KH:CCC Alpha? I Love it lmao, seriously though amazing job, you deserve an award.
Have you ever heard of a game called God Of War?, I'm not being rude or anything just simply asking. Or there is Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2?, uhh Final Fantasy Tactics,Crisis Core and Dissidia. Uh I believe there are a few Dragonball Z games, along with, Tekken. I can't really think of what else right now. Oh of course Star Wars and Soul Calibur, these are just some games, out of many.
Hm excellent point but, Where I live it's a lot easier to get bundles and stuff like this, so I will :poketoungeb:
Oh i forgot all about Re:coded lol, thanks to the Kingdom Hearts 3D. Why can't it exist? Why not get the bundle? 4gb memory stick, a new firmware if i'm not mistaken, specially designed PSP and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, what's bad about it?
WOW!!! Amazing job, this is really useful. Is this the final or do you plan to add more?
Is this a serious question? lol. Axel is the best out of the entire group, sure he got Zexion killed and basically set up for Marluxia's death as well, but he is still the best. Also Fire rules, which axel has control of :poketoungeb:
You know the new DS Kingdom Hearts game is for The 3DS. Which cost 300 and the PSP bundle is $199.99 , so yeah your logic doesn't really makes sense.
Why not? Are you also not getting Birth By Sleep?
I did the exact same thing and Kingdom Hearts was also my first RPG. As for all of you who made mistakes, this is what happens when children play RPGs, lmao
Ah OK, same here but, I've been saving up from now and i will until september :P
Am I the only one getting this bundle?
Does anyone know the best way and/or place to get exp? I'm done the game and I'm at level 96,I'm trying to reach 100. I have all the items and everything is done. I have a level doubler that has two more empty places, so I just need two more level ups. Now I decided in order to get experience, I would go to mission mode and play the last level(Riku). I have the extreme ring equipped, everytime I finsih that level I get 6348 exp, if i'm not mistaken. So is there somewhere where I can get more than that? If so, please let me know. Yeah sorry for the double post, this is just an update, basically. I have now reached level 100, finally!!! Thanks anyways :P
Well it's good upgrade if you ask me, better graphics, wifi you can use your wireless just like psp, analog, two cameras and a 3d switch that can turn the 3d off or on. What more can you ask for?
oh my bad lol, well then happy belated birthday!!!
I hear True Blood is better.....
Hey there how are you? I couldn't happen but realize it's your birthday today? If it is, Happy Birthday!!!!, I hope you have the best birthday...
Arghh Wii haven?
From the other site?
Fracture is that you?
Yeah I don't really want the at at the end.I had send a message to Repliku or however you spell his name. So if i could plzzz lose the at at the end, it would help. Plus whehn signing in i always forget the at at the end. @DPWolf Yeah I really did just wanted people to check out that site, no it's not mine but it's a good site lol.