OMFG CARDZ... I wanna join. Can I be Kairi... And can I be on the memories side...?
Timeless River, Disney Castle, The World That Never Was, and Hollow Bastion(Radiant Garden).
Final Fantasy IX... That's the only FF game I had for the PS1... I never beat it!
Ya most likely... I don't expect Renegade to have a boy friend...
Is that boy friend or best friend...? Lol!
Do you get complemented a lot?
Sweet... your really cute. I'm sorry... I'll stop complementing you...!
Yay... Obviously your Asian, but what are you Korean, Chinese...?
Wow you have really nice hair... your a guy right? Just gotta make sure... not saying you look like a girl...
If your the guy on the left... your hawt...! =d
Just download clips from this site... Your vid was ok... It was kinda boring and plain. You should use a few more FX and some transitions.
Zexion and Demynx... They are smexy!!!
Thx for the friend request...! *smiles*
They both die...... That is all...
No... My parents have no idea that I go on this site and talk to random people. If I told them that, I probably wouldn't be aloud to come on here anymore. They think bad things happen when you talk to people online... whatever it's not like I tell people where I live and stuff... sheesh!
Genesis' sword. His sword is red... how cool is that...!
Avatar: 7/10 Sig: 10/10 (Nero is hawt!)
Wow Namine can fight... I'm confused about one thing though... Who bit who's neck???
Avatar: 7/10 Signature: 8.5/10 Thx...!
Avatar: 7.5/10 Signature: 9/10 (only my personal opinion)