It's never happened to me there. In fact, I've only turned anti-form there once.
I didn't play it, and I understood everything just fine. I should play it, but I don't really like GB games. If only I could play RE:COM...
As soon as the first student caught a glimpse of Viximon, chaos broke out in the classroom. Screams erupted from several of the students, chairs and desks toppled over, and the teacher passed out as soon as Viximon was within arms length. Sighing, Skyler got up from her seat and made her way to the front desk, removing the little digimon from the teacher's head. By this time, many of the students were running through the door, though Skyler walked over to the window and opened it further, joining Lukas on the painter's lift. "This little guy belongs to you?" she asked, nodding to the digimon in her arms.
I've read all KH1, Kh:COM, and only the first in KH2. But I have to say COM, because it was the craziest of the bunch.
Skyler sat down in her seat just as the bell rang, sighing in relief. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Lukas. What is he doing? She made a slight gesture, telling him to go before he was seen, then turned her attention to the teacher.
"Trigonometry," she said, making a slight face. "And yes, I am." The hall was almost completely empty now, a sure sign that the second bell would ring soon. "I gotta go," she said, starting to head off again. "Talk to you later!"
"I'm late, that's what's up." She stopped rushing, taking a moment to look at him and was able to recognize him. "I'm sorry, you were there the other night, right?"
Axel, maybe even Xemnas.
I always wanted to see Sora and Master Chief together, though I doubt they'd get along. Congrats on your 100th post.
The bell rang, and Skyler gratefully closed her notebook and started to head for her next class. She stopped by her locker to pick up a book, and upon opening the door found Kudamon waiting inside. Not bothering to ask how he managed to gett in, she swapped her Biology textbook for a Trig book. "You've got something." Kudamon pushed a white envelope toward her. Curious, she picked it up and tore it open. "A ticket," she noted, slightly surprised. "For Linkin Park's concert." "You going?" he asked her. After thinking it over for a moment, she nodded and slipped it into her pocket. "I don't have a reason not to," she said, grabbing another book. Just at that moment she noticed the time and sprinted off for her next class, leaving Kudamon to follow at his leisure.
ooc: Yay school. Skyler groggily went through the motions of getting ready for school; putting on her usual attire and packing her things into her bag. Not long afterwards, she was in Biology taking copious notes over what was written on the board. Kudamon, who always got bored sitting in her locker, sat on one of the ceiling lights, amusedly watching the class at work.
I think it's a combination of both, though like .Kairi. said it all comes down to the choices the kids themselves make. Parental influence can only go so far.
ooc: ^^ Wow, always wanted a moogle. No, I don't think he'd mind. But I don't think there's much to do without the others on.
ooc: Linkin Park?
ooc: Um..uh...Breaking Benjamin. O.o
How about you pretend I said it. >.>
The digivice still appeared the same, and after inspecting she clipped it to her belt. She watched Matt's departure for a moment before saying quietly, "Let's go home." Reppamon reverted back to Kudamon and started following her, their route an opposing direction. As an afterthought, she added, "See you later, Haru."
She sighed, knowing that what Matt said was right. "Okay then." She pushed the chip all the way in. ooc: Gotta go for a bit.
Hesitantly, Skyler pulled out her digivice and found the slot. "Don't," Reppamon hissed. "I don't like the look of that kid." "I don't exactly find him charming either." She started to push the chip in, but stopped. "What does it do?" she demanded. ooc: sorry I'm so slow to reply.
She managed to catch the small object and carefully turned it over in her hands. "What the heck is this?" she asked, obviously suspicious.