"Time is not a mirror but a prism, in which we are broken and divided like light." - James Bradley Think about it.
Wow, are we getting philosophical now?
You heard me. Penguins. The Antarctic kind.
I say we make a bill that would replace all staff members with penguins.
That's the beauty of a public forum: he doesn't have to.
No. Proceed.
Guilty as charged but it depends on the person who says/did something stupid. If it's a single occasion I let them off the hook, but when they're prone to stupidity I may comment about it sooner or later. When someone posts emo lyrics or quotes I often reply with a random nonsensical quote of my own though.
I'd give her a fucking break, but I don't think Fayt or my girlfriend would approve.
It means he knows his priorities.
Some time after I quit being a mod, something just went horribly wrong... Kidding of course. Or am I?
True but not yet. I need to have a decent back-up first. Main Phase 1 (cont.) I have 1 card in my hand: Meklord Emperor Granel. Battle Phase I attack your Blue-Eyes with my Cyber Phoenix. It is destroyed and I lose 1800 Life Points. They are now at 4900. I also get to draw 1 card: 1 card in hand. Main Phase 2 I activate Pot Of Avarice and shuffle 1 Cyber Phoenix, 1 Meklord Emperor Granel and 3 Meklord Army Of Skiel cards back into my Deck. Then I draw 2 cards. 2 cards in hand. I play Nobleman Of Crossout and remove your Defense monster from play. 1 card in hand. I set it face-down. 0 cards in hand. End Phase Styx: 4900 LP Droid: 6600 LP Monster card zone Spell/Trap card zone Preparations are complete now. Sorry if it seems that I'm stretching the Duel but I want to avoid any painful surprises the best I can. If everything goes according to plan I will defeat you on my next turn. It's up to you to prevent that. Your turn. Don't forget to show the card you draw.
I activate Xing Zhen Hu Replica during your End Phase and target your face-down card. 1 face-down card left. Draw Phase 1 card in hand. Standby Phase Nothing. Main Phase 1 I Normal Summon a Cyber Phoenix in Attack Position on the field. 1 card in hand. I activate my last face-down card: Painful Choice. No cards in hand. Now painfully choose between these cards: Also, I'll rep you if you figure out what I'm going to do next.
Too bad...That was my single best card. I wanted to save it for a duel with you or Red, but I guess I won't have the chance. I see where you're coming from though. With all due respect to Droid, that monster just made him virtually helpless and all I had to do was play out my hand... The card would have at least been fair if it said that it couldn't be Special Summoned...but it can.
Red does deserve the champion title. The only reason I could keep it is because I got to go first in our last Duel. Also, his combos are several magnitudes more advanced than mine, and he is more knowledgeable about the rules and the cards. He fixed that now. I'm surprised he didn't Limit Mechanical Hound while he was at it. That card's so broken that even I think it should be Limited...and I'm the one using it. XD I activate Drastic Drop Off. Your Interdimensional Matter Transporter is now discarded. Continue. 2 cards left. 2 face-downs.
Well it only says to discard all the cards in my hand...but I don't have any, so I discard zero cards. It doesn't say I need to have another card as a requirement. I'll go check the rulings though. EDIT: Never mind, you were right. I edited my move and left my back-up out. I still have the same I would have had so I didn't need to reconfigure my move entirely.
This is where things start to get fun. 3 cards in hand. Main Phase 1 (cont.) I play Graceful Charity and draw 3 cards. I discard Fortissimo The Moving Fortress and Mechanical Hound. Still 3 cards in hand. I play Pot Of Avarice and shuffle 2 Meklord Army Of Skiel monsters and 3 Meklord Emperor Wisel Infinity monsters back into my Deck. Then I draw 2 cards. 4 cards in hand. I play Monster Reborn and Special Summon my Mechanical Hound on the field. 3 cards in hand. I play Pot Of Greed. 4 cards in hand. I set three of them face-down. 1 card in hand. I Normal Summon the Cyber Esper in Attack position. No cards in hand. End Phase 0 cards in hand. Styx: 6700 LP Droid: 6600 LP Monster card zone Spell/Trap card zone Your turn. Don't forget to show the card you draw.
Main Phase 1 I play Heavy Storm. 3 cards in hand. Chain?
Draw Phase 4 cards in hand. Standby Phase Activate anything?
You may want to check our Duel. You haven't won yet.
Hold it. Not so fast. Had hoped you'd pull something like that actually. Due to your destroying my monsters with a card effect, I Special Summon 2 other Meklord Emperor Wisel Inifinity cards. You might want to rethink your turn. You had 4 cards in your hand at the time you activated Burst Stream Of Destruction. I have 3 cards in my hand. You also have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field that can't attack this turn. Continue.