Yeah...though I'm still at my gma's .....I'm trying to find Internet at her house but it epicly fails. The plus size is that I get to work on my...
Yeah......and Thank you!:glomp: :D
Oh I see...hey btw what does wwhn mean?
Okay thank you!^3^ When I come back home I'll tell u cause it's a long long story....:D
I just feel like I do and oh btw I completely forget um I'll tell u as soon as I can! I only have a short time on the Internet!^^""""" Is that okay?^^
He's doing ok!^^ wait he did what?
Aw thank you and u 2^^ and yes I am! I should have never done that!
Good morning. Hang on. I am at the library with nag tutor!^^''''''""""
I can see tht!^^ ya I missed you guys too^^:glomp: and thx u!^^
Ok figured out my iPod and it has a mic!!!:=D:TTYL!!^^
Nope but I'll tell you tomorrow and thanks for standing by my side :D I really truly appreciate it and thank you I'm sorry I'm such a drama queen.
I just came back u?
Tell u the story tomorrow
erll okay i'll tell u 3morrow in pn btw i dont hsabe light whewre i am so sorry for mispelld i only get a few minutes where i am at....
well.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, im stil at y gmas but ill tell u 3morrow (btw sorry 4 misspells!) its cause i'd have tp PN you and stff plus i...
i'm like stepos ahgead of u damn light wont tun on sorry 4 misspells.
ya ya ya true................. sorry 4 misspells nija but the light won t turn on ><
Um see u around?^^
I will say this once and only once I was being a drama queen a stubborn drama queen who made the biggest mistake of my freakin life.-sigh-
I'm worried about the people on here I ruined my reputation due to my drama queen crap! That's all really...