Congratulations, @Cat~ and @61 had a baby boy! Yayyy!
The internet is for fun, not hate If anyone knows where this is from probable not though
Bye Nova!!! I'm a little late though :( Have fun
My lute is in the top percentage of lutes
Literally me everytime my dad attempts to use technology. So anyway, I got a Spider-Man bed set for Christmas, because it's marvel and awesome, and I put it on my bed a few minutes ago and then said " I can sleep safely tonight." The look on my sister's face was equal to that of a disappointed teacher. She was so done with me.
Haha, no. It's always the least obvious choice.
The only thing I will do is confirm any guesses on what the game is. :D
Enzy asked you out on a date and now you guys are sweethearts :> ♥♡♥♡
Congrats @Hayabusa and @Fearless for having a baby boy (Llave)! (This game is getting weird lol)
My dad just gave me a $165 gift card for the bookstore >///<
Okay ok okay I got like 5 pop vinyl dolls, a Spider-Man bed set, two packs of socks (I am so happy omg), my sister got me like 50 pairs of headphones because I go through headphones like no ones business, the new skylanders game, lol rp points, a Wal-Mart gift card and a pretty rad sweater.
Happy birthday! For your present you will have a baby named after you. YAY!
Happy ChristmaHanaKwanza and everything in between :> ♥♡♥♡★☆★☆•○●□■◇◆♧♣▪▲▼▶◀↑↓←→:-);-):-D
You didn't look at it soon enough. The doublescoop doesn't deserve your roll
Since 2014 is almost over I guess we can start posting the ones we read this year, if you guys even read (you heathens). And I changed the title to books instead of book so we can post more than one. Yay!!! My favorites this year were - Cress by Marissa Meyer - Reborn by C.C. Hunter - Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (obviously) - Jane's Melody by Ryan Winfield - The Maze Runner Series (my fave charcter died o-o)