The two of them started, turning to the sound of Matt's voice. "See?" Reppamon said, sounding pleased with himself. "I knew there was something up." She chose to ignore the remark and took a step closer to Matt. "And we're so thrilled to have your approval," she snapped. "But you've had your fun. Mind telling us what this is all about?" She waved her hand toward the general area that Boromon had been in.
Skyler went over to Reppamon's side and assessed the burns. "You should have been more careful," she chastised. "I'm fine," Reppamon replied, though winced a little. "I can't help but wonder why that thing attacked here, of all places." He shook his head, befuddled. "Stop trying to analyze everything. It might have been a random attack. Besides, it's gone." She glanced over at Haru, watching him. "Y'know, he's not as idiotic as I thought."
Honestly, I like to wait a bit for more information before I make any real theories, but for stuff like BBS it helps pass the time. And when you're absolutely wrong, you can shrug it off and say, "Well, I was WAY off."
Nice gallery. I love your crazy looking animals.
I read it several years ago for school; it was a great book, and I always read ahead even though my teacher told me not to. >.> As for the ending, the author said something about him going home. I should probably reread it so I can understand what she meant.
-_- No, I'm sorry, no. For those of us who've played the game, it would just be a boring repeat. Sure, if it was CG, it would be nice (for me) to see Axel in all his CG glory. Besides, isn't the manga enough?
It suddenly dawned on Reppamon what everyone was trying to do. He feinted, making it seem like he was going to dodge the bubbles, but instead moving forward and lodging his blade into the claw's gap, trying to pry it further open. In the process, he was unable to escape getting hit by some of the bubbles.
I don't know about Final mix, but overall KH2 is better. The storyline is deeper, the fighter much more interesting (and easier, though that's not necessarily a good thing), and the gummi ship thing is more bearable. Though there's just something about KH1...
ooc: Trust me, I do. I edited my post.
You should be scared. Those toilet paper things are out to get us. I did something like that once, though it was in a well lit room and I slipped on grocery bag someone stupidly left there.
It was now so dark that Skyler had difficulty navigating the street even with the streetlights, so she followed the white form of Kudamon, who could see far better than her. After a few moments, he stopped, tensed, and stared at an unseen something in another direction. "What are you look-" Skyler cut herself off as she glanced down at her digivice, its glow cutting through the darkness. "Virus?" Kudamon, who was sensitive to such digimon, nodded. "Then let's go deal with it," she said, holding out the digivice and Kudamon's form metamorphosed into Reppamon's. Skyler automatically clung to Reppamon's back and the two sped off. In record time they made it to where the fight had broken out, spotting Boromon instantly. "What digimon is that?" Sklyer asked in awe, stepping off of Reppamon. He didn't answer. "You don't know, do you?" "I know I can defeat it." Reppamon bent his head down and charged toward the crab digimon, at the last second twisting his body around so he could bring down his blade tail on the claw everyone was so intent on firing upon.
Like Cupcake said, the Uglies series is good. Peeps is good too, though you might need a semi-strong stomach.
Unfortunately, she couldn't match the digimon's speed and it and its trainer got away. "That was pointless," Skyler muttered to herself, futilely looking in all directions for any trace of the digimon. Kudomon leapt down from her shoulders onto the pavement, stretching languorously. "Look on the bright side: You got some exercise." The girl resisted the urge to do something she would regret later. "Let's just head home, it's getting late." "I thought you told Eiki you’d be back?†Thoughtfully, Skyler glanced toward the direction they had just come from. After a minute, she shook her head. “He’ll be okay, I’ll just call him later.†The two turned and started walking down another street.
I have their new album and some of their older songs, which I'll listen to them from time to time, but there are definitely other bands I prefer. Not bad, not outstanding either.
Even fight.;2637074;/fileinfo.html
I think younger. In any case, I used to think she was there because she sort of signified the rivalry Sora and Riku had, and since Roxas and Riku were duking it out... *shrugs* But I don't bother wondering about stuff like that anymore, since I'm usually wrong.
Amaya finally made it over to where the fight between Jaxed and Blade was happening. She stood firmly in her spot, not wanting to intercede on Jaxed's fight.
She nodded. "Rookies," she stated, shaking her head. "They have a lot to learn...but let's get going before we miss all the fun." Without waiting for a reply she opened the door and headed outside.
Skyler stared at the direction the digimon and its rider had went, annoyed but partially amazed at the fact that nobody seemed to care about secrecy. "I'm not sure what it was," she said. "But I think I want to find out. You stay with..." She glanced at Haru. "...your fanclub. I'll be back in a minute." "Have fun!" Kudamon crooned as Skyler dashed off, leaving Eiki alone with Haru.
Amaya had nearly reached the broad doors in the foyer when the sound of resounding footsteps met her ears. She looked over her shoulder warily, as if half-expecting an unwelcome visitor, but relaxed slightly at the sight Hakumei. "It's just you," she said, more to herself than him.