Whenever I have trouble I level up somemore... ya I know... not great advice, but simple...
I think he was using a card made from Repliku's memories...
I play it on standard mode and it's hard for me... but maybe I'm just not that good...
Definitely Larxene... ugh... it took me forever to beat her!!!
http://vixy.net/ is an online converter or you can download a converter here: http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/...tion_Tools/Xilisoft_iPod_Video_Converter.html
Oh ya I used to have that prob but I don't use WMM anymore. Does it let u put the song in at all cause then u could jus do publish vid(using only the song) and it will put it in WMV format. If that doesn't work then go to WMM settings or whatever and make sure u have it checked where it accepts mp3 formats... If all else fails I can give u a link to a converter...
Happy New Years E!!!
That's weird... do you mean like when you save it. What did you use to make the vid...
The KH1 curaga... I really needed that health. I did'nt like the one in KH2 that much because you like had to wait for it to reload which always got me killed... especially during the Sephy battle...
Oooops sorry... ignore the ultimas edge. I didn't mean to put that in... and ya this is the winners proof...
I don't think they were using him. Of course they were grateful that they had keyblade bearer in their ranks, but it's not like they forced him to join the Organization and the only one who tried to get him to come back when he left was Axel. They wanted him destroyed after he left...
I'm gonna have to say no... I was annoyed that I had to fight all those heartless in the first place...
Mines is the final form... Sora is sooo awesome in that form and you can fly...!
How'd you find all the Orichalum+ ???
What's you fav keyblade in KH2 I'm not sure if there is already a thread for this, but... What's your favorite keyblade in Kingdom Hearts II? (Sorry they're not all in the poll) Mine is the Fenrir keyblade you get from Tifa after you beat Sepheroth. It's AWESOME!!!
I say 9.5 only because it's on the PSP. I wanted it to be on the PS3... Oh well I'm still totally excited about it though...
Wow... really nice poem. It's kinda sad, but it's really good. Great job...!
I was sad about Zexion dying... lol but I guess It was kinda funny how pathetic he sounded...
Riku... Riku... Riku... Riku...! He's hawt, cool, and better than Sora... His personality is also more interesting. I love his sarcasm in the first KH...
Oooooh... I really like the Guardiani song. It starts out sooo pretty. I'm gonna have to find that song so I can put it on my iPod... lol. What language are they speaking?