This really is a tough choice. I will judge them MasterChef-style...and will be harsh in my criticism. I realize that by judging these two pieces, my impression of the artists is incomplete. However, they sent this in for the awards, so I will judge them on the grounds of these and only these. My apologies to them for this presumed injustice. T A F F Y's first piece is mysterious in a mesmerizing way. I was definitely intrigued. I could stare at it for the better half of an hour. In fact, this would have an easy choice if it weren't for her second piece. I don't have an eye for art. I really don't. But when even an ignoramus such as myself goes "Holy crap, look at those shoulders! That ain't right!", then it should be clear that you have made a very basic mistake. Perhaps it struck her as insignificant compared to the vivid hairdo, which is the cornerstone of the piece. Nevertheless, the sheer obviousness of the asymmetry does cost her some points. Gultigargar is difficult to judge. His first piece does demonstrate some drawing skill, but the piece (can I even call it that?) seems ripped off a sketchbook. Who sends in rough sketches in a contest? That doesn't strike me as right. But how can I be mad or even disappointed at a guy (I don't know this member; it's a guy right?) who sends in a fucking Cowboy Keyblade? That is hilariously creative. Cowboy boots? Check. A lasso for a keychain? Check. A sheriff star? Check. Cow motif? Check. It's all there. It's original, funny and complete. Then there is DPWolf. Her first piece betrays that she's probably the most skilled of the three. I like the colouring, the red/blue contrast in particular. I got a lukewarm impression of the Pokéballs. Again, the painting is uncanny, at least to my unexercised eye. However, being an artist is about creativity as well as skill, and neither of the pieces strike me as very creative. Put in other words; neither of her pieces wowed me despite her obvious skill. In the end, my vote goes to T A F F Y. Among all six pieces, her first one is the only one that gave me a lasting impression.
Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
New singer? I thought Brian Johnson provided lead vocals since the early eighties? I imagine it's not that hard for Americans then. AC/DC did two live gigs in Belgium two years ago; the first since a decade. That's an unfortunate fact. Listening to their album "Flick Of The Switch" made me wonder whether they re-used the same song on all 10 tracks.
And now, after giving us AIDS, you insult our endurance?
Damn it, I didn't see this thread, even though I checked for similarity...
I may be wrong but those activities don't seem to take too long. Why would you do only one?
As long as I'm not the answer to my own question. Bonus respect points for seeing the stealth pun.
Whose fault is this? Come clean, you HIV-filled twat!
Pennywise --- Searching
The games-from-books would be even more ******ed. What if one shoved a wand up their arse and casts Wingardium Leviosa?
...and she still looks repulsive.
I like them both. I guess I'm more familiar with AC/DC (next to impossible to see them live now, unfortunately). Iron Maiden has great songs too though, but I've missed chances to see them so far. Oh well, as long as they keep rocking as hard as they do...
May she rest in peace. It's always sad to hear of someone as young as 27 die, even if it wasn't entirely unexpected...
I've been living under a rock and have missed all the backstory, but welcome back! Glad to see you safe and sound.
Not nearly drunk enough for all I care.
Driving through and making a stop at the airport without leaving the plane doesn't count by the way.
Sure. I've been to Maastricht, the coastline near Groede, the Efteling (as a kid) and Rosmalen (for the tennis tournament). I haven't seen that much of the country, but I have fond memories of the visits so far. Your beer sucks though.
A generic and completely unoriginal thread. So far I have visited: - Belgium - The Netherlands - Luxembourg - France - Germany - Switzerland - Italy - Vatican City - UK - Ireland - Tanzania Will add Portugal to the list soon, and possibly Croatia sometime next year. So where have you been, KHV?
I'm to blame for that actually, me and those millions of other downloaders. So she's basically doing what Madonna did ages ago? Hey, guys! I have a hammer in my shed but I still bang nails in the wall with my fist. Am I worshipped yet? Yeah, it's called "standing out". Getting at social issues is all well and good, but it's kinda hard to take her seriously when she's singing about bluffin' with her muffin and taking a ride on someone's disco stick. But that's probably me.