Master of pop culture o_O
xD I noticed. But seriously. Lindsay face-rapes him. Gwen is so damn lucky, I wish I was her. Oh wait. I am. Almost.
Off topic, how come Trent lets Lindsay lay her head on his dick but not Gwen? That bastard is such a playa. He's probably done every girl on the island. And Cody.
rofl, people cosplaying as TDI characters? I do that irl all the time. Me, my boyfriend, and Grey all just walk around town as The Gwen-Trent-Cody love triangle. Lol.
Psh, YES. They multiply like mad, it was hot enough when there was one, but now there's two? Trent and Daria must have had a perfect clone baby, now Trent and Gwen are gonna. Daria gives him the same look Gwen does, too. -pokes above pic-
I'm so hungry I could eat an Octorok.
Daria? Personally I've never seen it, but I was browsing /b/ a while ago and there was a thread about the Trent from that show, and I kinda freaked out.
But Trent is too hot for TV. The 2nd Trent =| Come on. You know you want to fuck him. I sure do.
Anyone ever see that show Daria? TDI has no originality in characters, apparently. ...Wtf. They're both named Trent, too.
o_O Well then.
Scott McCord cause if I said Trent I'd get "HESS NOT REALLLL."
rofl xDD But yeah, Patricks never a jealous guy. Its nice.
Why? RoxasNoxas was awesome.
Holy fuck, I didnt even think about that.
Take a left turn, find Muskoka and make it to Camp Wawanakwa, feed it to the campers. Don't waste it on your cat. Oh, but if you see this hot one with black hair, spare him.
I think we've found our new RoxasNoxas.
He's VERY happy xD He was laughing his ass off.
Haha. Cute :3
I do things that young people wanna do, but it's not my fault I fell in love. I just live my life, simple.