Cause I was being an immature brat and trying to piss you off. Anywho, I'm over it, its in the past. My relationship with you is a lot like my relationship with Adiel, at first we hated each other but now we're like, best friends x3 We can hardly even remember when we hated each other.
I sure hope so >< Im freaking out. I mean, he was like the only member of KHV I made videos to... Besides Emma, but lets forget about that.
It never bothered me, in all honestly. I have the strongest will I think I've ever known... but still, the only mother I have is my stepmom, and she makes up for all the years of torture I took from that *****. Anyways. Point is I'm just scared for my future with Adiel. We now return you to me brooding.
-slitslit- My mother abused me for 12 years then brutally disowned me. I never got the chance to know 'how mothers are' because I never had a true, caring mother.
I don't know, we were just talking, and suddenly his mom got on the computer and started cussing at me, calling me a white ***** and all these other horrible things, then signed off right after telling me never to talk to Adiel again. Adiel's told me that she encourages us as friends, she jokes about us being Boyfriend and girlfriend (lol, pisses us off even though we know shes joking) and thinks we're cool and even was gonna have us meet in January... I'm just hurting a lot right now, I don't know what to do, for soem reason I feel like it's my fault. Adiel is FinalForm, he's one of my best friends in the world.
I'm afraid I'll never be able to talk to Adiel again...
Eh, its nothing worth hiding, I've just lost something precious to me. No death or anything, but still, Im scared.
I'm not IN high school >> I'm depressed for other reasons.
Ugh I'm depressed for the first time in my life...
I can relate on that, its kinda where my greatest fear comes from, dying alone.
I think it better than the first xD "GRANDMA YOU SLUT..."
The Pain series did nothing for me. I stared at it with a "Oh wow, that's interesting" Look on my face. Thats what I get for being an internet troll half the time.
xD You think thats creepy, google search 'The Pain Series'
I have a DVR, but you have to be watching the channel to record it...
...Im not even gonna ask how thats possible.
I swear to god there's a picture somewhere of him wearing the exact same thing as chris... WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT EVEN THE NECKLACE WHAT
You like Warriors <3