I totally forgot to post here >< Happy New Year everyone!!!!
You three already went. You had a nice trip. Cat brought me back a rock from Mars. Yay!
@Cat~ , @61, and @Highlandeɼ are going to space!!!
HI Tale
After watching the teaser after Agent Carter it's still kind of hard to tell exactly how accurate the movie is going to be but so far it seems pretty good.
I got the first trade and I'm trying to get the second one cause I found it for 9.99! I already love it >< I've been waiting to read it for months.
Nova is gone too :< :0 bad jiku, no doublescoops.
How could I not? These two are adorable together!
No way man. It takes out all the fun :P Btw Krowley is dating Hatsune Miku.
Krowley reapplied for kindergarten and got accepted which made Beau worried. Which reminds me, Enzy and Amaury had a baby named Misty and she's almost all grown up.
How is this a happy dance time?
I got the whole first volume of Saga :> Except my sister had to get it for me cause I was underage :/
Hulk is the strongest there is
Yay! Happy Marvelness~!
Don't pessimise my new year, I had zingers at 12:00 a.m. which brings me goods tidings for 2015. Never underestimate the power of zingers.
Happy 2015, another year of awesome stuff from Marvel!
Okay guys, six more days until the Agent Carter premier (but guess what's not coming back till march :<). I'm totally ready, but I swear to god if they show a scene of Cap crashing into the ice anywhere in the first episode I don't think I can make it because that was heartbreaking. To be honest though I still don't know how I feel about Daredevil but I gonna watch all of it either so, whatever. Has anyone else got any news on it because I haven't really found anything.
My dogs recognized my pattern so if I do wake them up they won't care nwcause they know who it is.