Really? Then maybe I should get my hands on one of those.
A green bustier. Kidding, a sweater-ish short sleeved shirt.
I wish. It'd be nice to try all that stuff out, but the closest I get is watching the cheat code exhibitions.
It seems like a strong possibility, but I guess we won't find out unless there's a code to get the wooden sword after you get the Keyblade back. Still, its a cool observation.
Hmmm...I never tried that. A glitch maybe?
I think this is the wrong place for this. :/
Skyler had been intently focused on the performance but managed to tear her eyes away and grin at Lukas. "I'm having a great ti-" She was cut off something sharply slapped against her face and turned to the perpetrator, giving him an irritated look. After a minute, she sighed and said, "Its okay." ooc: can't wait till we get this rp moving again.
When Demyx died I laughed because he was just so darn dramatic. And when Axel died I was, I went, "NOOO!!! I could've killed those Dusks!" But no crying.
Master form, and final form is a close second.
Sephiroth is 30-ish at best. The only way I see data bosses of Sora and the others being in BBS is if they decided to do some future meets past thing, which would really mess with people's heads. And I think Mickey would be too involved in the actual story to be a secret boss. But you never know.
It sounds like Hero/Heroine by Boys Like Girls. Not sure though. =/
Skyler nodded eagerly and followed Lukas through the crowd closer to the stage. The band was on the verge of starting their first song, the sound of their guitar riff echoing throughout the hall.
"He stayed home," she explained. "This isn't exactly his favorite pastime." She bent over a little and greeted his digimon as well. "You staying out of trouble?" she asked Viximon.
Skyler immedietly turned toward the person who tapped her. "Hey," she greeted cheerfully. "I thought you'd never get here."
Great story. Hard to imagine Sora as the mastermind behind the whole thing. XD
Maleficent, because she was one of the major villains in KH1 and she's gangsta.
Cloud, Riku, and Axel. Zexion too, buo only for his crazy hair.
ooc: ^^ I haven't gone to one either Deathsight, but still it's my pleasure. Moving through the crowds was like swimming upstream; she was continuously pushed, elbowed, and shoved back, but she positioned herself in a good spot. Soon after, the band appeared and the crowd shouted in response. When the noise died down a bit the lead singer stepped forward and said a few words clearly meant to get the audience excited. The crowd let out another batch of ear-piercing screams. Not quite as enthusiastic, the girl was just looking forward to when the band started to play.
She raised an eyebrow, obviously skeptical. "Okay, if you say so." She glanced up suddenly, noting that the noise was suddenly diminished. The bulk of the crowd had gone inside and she was virtually alone. "Gotta go, Eiki," she said hurriedly. "That guy I told you about, Lukas, is here." She pressed END, shaking her head in puzzlement. "Why that excuse?" she wondered aloud. With that, she ran inside the concert hall.
"No, it's not like-" She frowned, cupping her hand around her other ear so she could hear the phone better. "Is something wrong?"