha, well I did like one song..kinda. That Breaking up sorta song when he and Vanessa were ..well, breaking up.
I think the new one is a bit nicer ^_^
Gah! I love Twilight. And I want to read Eclipse sooo bad but I got no one to take me to the bookstore and buy it! Grr. --wishes she can drive--
^ Lol, the way Lord Knight Xiron makes it sound. Riku was the one who did most of the stuff..that actually helped at least. Or who cared the most xD Well my vote goes to Riku!
I've only seen up to episode two. Its alright I guess... i'll start watching it again tomorrow though.
Ha yeah! I was like "I know someone by that name!" xD Yeah Marcy is way easier. Got bored with Cerulean Serenity...reason being I'm now miraSugoi. Again, welcome to the forums =]
Ichirin no Hana is my ultimate fav.
Movie was funny! Spider Pig, Spider Pig, Does Whatever A Spider Pig Does... LOL