Alexis nodded."Well then....let's go!" Alexis said looking down."Hey Zach....can you let go of my hand?" she asked him.
Chi smiled."Are you glad that we are dating?" Chi asked. OCC: can chi look like this instead: ((i did photoshop on that 1 hehe))
ya and went 2 the dentist.
ignore her, what is she, hitler?
:=D: No, the car is in the pasta. nom nom....:lolface:
i love you for puting that out there...there is yaoi...:lolface:
Sorry bakura,: ) That was very good! And it was a great song 2!:)
(lol oh my!XD) Yeah I'm okay nothing to really brag about tho but good, We should!XD
Xaylor look surprised."Zexy?? Are you okay?ew..." xaylor said looking disgusted. Zexion woke up. He smacked roxas's finger."It's rude to point! I was just shock that Xaylor said Sexy and hot in the same sentence!" zexion wailed.
Sakura nodded."I know that this won't be the last time,Cooper. I know that it will be you defeating him, I just now it." she said looking up into his eyes and kissed him.
Huh?:| face:
Threesome!!!:=D: sorry I took long (I passed out oi) I am gonna draw that or attmept that couple just for yous.X3
Lol hey sorry I feel asleep last nite and has to gos I'll be on later!^^
Lol I claim light!:=D:
Xaylor shook her head."I was saying how sexy you too are! Gay or not it's still sexy! Hehe!" she said smiling.