There were hundreds of keyblades in that place. I guess they were tired of designing new ones. I agree; It would get rid of the whole idea of good ALWAYS triumphing over evil.
Room for one more? Name: Kestrel Age: 18 Gender: Female History: Lost all family at the age of four and was taken into a research facility to be experimented on. Through sheer luck, she managed to escape several years later. Now she's a nomad, staying in one town for a week or so before moving on. Although she usually enjoys the company of other people, she keeps to herself so no one finds out she is a "freak". Abilties: Is a pyrokinetic (burns herself if not careful) and is capable of a few other forms of psionics. When in vulnerable positions, she involentarily goes into "Preservation mode" where she becomes void of all emotion and destroys her surroundings, usually burning herself out in the process. Anything else: Has a scar from a burn she gave herself when she was still in the research facility. Also is a fairly good mechanic. Appearence:
I'm glad its not real. LoZ wasn't meant to be made into a movie. Especially not with the Link they used in their trailer.
Stitch. Frankly, I found Chicken Little quite annoying. :/
Short vid things? Are you talking about the videos in the cutscenes archives?
Right now I would say no because I can really think it over. But if I was suddenly given that option, I would probably say yes impulsively and regret the choice later.
I've completely gone through the first game two times and the other one four times, though I still replay certain parts on both of them.
Either the Lion King or Snow White.
Yup, Monty is definitely talented. For FD III he's having a contest to make Rikku's dresssphere for her fight against Ayane. Can't wait for the third one to come out.
Eh...I don't know. Seeing as they're just characters in a game, no way in hell would I save them with my own life. Even if they were real, I doubt I'd die for them. Though I would seek bloody revenge.
Cloaked Schemer is the best, then Silent Hero. Though if I were picking one of the nicknames for myself, it would be the Superior because its so simplistic.
Oh well. Thanks for trying it out though so that nobody else would make that same mistake.
Probably because KH2 ended very similarly to how KH1 began.
I've had a dream where I was Larxene, and people were trying to kill me because I was being too nice. :/ And then there was another one where Axel gave me a pair of socks but that one doesn't really count.
Let's see...I love hummus (sp?), sushi and sashimi, escargot, cavier, and melon bread. Barbecued bugs are good too, but they don't really go under any culture. And I love mexican food, but NOT Taco Bell.
I remember when I get the trial for Vegas. By the time I figured it out, the 30 days were up. -_- Very cool vid. The lip synching was pretty good and you didn't overwhelm with effects. Fave!
"Reppamon!" Skyler called out. "I know, I know!" Reppamon rushed forward, swinging his tail to create a powerful current. "Razor Wind!" The attack hit Kyubimon's fire balls and cancelled her attack so Greymon wouldn't be harmed. Then, so quickly he was only a faint blur, he darted behind the digimon and moved in on his unprotected back. "Lion Claw!"
Skyler nodded and was about to run out of the concert hall when a voice stopped her. "Thought I'd save you the trip," Kudamon said, springing lightly onto her shoulder, "And come here on my own." "You were here all along, weren't you?" Skyler asked, amused despite the situation. Kudamon said nothing, only looked embarrassed. "You're such a snoop," Skyler teased. She activated her digivice and Kudamon digivolved into Reppamon. ooc: Yeah, I feel for ya Deathsight. I hope you get your computer working soon.
"The band is great," she said to Lukas. "And the song was..." She trailed off, suddenly noticing that the digivice on her belt was glowing. Unclipping it, Skyler stared at the screen and the pulsing dot. The next instant, she heard a scream and turned toward the sound, at once seeing the man being attacked by the digimon. Of all times to leave Kudamon at home, why tonight?! she thought.
The only song I've heard is nine in the afternoon, but I love it. Their old album was great and I have high hopes for this one. Too bad I have to wait till next week to get it on iTunes.