Same here. When he introduces her to us, all bets are off.
No. No it isn't. ESPECIALLY not when it's a really hot girl. Allow me to explain with this formula: P = 1/(H*D) where P = the probability you'll get into her pants H = the hotness of the broad in question D = how drunk you are (this is actually a more complex variable, and can even turn in your favor, but let's simplify the formula for now) Hot girls are generally harder to get into bed, either because they have tons of friends you'll have to confront, or because they get such offers all the time. Ask yourself this: is it really worth ignoring or betraying your friends for that 1% chance of you sleeping with a hot girl? I say it isn't, and anyone who will tell you otherwise most likely has no friends and is a virgin to boot. The only exception to the rule is when your bros turn out to be false bros (forcing your attention, making you do degrading stuff, costing you too much, etc). But there is NO exception to the rule when you go out with real bros.
Pretty much this.
I'm watching Cheers, clipping my toe nails, drinking lemonade, posting on KHV and lurking on the internet all at once. Can't get much more uninteresting than that.
Call He-Man. He has the power.
All grown up now? :-P Nah, just kidding. Glad you had a great time. Tell him to "swallow back" and fight it, then hit the emergency button. If you see him being sick though, it's best to let him puke beforehand. Tell him to stick a finger in his mouth. If he's too drunk to do even that, you can stick your own finger in his mouth, but pull back quickly or you won't be very happy. Exactly. That's possible, but don't count on it the next time you go out boozing. There can be a HUGE difference between one day and the other. It depends on a lot of factors: your drinking speed, how much and what you ate before you go out, your physical condition etc. Swell advice. Nothing to remark here, except to keep an eye on said jacket. It'll get stolen sooner than you might think. Correct. For women, it's because they are generally lighter than men and because they have a lower concentration of alcohol dehydrogenase in the body. I still know women who could probably drink you al the way to hell any day of the week and twice on Saturdays, but that's the general idea. As far as gingers go, it's probably because they have no soul. This is the only actual bad advice of the lot. Bouncers know how to do their job and they usually don't like it if you interfere in any way, even if you have good intentions. Remember that you've been drinking and they haven't. To a sober mind, even someone who is mildly tipsy can be mistaken for an idiot. Besides, let the guy learn it the hard way and be chucked across the room for all you care. You may have been lucky that it all ended well, but there was probably nothing the bouncer himself couldn't resolve. Best to leave it alone. EDIT: Unless it was one of your friends of course... Then it's recommended to stick up for him...and go against him at times. ====== As for my personal experiences...I have a lot to say on the subject, as you may already have guessed... Best advice I can ever give, however, is this: At all times.
What's your degree? Been meaning to ask that for a while now.
Late to the party, dear. He's considerably less funny than he was in the original trilogy. He even has a decent percentage of serious, non-ambiguous lines.
A full college year has about 6 classes per semester (at least that's the standard here), 11 or 12 each year. Sounds urgh-er? It does to me. I am not in the least surprised.
How would you know if you haven't had all college yet?
I wouldn't have used punches in the face as an analogy if it was. On second thought...I very well may have...
That's what I meant. It's not comparable to a full year of college classes. But I do understand that you have strict quota to meet, so the "advantage" of still having high school classes is canceled out somewhat.
Is what I thought too. Getting two punches in the face is worse than getting one punch in the face, regardless of whether or not you've actually had the displeasure of receiving two. The question is how you deal with them. If I got two punches in the face and reacted less petty (or even equally) petty than someone who only got one, then I damn well have the right to call him a wuss.
So you're taking college classes and high school classes? But not all college classes of that year?
I must have missed this thread having been moved to the Debate Corner.
Then how are you still in high school?
I once ate a pig's head that was covered in snow and brandy. Your argument is invalid.
No you don't. You do not have anything remotely comparable to college in high school.
Hooray for pirated pirate movies. Yes, I happen to be a big fan of Geoffrey Rush and his acting as well.