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  1. Styx
    Congrats! Welcome to full-time college life where the real fun starts.
    Post by: Styx, May 25, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Styx
    Remember, guys and gals...Whoever makes the cut and becomes a mod gets to curb stomp the sore losers of the User Awards!
    Post by: Styx, May 24, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Styx
    Don't remember having noticed it before, so it was probably you.
    I do think we should drop one of them, but to me it doesn't really matter how we call it.
    Post by: Styx, May 24, 2011 in forum: 2011
  4. Styx
    The Lord Of The Rings is what did it for me, but it's arguably one of the most timeless of the lot.
    Post by: Styx, May 24, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Styx
    Sarcastic or not, the bridge had a rather melancholy tone to it. The repetition almost gave it a voice of its own. Great job with that.
    Post by: Styx, May 24, 2011 in forum: Archives
  6. Styx
    A Deeper Shade Of Shallow

    A rogue am I...
    I sedate the souls of five days as I dabble in the dark of thirst
    I reveal the untold, the unheard, but never the unthought
    As the gold flourishes from cage to gutter to possible dreams

    Enjoyed though it oughtn't be: a perdition dousing its own flames
    I am a vessel cornered into trivialities and questing for rhinestone
    Craving more than an illusion but less than actual meaning
    I submerge only to rise above me

    Though this shines in its own right, I have a truer beacon still
    Pursuing me, not in name nor in form, but in spirit
    Casting breezes from up high, worth a thousand sentiments
    Discreetly guiding me to what I am, to more than this

    Her turtle shell eyes that like uncharted islands lie
    In worried blue, sickly shed in this ship's wake
    A wailing blaze embarks on sailing days
    Traversing waters hued a deeper shade of shallow

    A return, and a vow for the derelict to be derelict over time
    Reflected by her acknowledging this deadlock of needs
    To be where the glaring sky meets the churning oceans
    In the throes of being absolved with a smile

    Comment: This poem is about getting wasted on weekends and how it affects your loved ones.
    Post by: Styx, May 24, 2011 in forum: Archives
  7. Styx
    Last two lines were my favourite ones in this new piece. Its rhyme scheme was unconventionally regular for a rap. It looked more like a poem at first glance, but a really good one at that. Keep on writing, man!
    Post by: Styx, May 24, 2011 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  8. Styx
    Why are we having both "Friendliest Member" and "Nicest Member" again?
    Post by: Styx, May 24, 2011 in forum: 2011
  9. Styx
    Only strategic thinkers do that. There's nothing cowardly about using your brain.
    Post by: Styx, May 22, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. Styx
    Most No-Nonsense Member
    (And yes, that's different from Most Serious)
    Post by: Styx, May 21, 2011 in forum: 2011
  11. Styx
    You called for me?
    Post by: Styx, May 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Styx
    Soon but not yet. To be honest I'll be taking a short break from Dueling. But you'll be my first opponent when I restart.
    You'll probably claim the champion title once more, but I'll have you fight for it.
    Post by: Styx, May 21, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. Styx
    But you just did...
    Post by: Styx, May 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Styx
    Being made of gold? Doesn't quite explain the ability to fly though.
    Post by: Styx, May 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Styx
    How can the world end Saturday when I have canned peaches that expire in 2013?
    Post by: Styx, May 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Styx
    No.518 Styx
    Dragon Pokemon
    HT 11′00″
    WT 284.8 lbs.
    Its voice is similar to a human's but it is impossible to understand. It can understand human speech so it's essential to treat it with care.

    Also, I typed in "Weedle" just for laughs and got this:
    No.776 Weedle
    Bear Pokemon
    HT 3′11″
    WT 52.1 lbs.
    It reads minds and only becomes attached to people pure of heart. When it's in a good mood it will sing in a beautiful voice, but it is very irritating when mad.

    That is one odd-looking bear.
    Post by: Styx, May 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Styx
  18. Styx
    I activate Rare Metalmorph and select my Mechanical Hound. Its ATK rises to 3300.
    Your Blue-Eyes is destroyed and you lose 300 Life Points. They are now at 6300.
    You can attack with your Lord Of Dragons but it wouldn't make any difference so I'll just get on with my turn.

    Draw Phase
    2 cards in hand. One of them is Meklord Emperor Granel.
    Standby Phase
    Main Phase 1
    I play Limiter Removal, raising my Esper's ATK to 2400 and my Hound's to 6600. 1 card in hand.
    Battle Phase
    I attack your Lord Of Dragons with my Cyber Esper, bringing your LP to 5100.
    I attack you directly with Mechanical Hound. Your LP drop below zero.

    Good game. Thanks for dueling me.
    Post by: Styx, May 19, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. Styx
    Not yet. Continue.
    Post by: Styx, May 19, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  20. Styx


    I have no idea but the quote does sound flashy. Pseudo-intellectual quotes are the new pick-up lines.
    Post by: Styx, May 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone