You have to go though intense studying for anything these days, that's how you get an edge against everyone else who wants to do the same thing.
She nodded unconsciously. "Yeah, in a minute or two if I can manage to squeeze through." A small sigh escaped her mouth. "Oh well, it looks like I'm going alone. Some guy from school was going to come with me, but I guess he bailed."
I've talked to him, but he acts like he's never met Sora before. =/
"The concert hall; Linkin Park is here, and I wound up getting a free ticket to their show." She glared at someone who pushed past her to get in, then went on, "I was half-hoping you had gotten one too, but I guess that's not the case."
The balfrog or grog, something like that. I think he was in Kh1. Cruella de Vil would be good, and the insane antagonist from Hunchback of Notre Dame (can't remember his name).
His yawn was loud enough to be heard on her end of the line. "Getting your beauty sleep?" she teased. Skyler glanced over at the door, knowing she would have to go in soon.
Amaya had long since removed herself from where the battle had taken place and had come back to the mansion, currently manning the computer hidden in the basement. It doesn't look like Jaxed is going to do act. I guess our only option is to track down Blade and then... She didn't bother to finish the thought as she became more occupied with the computer.
They're awesome books. I've read all of them so far, and I'm looking forward to Breaking Dawn and her non-vampire related book Host.
Depends, but if cost weren't a factor my choice would be manga.
Flipping the cell phone open, Skyler rapidly dialed a number and put the receiver to her ear. "C'mon Eiki," she muttered to herself.
ooc: Nobody's going to hold it against you for not being on. Skyler waited patiently beside the entrance of the concert hall. The crowd was jostling to get inside and be near the stage. She glanced at the time on her cell phone, noting that there was less than ten minutes until it began but didn't seem worried about the fact.
Welcome to Kh-vids. You'll fit right in.
"History." Looking uneasy, she started to ask, "Look, maybe this is weird of me to ask, but why-" Kudamon appeared out of nowhere, leaping onto Skyler's shoulder and nearly causing her to drop her books. "Sky," he sang, "You'll be late to class." He glanced over at Lukas. "Nice to see you again, kid. You should get a move on too." Skyler glared at her digimon, then with a more friendly expression said, "He's right, but I'll see you after school." ooc: Let's finish up this school thing.
Owl: 28 Hawk (your score: 27) Swan (your score: 22) Wolf (your score: 19) Cougar (your score: 19) Spider (your score: 18) Crow (your score: 17) Otter (your score: 16) Fox (your score: 15) Wolverine (your score: 14) Bear (your score: 14) Horse (your score: 11) Why are my top three birds? =/
Skyler made her way back over to her locker, tossing the books she didn't need inside and grabbing the textbook for her final class. Just as she closed the door, she noticed Lukas sitting on a bench not far away. "Hey," she greeted, walking over to him. "Did you make it back your class?"
Very cute! This is very good, though Sanda is right about Namine. And her arm looks a tad short, but other than that, this is a great pic.
You sicken me!
A surprised look appeared on Skyler's face, soon replaced by a smile. "Uh...okay. Sure."
I still play it from time to time. It is pretty slow in comparison to the second game, and I hate having to move the camera with the shoulder buttons. But it's great in its own way.
Yeah, Repliku got the short end of the stick when it came down to happy endings, and was pretty much emotionally manipulated till the bitter end.