Oasis --- Sad Song
I saw the last one a few days ago. It wasn't bad, but they could have done a lot better. It had a lot of potential that just wasn't used. The movie hurried through its own plot to get to the final battle sooner, and even that wasn't as epic as I had hoped. Meh, maybe I expected too much from it.
The Junctioning system says hi.
Uncross your legs/feet and take that hand from your face.
You are now aware of your breathing.
Misty deserves my vote for sheer weirdness.
Discussion even though it will obviously lose to the Spam Zone. I just check it more often, and it's a good place to get on people's nerves too.
I'm going to vote for Jaden Yuki & xxxLatiasxxx this year. Live happily ever after, guys!
Sabby & Darkwatch sounds like a fun pair.
Anything in the Spam Zone. There are just too many to choose from.
I never did realize how brilliant iwantedtoexplodesounded...until now. Deserves my vote.
The Transformers fad had everything a good fad should have, even though I didn't partake myself.
I have nothing against anything by KH2man13, but I already voted the other one as Best Thread, so...
Glad I wasn't the only one who was surprised by the 2010 Hack.
I don't think I've even read any of those, but "The Graphics Outside..." sounds promising. Nevertheless, I vote for "Voxli tiem" because it introduced me to Voxli. Hope I don't regret my choice when I go to read the other threads.
Some try to be funny or original, but at least Tikem's made me chuckle.
I must've missed half of those, but Copypasta Threads are an old sore to the Spam Zone.
I just thought of another occasion. I met some online friends while a real-life friend was with me. They got along well, bought each other a beer etc. I like that day in general. I might get the chance to redo it one day, but not this year. No. It's none of your business really.
Jack Hunter and The Star Of Heaven Saw better adventure movies. In fact the entire series is an amalgam of adventure movie clichés.
Had a three-way conversation with my best online friend and my best real-life friend once. It didn't go too well.