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  1. Styx
    I negate it with Wisel.
    Post by: Styx, May 17, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  2. Styx
    I could negate it, but I'm going to try a different approach.
    I chain Legacy Of Yata-Garasu and draw 1 card. 2 cards in hand.
    To that, I chain Ring Of Destruction and destroy 1 Meklord Army Of Skiel. Since its ATK was raised by the other monster, we both lose 1400 Life Points.
    Also, because my monster is destroyed, I can Special Summon 1 Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity from my hand. 1 card in hand.
    I also chain Accumulated Fortune and draw 2 more cards. 3 cards in hand.
    I have one other face-down card and 1 Field Spell card that return to my hand.

    So I have 5 cards in my hand now, among which 1 Fortissimo The Moving Fortress and 1 Spell/Trap card that could be anything.
    I have 1 Meklord Army Of Skiel and 1 Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity on the field.
    You may continue your move.
    Post by: Styx, May 17, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. Styx
    No. Proceed.
    Post by: Styx, May 17, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. Styx

    Styx vs Droid
    LP: 8000
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: No
    VG Exclusives: No
    God cards: Yes
    Hand refill: No
    First player: Me
    Other conditions: No


    Draw Phase
    6 cards in hand.
    Standby Phase
    Main Phase
    I play three 7 cards. 3 cards in hand for a little while, but after they all resolve I draw 3 cards again. 6 cards in hand. I also gain 2100 Life Points. They're now at 10100.
    Then I play Ancient Leaf. I pay 2000 Life Points and draw 2 more cards.
    7 cards in hand and 8100 Life Points.
    I play Fortissimo The Moving Fortress and summon 2 Meklord Army of Skiel monsters (1 Normal Summon and 1 Special Summon). 4 cards in hand.
    I play 2 Boon Of The Meklord Emperor cards and draw 2 cards for each. 6 cards in hand.
    I play Timidity. 5 cards in my hand.
    I place 4 of them face-down. 1 card in my hand.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    End Phase
    1 card in hand.
    Styx: 8100 LP
    Droid: 8000 LP

    Monster card zone
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Spell/Trap card zone
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Your move. I copied this move from my previous duel, with some minor alterations. I did this because I never got the chance to properly test it.
    Post by: Styx, May 17, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. Styx
    Sure. Fill in the blanks of the terms and we can get on with it.

    LP: 8000
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: No
    VG Exclusives: No
    God Cards: You decide
    First player: You decide
    Hand refill: No
    Other conditions: No
    Post by: Styx, May 16, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  6. Styx
    Open for a duel. Preferably against an opponent I haven't faced yet, but it doesn't really matter. Any takers?
    Post by: Styx, May 16, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. Styx
    Always a pleasure. Good luck!
    Profile Post by Styx for Sakura Angel, May 16, 2011
  8. Styx
    What does this have to do with smart people?
    Post by: Styx, May 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Styx


    That's nice, dear.
    Post by: Styx, May 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Styx
  11. Styx
    Yeah, I overlooked the fact that he had it on the field for a while.
    Post by: Styx, May 15, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. Styx
    I'm pretty sure that's not true. There was some kind of complicated rule called "missing the timing", which says that you can only chain to the last effect that would resolve. In this case, discarding.
    I'm not sure if I'm explaining this right but I'm pretty sure that you don't get to draw because of Graceful Charity.

    You are in a Duel. With me. Remember?
    Post by: Styx, May 14, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. Styx
    And I'm sure you have a plethora of astrophysical arguments to advocate Pluto's planetary status...
    Post by: Styx, May 13, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  14. Styx
    That was only one of the strategies I have considered, but since you insist on divulging some of my options, I won't use that particular one.

    No. Proceed.
    Post by: Styx, May 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. Styx
    - Cards that make you draw
    - Cards with multiple benefits
    - Cards that make you link benefits (e.g. "When you increase your own Life Points, awesome stuff happens")
    - An amalgam of all of the above

    Flexibility is key.
    Post by: Styx, May 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  16. Styx
    *in after "it's a mythological creature etc."*
    Did not read the thread, but you guys are pretty predictable.
    Post by: Styx, May 12, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Styx
    I think it's safe to say you won.

    I had planned to use three 7 cards for a while now, ever since my last duel with you. I just kinda...forgot. XD Until now, and I'm rather pleased with it. I don't think I've ever stolen a combo of yours. I've been tempted to use Mirage Of Nightmare but haven't given in to that.

    And the combo, if we may call it that, is far from unbeatable. I've seen many Duelists resort to using a plethora of different drawing cards to get a well-endowed hand and Timidity is, imho, a gem that many other Duelists overlook. In retrospect (and not intended to brag), I could have made my first move tons worse. Tons.
    Post by: Styx, May 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  18. Styx
    No. Proceed.
    Post by: Styx, May 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. Styx
  20. Styx
    Styx vs Terra
    LP: 8000
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: No
    VG Exclusives: No
    God cards: No
    Hand refill: No
    First player: Me
    Other conditions: No


    Draw Phase
    6 cards in hand.
    Standby Phase
    Main Phase
    I play three 7 cards. 3 cards in hand for a little while, but after they all resolve I draw 3 cards again. 6 cards in hand. I also gain 2100 Life Points. They're now at 10100.
    Then I play Ancient Leaf. I pay 2000 Life Points and draw 2 more cards.
    7 cards in hand and 8100 Life Points.
    I play Double Summon and summon 2 Meklord Army of Skiel monsters. 4 cards in hand.
    I play 2 Boon Of The Meklord Emperor cards and draw 2 cards for each. 6 cards in hand.
    I play Timidity. 5 cards in my hand.
    I place 4 of them face-down. 1 card in my hand.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    End Phase
    1 card in hand.
    Styx: 8100 LP
    Terra: 8000 LP

    Monster card zone
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Spell/Trap card zone
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Your move.
    Post by: Styx, May 11, 2011 in forum: The Playground