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  1. Black Sinner
    Instead of going to her room, Echo visited one of the training rooms and started to go through her drills.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Jul 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Black Sinner
    Thanks Deathsight, nice to see ya again too. ^^

    Bic:Echo strolled purposefully through the corridors, looking detached yet fully aware of what was going on around her. Beside her was a child several years her junior whom she was escorting. The child was not only disobediant, despite his lifetime at the facility, he was displayed little talent in his training.
    They stopped outside one of the rooms and the boy looked at her puzzlement. "This isn't the punishment room," he said.
    "I wasn't instructed to take you there," Echo replied flatly.
    "Then what-"
    Without waiting for him to reply, she shoved him into the dark room, and shut the door. It was a room of last resort, his last chance to prove he had worth in the facility. She very well might not see his face again.
    Echo started to make her way back to her quarters. When she was almost there something caught her attention and she stopped to look. A boy was talking quietly to a girl, who looked nearly paralyzed with fear. Echo looked away. 'It's best to mind your own business,' she told herself, walking away.

    ooc: Sorry for the long intro.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Black Sinner
    I hope its not too late to join.

    ooc name: Black Sinner
    Character name: Echo
    Personality: Most of the time she is calm and collected, exhibiting the emotionless attitude that everyone seems to favor.
    Strengths: Is a proficient fighter with hand-to-hand combat and some weaponry. Excels at stealth.
    Weaknesses: Isn't quite as physically strong as some of her comrades. Also is a bit mentally unstable.
    Bio: Early on in her life, she was put through exceptionally brutal training. While making her a valuable asset and obedient, this caused a bizzare reaction in her psyche; during rare incidents she will lose control of herself, lashing out at her comrades and causing disastrous results if she's not restrained.
    Other: Nada
    Post by: Black Sinner, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Black Sinner
    I'd have to say Kh2 Cloud's is the best. But if I could steal anybody's clothes for myself it would have to be Kh2 Riku's on account of it looking cool and comfy. ^^;
    Post by: Black Sinner, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Black Sinner
    I find it kind of pointless to hate the main character. Being indifferent about him is one thing, but to hate him and still play the game?

    Personally, I like Sora. He's not the deepest character and may be dense from time to time, but he's still a great character.
    Post by: Black Sinner, May 9, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Black Sinner
    I got frustrated with him a few times, but I don't even come close to hating him. Of the three main characters he's probably the most complex. And he's kinda cute to top it off.
    Post by: Black Sinner, May 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Black Sinner
    These are the only places he appears outright: Here and Here.
    Post by: Black Sinner, May 4, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Black Sinner
    I don't hate her. She's just too... nice to hate. Though it would be nice if she could actually fight.
    Post by: Black Sinner, May 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Black Sinner
    Zombie Loan
    Kingdom Hearts 2 series (why are they taking forever to come to the US?)
    Fruits Basket
    Death Note
    Chibi Vampire
    Various others I can't remember.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 27, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Black Sinner
    I have so many other movies I want to see first, but if I got the chance I would like see it. It seems pretty cute from the commercial.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Black Sinner
    Teletubby world or a Barney world. *shudder*

    A DDR might not be so bad, depending on what you like.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Black Sinner


    Sounds quite interesting. Maybe I should give it a try.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Black Sinner


    I've heard about it and thought about whether or not I should buy it. Is it good? Whats it about?
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Black Sinner
    It usually logs you off if you don't do anything for a few minutes. Just check the box to remember you when you sign in.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 20, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Black Sinner
    I agree with ICSP. The Sleeping Beauty events have already taken place in BBS (the past). If you look closely in one area in the End of the World in Kh1, it looks a lot like Sleeping Beauty's world when Maleficent filled it with thorns.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Black Sinner
    I mostly shop on iTunes, but the last real CD I bought was Evanescence's most recent album.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: Music
  17. Black Sinner
    The fact that we'll never get Final Mix. And also, even though the games are for a younger audience, I wish that some of the stuff couldn't have been slightly more mature.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Black Sinner
    I read the series several years back (though I ended up reading the Subtle Knife first, then Golden Compass, then the third one). They're VERY good books, a nice blend of adventure and action, and best of all they make you think. The books are somewhat anti-Catholic (being Catholic myself, I don't mind) but open minded people shouldn't have a problem.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: Literature
  19. Black Sinner
    Its really good, though the only major criticism I have is that the text is hardly visible, and you misspelled Master Chief's name.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Black Sinner


    Definitely twilight. I'm not perfect, but I haven't been swayed to the dark side yet.
    Post by: Black Sinner, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts