I'm sure if there was any chance 358/2 days would be on the wii we would have heard about it a long time ago.
A reminder to get my 2-4 servings of fruit.
Yes, Leah. She was a little selfish, especially at the end of the book. *sigh* Poor Jacob.
Agreed. After that incident I didn't feel very sorry for her.
ooc: Hexin pretty much pronounced it dead. It was fun while it lasted.
I don't have anything against yaoi, but I really don't like any of them in the KH games, such as rikuXsora, axelXroxas, roxasXsora, and xehanort's heartlessXriku. Though in fanfictions and comics they can be very funny. larxeneXdemyx: If Demyx ever dated her, he'd be dead in two days.
xD I know! At first I assumed it had something to do with his blitzball sport, but that theory was quickly disproved. The pants aside its a pretty good outift design. Off topic again. *smacks self*
xD You mean Wakka, right? Yes, I've picked up the game only recently and Tidus is great, though I have an irrational desire to fix his uneven pants. Sorry for being off topic.
My sister and I pronounce it, "That weird, number-y kingdom hearts game coming out for the DS," or simply, "358 days divided by 2."
I say Tidus because its impossible for me to pick between Sora and Riku. And also because he talks so cute in the game. ^^
Its a tad rough, and there were one or two times in the middle where you could have chosen better video sequences. But I think its rather good, especially if its your first time with Vegas.
Even worse than HMS is the cult classic, six Razzies nominated Xanadu. XD Its the worst musical I have ever seen.
It would probably be good for the kids that move around, that way they wouldn't have to adjust to such different school systems, but a lot of people would not like the federal government having that much control. And on topic: AP Biology Business/Document Processing (Taken against my will) Advisement AP British Literature Business Law Government Stat/Discrete (Didn't have to take it... but I wanted to)
That, and when I finally gave up on the hope that KH2:FM would eventually come to America. *sigh*
When the fight had broken out, Kestrel had looked on with shock to see super-powered beings like her. Fascinated as she was, she started to step back. Better not get involved, she thought. This isn't my fight.
That's good advice. Would've been nice if I had it when I had taken the test.
Ugh. >.< Hate it, hate it, hate it. Especially once I was stuck in a cabin as a counselor to a bunch of girls who would sing it nonstop.
I'm definitely playing it after I steal my little sister's DS.
Highlight the world you want to turn into a link, push the insert link button (button with the world on it) and a box will pop up. Paste the address of the site you want into the box.
Anniversary? Oh yes, that was a great game. But most companies think that since the game they're remaking was so wonderful that they don't have to work as hard. Demo movie for FF7 remake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-FGrAtQl2k