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  1. Styx
    Had bison yesterday and having boar today. Thanks for helping me pick, guys. Now I'm off to plan tomorrow's hunt.
    Like I need a sacrifice for that.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Styx
    I'm going to see them this year, for the second time. Their live gigs can only be described as awesome. I do agree that they spout their political views too often, but it doesn't affect my musical appreciation of them. Then again, I don't think I have even heard work from their newest album yet.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: Music
  3. Styx
    I understand, but my advice is that you don't place all your bets on that little piece of heart.

    The gist is that your parents have put 13 years of effort into raising you and that you are irreplacable to them. Even a small risk can look mighty threatening if the stakes are high enough.

    Think what you will of it. The plan was to get drunk beyond all recognition while I rant about how unfair Odin Sphere's unforgiving difficulty is.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  4. Styx
    Damn it, I forgot to add my poll. They are roughly equal in size. One of them is wild boar, the other one is bison.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Styx
    Which one should I eat tonight? Wild boar or bison?
    Thread by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Styx
    Both together surpass either of them.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Styx
    Wrapped up in a quote for your convenience.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Styx
    I'm not going to summarize them all, but the last ones I've played (I tend to switch around a lot) on any system I own were:
    DS: Contact
    PS2: Zone Of The Enders
    X-Box 360: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
    Post by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  9. Styx
    Then have fun later in life when the few friends you cling to are having boy/girlfriends and attempt to broaden their horizons. You won't see them lurking on MSN so often, I can predict that much. I'm not even sure if they will continue to appreciate your "focusing" on them. Granted, it's probably not a problem now, but it's best to start broadening your own horizons early, lest you be abandoned altogether when you grow into those years that you need friends most. Life won't wait for you.

    A breakthrough or a first step, all a matter of how you look at it.

    And it's not too hard to heal it yet. Speaking from experience once again.

    No normal parent would let their 13-year old kid travel across the country. And they've got a point.
    I'm at a risk of sounding mighty old-fashioned, so let me put it in video game terms for extra flashiness...

    Suppose I'm up against the final boss, a most likely difficult battle. I could keep on hoping that his instant-death move will miss more often and win by sheer luck at the risk of losing and having to watch that agonizingly long cutscene again (possibly multiple times). Or I can be safe by equiping the right items or leveling up, negate his InstaKill-move and have a better chance of winning.

    Now replace these (pardon me if it gets confusing):
    Final boss = Traveling far away
    Instant-death move = Something going wrong, you being stuck in a town midway or having your wallet stolen being the LEAST problematic
    Miss more often = Not happen
    Equiping the right items or leveling up = Gain more wisdom of experience (Notice how RPGs actually work with Experience Points to make challenges more managable)
    And let's not forget...
    Agonizingly long cutscene = 13 YEARS OF RAISING YOU

    Except in real life, there's no Game Over-screen, no retries and no Undo button. So yeah.
    If a final boss had the ever-so-slight chance to delete my save file, I'd gladly spend some more hours playing underwater foosball to get that Big Ultimate Sword that makes the battle easier.

    Nah, you just haven't been around long enough. It's Catch the Rain.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  10. Styx
    The easiest way is to get really drunk and get run over by something big, like a truck. Then again, that would cause traffic problems and we don't want you bothering other people in last moments. As a matter of fact, I'm trying very hard to think of a way that wouldn't cause trouble for anyone at all and I can't think of one. Police investigations, funeral arrangements, worried family etc. The best decision would still be not to do it, and since you said your family has been good for you, you're probably being an ungrateful prick for even contemplating it.

    Also, how is it even possible to FAIL killing yourself? It's quite possibly the easiest thing to do...physically.
    Just shoot yourself in the head. You live in the United States of Firearmia don't you? It can't be that hard to acquire a gun. And even if it is, there are alternatives aplenty. Leaping from something high comes to mind. Use your saved money for parachute lessons, adamantly refuse to open your chute and go out with a big "WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-splat"! Doesn't sound too fun either but I'm not the one doing it so I don't care.
    Or overdose on drugs. That's a painless method too if you don't mind fading out slowly like a candle and possibly pissing and shitting all over yourself due to extensive muscle relaxation.

    If you're still hell-bent on making the dumbest decision one could make, you may as well follow my advice.

    EDIT: I'm glad you didn't do it though. Thumbs up for pulling through, man.
    Remind me to read the entire thread next time.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Styx
    A friend tried to get me into Magic: The Gathering and it was quite fun, just not something I'd spend big money on. I made a deck out of his spare cards though, consisting of Blue and Artifact cards. The only opponents I ever played it against were said friend and his brother though. I must admit I wasn't too bad for a beginner, but I still made a lot of mistakes.

    I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh!, and had a deck that focused around killing my opponent's monsters and annoying the living hell out of him. I even went to a Yu-Gi-Oh! summer event during its hayday (5 wins, 2 losses, no draws). I still have my deck but it would probably get murdered if I played it in a tournament now. I play it on KHV too, and am ranked 1st somehow, though there are better players here.

    I used to collect Pokémon cards too, but I didn't play the card game. I gave all those cards to my nephew.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. Styx
    TOKKO and Air Gear were complete wastes of time. I watched them due to friends' recommendations, but I have not a single word of praise for these series.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Styx
    I liked it. I got the feeling that Jack Sparrow was toned down a bit for this film. He had more serious moments, and I kinda like it that way. I'm glad they got rid of Knightley. I'll leave it in the middle whether Penelope Cruz was any better though.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Styx
    I'd advise you to make more offline friends. The reason why your parents are unsupportive may be because they think you are naive, as people with few real-life friends are prone to be. I speak from personal experience: the more friends I made the last few years, the more "street smart" I became. Not a generally accepted truth per se, but parents often see it as one...and they have a point.

    And this is called puberty. You are 13, have 4 friends in total and you're surprised that your parents aren't all that enthusiastic about your plans to travel across the country? Parents are often a wise and helpful source of information and comfort, more so than KHV's Help With Life section tends to be imo. Not that it matters which medium you turn to as long as the problem gets solved, but not consulting your parents at all because they don't always give you the answer you want to hear is childish to say the least.

    Yeah, I met some e-friends at a rock festival 4 years ago. I met half of our clique called "Noob United". One of them was emo, another one was a womanizer, another one a geek and yet another one a latino. And then there was me, the overly rational, cynical older teen. We were a diverse bunch to say the least. Fun times on that site, never made fun of (read: cyberbullied) so many people in my life. But our friendship came to an end when, the site crashed, members started doing each other's exes and grew apart in general. We're now on Facebook Happy Birthday basis. I still have fond memories of the time the lot of us moshed on Fall Out Boy though.

    There are plenty of people of KHV that I'd like to see but next to none that I need to see. I'll elaborate, with the risk of sounding too harsh but with the hope of being understood. I'd like to go out getting wasted college-style with LilBueno, and I'd like to debate on several topics with P. However, it would be no skin off my back teeth if I never got the chance to drink with Bueno or debate with P.
    There is one person I know from KHV that I definitely want to see some day: the only one I consider a true friend.
    Post by: Styx, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  15. Styx

    What measure is one's self
    As opposed to everyone else?

    Such a vice, the need to suffice
    Let alone the need to overthrow
    The hangar springs to life for you to greet
    The Blade, The Weapon
    The point to the wicked counterpoint
    A tranquil fury, a verbal massacre
    I write, I write by candlelight
    Wicked scowls guide my vowels
    I write, I write but all is trite

    And your sprint to truth will erode my treshold
    While I stiffen, beguiled by hurt
    Reach, breach and bitterly teach:
    The pattern demands one more overhaul
    At least...

    At least you went the Distance
    The Distance why we breathe
    The same Distance I can't go
    I go far though, too far if I must
    But never there, so never far enough

    Your claws swim closer to the Distance
    Tearing through my crippled resistance
    In my chest grow blasphemous tongues
    That drool sick honor in my lungs
    Nipping every bud of function:
    Innards crushed to a putrid unction
    One is left intact to break
    At some other time, some other mistake
    The organ that pumps no blood but blame
    A h***t unworthy of the name
    Your claws swim closer to the Distance
    Their nails pointing to its existence

    Here I stand, a husk of a man
    I am once again (b)reached
    Lost the screw that held this machine together
    Hearing its beat trail off in the Distance
    In and out and in and out
    And in and in and in and in...

    Comment: Newest addition to my poems. About one who's pride is being shattered by their own mistakes. I don't like this piece much.
    Post by: Styx, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Archives
  16. Styx
    Seasick Steve --- Don't Know Why She Love Me But She Do
    Grammatical errors intended.
    Post by: Styx, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  17. Styx
    I don't think any girl who follows their religion's teachings to the letter would be able to put up with me.
    My lifestyle automatically removes me from their consideration list, so it's never really been a relevant question for me.
    Post by: Styx, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  18. Styx
    I honestly don't care who the face of what is, but you and plenty of other people do, so their goal was accomplished. There's not much else to say about this really.
    Post by: Styx, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  19. Styx
    I rejoice at this. I never got the chance to play the game. Assuming that it plays more or less identically to its predecessor, I haven't been missing much gameplay-wise. I always felt that I missed out on a potentially great story though. I'll definitely watch this.
    Post by: Styx, Jun 24, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Styx
    I will only say this once. Nominate me or I'll adopt you.
    Post by: Styx, Jun 23, 2011 in forum: 2011