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  1. Black Sinner
    I don't think it would be that difficult, it was a PS game, right? You could probably find it online somewhere.

    And they did talk about a remake, but people started complaining that it wouldn't be the same and would probably ruin their memories of the game.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Black Sinner
    Character from Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core for the PSP.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Black Sinner
    I never played CC myself, but I mostly know Genesis's role. You made a pretty good point.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Black Sinner
    Don't forget he licks Sora when he's summoned. xD Always made me laugh. Oh, and he restores your mp bar.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Black Sinner
    Bend all of the Heartless and/or Nobodies to my will. And then use their awesome power to...BAKE COOKIES.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Black Sinner
    Can't wait to see it. I love the commercial where one of them goes "We can kill each other when it's over."
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Black Sinner
    Love the sig, especially since it has Vincent in it. I like your usage of all those warm colors.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Black Sinner


    It was still drizzling when Kestrel made it to the town. Confident that nobody would touch her precious possession, she left her motorbike parked by the sidewalk. There was damp newspaper lying on the ground which she picked it up and started skimming the front articles. As she read, she passed by two strange boys around her age, though barely took notices of them.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Black Sinner
    I'm just now getting into FFX. The spheregrid is rather intimidating, so though I'm leveled up enough to move many, many spaces, I haven't moved much because I don't know which directions I want the characters to go. ^^;
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. Black Sinner
    U.S. box art. The other two remind me of comic book illustrations, theough the european one isn't so bad.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. Black Sinner


    I see, makes sense. I didn't even consider the SAT until high school. >.< Never taking it again either. Though it would have been a good idea to prepare for it better.

    And yes, after you take the test your inbox gets flooded with stuff from other colleges, colleges you never HEARD of, or consider going to.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. Black Sinner


    Its not a bad score, the average score is in the 1550's.

    All I did was take the PSAT the year before I took the SAT, and I took the SAT itself only once. Why is everyone taking it in middle school though?
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. Black Sinner

    The Giver

    *shudder* I always figured there was something funky about the release business. Sugarcoated term if you ask me.

    I think I read somewhere that the town he came to was his own town, that he somehow doubled back or something.

    Gathering Blue is also an interesting book by the way.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Literature
  14. Black Sinner
    I like it, though in my opinion it needs to be sharpened a little.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Black Sinner
    1, 9, and 13 are my favorites.

    Aren't 5 and 15 repeats?
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. Black Sinner
    Cool, but kinda random. The only reason Sephiroth is there is because he's supposed to Cloud's darkness, making him somehow fit into the game.

    Still, if they did put him in I wouldn't be the one to complain.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Black Sinner
    The final fight with just Riku, Sora, and Xemnas. But if I had FM it would probably be the Roxas vs. Sora fight, it looks pretty cool.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Black Sinner


    ooc: Lol. Sorry for longness. Lazy people can read the last three sentences.

    A girl opened the hood of a classy sports car and observed the interior. "Here's the problem," she said to the couple who owned the vehicle. She quickly reached in and tightened a loose component. "It should be okay now," Kestrel said, closing the hood and stepping back. "Try it."

    The man turned the key, and vehicle instantly let out a low hum which only a few minutes ago had been an alarming rattle. "Thank you so much," the woman said to Kestrel. "He's terrible with fixing things, though he'd never admit it."

    "Its nothing, really." Kestrel started to walk off.

    "Wait!" the woman called. "The least we could do is offer you a ride to wherever you're going."

    The girl held up her hands, shaking her head. "Thank you, but I have my own ride." She jerked her thumb to where her motorbike sat several yards behind their van. It was an antique; some parts of it decades old and horrible rusted, yet Kestrel lovingly maintained the machine. The woman frowned, as if the idea of Kestrel riding in it scared her, but said her goodbyes and drove off with her husband. Kestrel watched them for a few moments before climbing on her bike and driving in the opposite direction, toward a town she was very interested in seeing. It started to rain as she neared the town.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Black Sinner
    The Phantom was pretty easy once I figured him out, but before that I mad because having the Phantom at the clock tower meant I couldn't open any of those chests. Kurt Zisa was harder, though fun.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Black Sinner
    The kids I babysit for force me to watch that Hannah Montana show she's in (>.< Evil children) but I don't feel one thing or another for her. But her singing is awful.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion