I dont know, it never happened to me before.
Yeah, and it works with gameshark too.
You should put in the codebreaker first, then select the cheats, then insert the the swap magic and finally change the swap magic disk and replace it with game so the cheats work,i had the same problem once but now the cheats work with me.
Where do you get his codes?
Hey VGCM who is GodShin?
This is not the right thread ask in its thread and if there is no thread for it start one. Edit: Srry i didnt know its aurons weapon i dont really memorize all the worlds characters weapon except for way to the dawn and scimitar.
You cant use his weapon sorry. master EC878540 142F1110 if this doesnt work tell me so i post another one.
Is there a code to give you all drive forms without freezing when turning into a duel weilding form and without pressing R2? Edit:I unjokered it and it worked. All Drive forms unlocked raw 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029 ARMAX GY29-40MD-MTYCD GJMR-AHT1-177PP 62KD-B4DE-CAWUG G8W2-JWY8-6WFV2 NM06-AT6M-VU83X HFRB-XRPZ-8JKD5 ECRY-Z9VC-3VJ6Y It gives all summons too.
try this to give mickey way to the dawn 11CD4394 00000317 Sora Roxas wields Way to the Dawn(Equip Kingdom Key before using this code) 11CD4390 00000317 but i dont know the others
Lets say you have play as roxas code Play as Roxas 11CE0B68 0000005A and you want to joker it so what you have to do is to put that address of the joker before the code like this E0??F?FF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 0000005A the first two ?? represents the lines of the codes that you want jokered,the second represent the button that you want to press to activate the code so if you want this code jokered to the R2 button you will change the question marks to this E001FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 0000005A 01=the number of lines for the play as roxas code. D=the digit for the R2 button.
Surveillance robots 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA9770 00000000 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA9790 00000000 XX Digits 01c98b50 - Shadow YY Digits 01c98b70 - Shadow Armored knights 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA97D0 00000000 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA97F0 00000000 XX Digits 01c98b50 - Shadow YY Digits 01c98b70 - Shadow What do these codes do?
2. MAIN CHARACTER CODES: 7Z9U-WKF0-K1VMN 3. CODES IN THIS FOLDER WILL ONLY ACTIVATE WHEN ENEMIES ARE ON SCREEN E1GX-Y2JR-BY2M6 4. Infinite Health ED98-G7NG-D7M29 6H94-7908-GY73N 0F3N-N8C7-VJUZ9 UK5N-YKUB-0FQK7 TN28-FDBQ-DFXAG 3XGK-Q6DP-V555Y 5. Maniac Runner EP7T-6BA5-1C9VR 0RJ4-61F3-MMJ88 M36B-XEK0-4XGN3 UK5N-YKUB-0FQK7 TN28-FDBQ-DFXAG 3XGK-Q6DP-V555Y 6. GRAVITY MODIFIER: NXAQ-TCF4-69BD1 7. Low gravity U7E4-KWGH-ZZ8KU B2TJ-Q66P-JJM17 8. Lower gravity B833-TKP3-PRFY9 WHY0-APF6-B06BM 9. GAME SPEED MODIFIER: VYJQ-YN1P-P4DNZ 10. Always 1/2 Speed GUXH-ZAHU-G4194 QN39-RKDX-VJFNX 11. Always 2x Speed 2HVT-JVTH-BCCCQ 7V9B-NQ37-YNHBH 12. Always 3x Speed DUQW-0X4W-H1FFC R2A1-YYUB-J4VHK 13. Always Insane Speed Z2DY-2E2M-9ZVP0 F1Q0-1UWN-ZDF1C 14. Weapons Can Turn Enemies to Stone JPRH-PQR1-4D2MQ B2H8-RGTQ-6X84W 15. 10x Orb Multiplier 9XBF-5AUH-G07PT UNEE-M0NC-UN71N 16. Extend Combo Time 25U8-GA9H-DZ9HA NHUV-BN11-MXTUQ 17. Replace Chrono' Rage with Posedion's Rage BHQ3-ACRU-C6JQ6 D6WV-1KC2-EZJ0G 18. Disable AI 8X56-U4Q4-7DUEF U4DK-MEQA-UE1PP try them and tell me if they work because i dont have this game.
Here M) CB6+/Gs3+/Xp4+ 903088e0 0c0c21e0 M) CB/Gs/Xp (Armax Using Game ID 0001 and Region Japan) F02F5EF8 002F5EFB Misc Codes Inf Drive Form 201a1be0 c60001b8 /OFF = 46006006 Free Drive Note: U must have The bar amount needed to Transform But it Does not Subtract when Reverting Good use with Inf Drive form 201a1b58 00000000 /OFF = a08001b0 201a1b64 00000000 /OFF = a08e01b1 Inf MP In Battle (Pyriels Code Ported) 200C0100 8C830238 200C0104 8C810184 200C0108 0023100B 200C010C 08068678 200C0110 AC820180 201a1a10 08030040 Max/Inf MOney 2032DF70 000F423F Gain MOney Mod 20242520 2010???? Repalce ??? to gain 000A = 10 0064 = 100 03E8 = 1000 2710 = 10000 Game TIme Mod 1014CCF4 0000???? ???? Replace with below 0000 = Stop Time 0001 = Normal Time Running 000A = 10x Normal Time 0014 = 20x Normal Time Low Game Time 2032DF74 00000000 2032DF84 00000000 Mini Games/Turnies Codes Collect 1 coin to have Max for Coins 201d1bb0 08028000 200a0000 8e300018 200a0004 ae30002c 200a0008 080746ED Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games) 20349dec 0000000? 0 = Time moves 1 = Freez time Jokerd Ver Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games) Select+L3 Stop TIme Select+R3 Start Time D034d3c0 00000003 20349dec 00000000 D034d3c0 00000005 20349dec 00000001 Time Limit 00:00:00 20349de8 00000000 20349df8 00000000 Angehängte Dateien Dateityp: txt KH2FMCharacterStats.txt (43.0 KB, 487x aufgerufen) Dateityp: txt ItemsEquipmentDigits.txt (6.6 KB, 300x aufgerufen) Dateityp: txt ModsAbilitysKH2.txt (6.0 KB, 321x aufgerufen) Dateityp: txt KH2FMItems.txt (10.8 KB, 385x aufgerufen) Dateityp: txt KH2FMMISC.txt (2.3 KB, 576x aufgerufen) __________________ My Offical CodeBreaker2 Codes Geändert von Skiller (04-14-2007 um 08:24 AM Uhr). Mit Zitat antworten Beitrag zum Zitieren auswählen Direkt antworten Skiller Öffentliches Profil ansehen Private Nachricht an Skiller schicken Find all posts by Skiller Skiller als Kontakt hinzufügen #2 Beitrag melden Alt 04-04-2007, 09:15 AM Benutzerbild von Skiller Skiller Skiller ist offline The Lone Wolf Registriert seit: Aug 2005 Beiträge: 0x000009DB Skiller eine Nachricht über MSN schicken Standard Chains Of Memories : M) CB6+/Gs3+/Xp4+ 90314aa0 0c0c5250 M) CB/GS/Xp (Armax Using Game ID 0002 and Region Japan) F02F1860 002F1863 Lookin for a game save for this game as well . Farther into the game .. Misc Code Enter Menu For Max Maguri(Money) 001ED6b6 00000065 Area Battles Never Depleat (Might Want it Jokerd .. if u dont move out of the way fast u will keep fighting lol) 00268a42 00000060 Character Stats Sora Max Current HP 00611F18 000000FF Max HP 00611F1C 000000FF EXP Mod (Dont know the Max value yet) 20611F30 ???????? Max Lvl 00611F34 00000064 Have All Abilitys (Beleave its abilitys its what Bonus 3 addes to some one let me know if im right) 40611F40 00060001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 In Battle Codes Inf HP 20224e28 00000000 Gain ???? Exp per Exp Block Pick up 2022a3c4 08028000 200a0000 2013???? 200a0004 0808a8f2 200a0008 8c620314 Replace ??? with to gain 000A = 10 Per 0064 = 100 Per 03e8 = 1000 Per 2710 = 10000 Per Appon Lvl Up code Bonuse No.1 Amount Mod (Note: Game Does not mess up if u have over 255 HP but the bar looks funny lol) 102cc470 0000???? Replace ??? with to gain Hp at a time 000A = 10 000F = 15 Normal 0064 = 100 03e8 = 1000 2710 = 10000 Cards Have All Cards x8 406111A4 01260001 08080808 00000000 1061163C 00000808 0061163E 00000008 And check the first page for some others.
Here is my save copied it from my memory card to the max drive http://rapidshare.com/files/123749453/21594_12426_NARUTO_Uzu.max.html I completed story mode once,43 out of 46 mission,unlocked most of the characters except itachi,sasuke and kisame and i didnt use any cheats on this fle before.i
Waht device do you use?
Thanks a bunch.
Try this master code 901194D4 0C047A7A this one worked for me.
Can somebody give me a joker adress for this game i want to joker a code plzzz.
sorry i thought that raw is the sameformat as codebreaker well try these Code: Raw codes Enable Code (Must Be On) 901194D4 0C047A7A infinite Time 2034D404 00000000 Naruto Uzumaki Codes nfinite Health 10350A00 000003E7 Max Health 10350A02 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A00 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A0E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350A12 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350A14 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350A14 0098967F Character 2 Codes Infinite Health 10350A30 000003E7 Max Health 10350A32 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A30 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A3E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350A42 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350A44 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350A44 0098967F Character 3 Codes Infinite Health 10350A60 000003E7 Max Health 10350A62 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A60 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A6E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350A72 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350A74 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350A74 0098967F Character 4 Codes Infinite Health 10350A90 000003E7 Max Health 10350A92 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A90 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A9E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350AA2 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350AA4 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350AA4 0098967F Character 5 Codes Infinite Health 10350AC0 000003E7 Max Health 10350AC2 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350AC0 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350ACE 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350AD2 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350AD4 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350AD4 0098967F Max Item Codes Medicine C 00350B6D 00000063 Medicine B 00350B6E 00000063 Medicine A 00350B6F 00000063 Medicine X 00350B70 00000063 Rations C 00350B71 00000063 Rations B 00350B72 00000063 Rations A 00350B73 00000063 Rations X 00350B74 00000063 Duals C 00350B75 00000063 Duals B 00350B76 00000063 Duals A 00350B77 00000063 Duals X 00350B78 00000063 Mineral 00350BAB 00000063 All Items 00350B6D 00000063 10350B6E 00006363 20350B70 63636363 20350B74 63636363 00350B78 00000063 00350BAB 00000063 Max Equip Attack Item Codes Kunai Knife 00350BAC 00000009 5-Way Kunai 00350BAD 00000009 3-Way Kunai 00350BAE 00000009 Twin-Edge Kunai 00350BAF 00000009 Fire Kunai 00350BB0 00000009 Shuriken 00350BB1 00000009 3-Way Shuriken 00350BB2 00000009 6-Way Shuriken 00350BB3 00000009 Fire Bomb 00350BB4 00000009 3-Way Fire Bomb 00350BB5 00000009 8-Way Fire Bomb 00350BB6 00000009 Fire Blossom 00350BB7 00000009 Flash Bomb 00350BB8 00000009 4-Way Flash Bomb 00350BB9 00000009 Kunai 00350BBB 00000009 Silver Kunai 00350BBC 00000009 Gold Kunai 00350BBD 00000009 All Equip Attack Items 40350BAC 00040001 09090909 00000000 10350BBC 00000909 ARMAX codes Enable Code (Must Be On) RQ02-DYXA-J1MB3 C5E0-8PWW-TVJGT infinite Time AZ8N-UA7F-E666F YTQ2-N9DU-YUMX6 Naruto Uzumaki Codes nfinite Health RE45-ZUXF-1PRT1 MN0J-H554-3KNJ0 Max Health 8011-8M6C-2QVJN X7MM-BGNN-H59DY Max Infinite Health Q41U-9FP4-ABX0C 34MU-EWGU-37RMD Infinite Stamina DF4Y-K3DW-QK1ZX JJ5B-X4EE-HX8TJ Max Stamina YR4W-18FU-5CGFH QK0W-3D87-83PK0 Infinite Virtue EG46-UMRM-KQ92F H7P5-XWYB-G8PX2 Max Virtue Z7ZT-T8ZV-9XN7K EN83-WXJT-1UHVK Character 2 Codes Infinite Health YZVV-ZD0D-MVFCF 7F4B-ZVDQ-6Q222 Max Health C82G-NGK9-9561P C8AP-PWJN-KF70P Max Infinite Health C395-EX8R-UGY8D Infinite Stamina VWPM-CD20-B8ZU3 MN3Y-VHXW-Q94PH Max Stamina QRFY-NNUA-EDRWH Infinite Virtue 80VZ-ZV7Z-4P4B8 CRKP-E1X1-CPZFK Max Virtue 2ZNV-078R-EXMTW GWYM-G48P-45WUK Character 3 Codes Infinite Health K9WJ-QHXH-CAQVM 2AM8-Y0Y3-FN8CM Max Health 889N-FTRT-J59DX Max Infinite Health RGVN-NCVB-2H6C4 Infinite Stamina 01PJ-KKF5-D3KGE FQAX-FA7R-UQ50A Max Stamina HGHD-AGDM-F1TDK DCT3-JQTV-ZVWG6 Infinite Virtue 5QTB-GJJJ-HDAEE 0Q22-TVT4-4UUH0 Max Virtue PR6R-M2VR-3GJ3D Character 4 Codes Infinite Health 553H-FCGX-D19C8 YY8U-MXV5-C43VE Max Health ZYKR-HUWV-K663T Max Infinite Health J977-QVAR-PU1GH Infinite Stamina 4KR0-VF78-5YNPH 9D9V-DGQ9-ZQK4H Max Stamina MFYR-WXFD-WE27X 8JNQ-4N5T-MWUQE Infinite Virtue GM77-EYUN-2FGG4 Max Virtue 1D9U-UWT4-PXEW9 EADC-ZXY9-T6YWT Character 5 Codes Infinite Health FMK1-HREQ-JBWE3 GTJK-3RG4-1R963 Max Health DWYY-RAG0-BQVTN 8DPQ-02ZC-JKRAV Max Infinite Health KY95-GU53-1MM48 KK0V-DWRN-ZJGY8 Infinite Stamina E6CZ-928Z-VZ2C4 Max Stamina XMP7-EZGW-PDV96 U2AG-U81C-RAQTT Infinite Virtue NQ0M-N6P0-ZTP27 EP14-MZTD-0R323 Max Virtue PEJY-NKME-8YTNY Max Item Codes Medicine C FNQG-836Y-TJDCW 1M4K-NXD1-XBGAY Medicine B KCT1-U5ET-D25KN KEEZ-CDV2-31CKA Medicine A ETCE-TJ3Y-79R2X 3XWJ-KFNT-FTFKJ Medicine X NU5W-61Q8-GXPUA ATTF-6UV1-2HR6W Rations C AYBR-390V-77J10 Rations B TZXM-DYM5-279RW Rations A ED2N-YYZ4-QJ39R Rations X 8JBK-3WTP-B02AR JJ3M-R3KH-B7HB0 Duals C 6DGW-Q2E3-VKFYC 9YRF-6KXA-B5W0N Duals B M4DB-MYJ5-E3QMR Duals A RWRD-XHJW-2MWEM 0N2Z-1P5B-HEPDW Duals X 3HC9-UY53-TYMQX GU2K-HU11-FKXJ3 QJ0E-UYZJ-HEM9X Mineral VGGW-ZEFY-GUNJC HJVN-DAN0-JH82E All Items 53KJ-CDHZ-H4D5B R9JE-GRW7-F8W2E 2YBW-H5E4-FQZUD 44U6-B7JF-NVXBW U2WH-6E6C-9Q0YR GU2K-HU11-FKXJ3 ZCXN-0Z64-97V79 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Max Equip Attack Item Codes Kunai Knife TNBQ-14A4-BXJ2Q FN1N-4TN1-VNUGJ 5-Way Kunai WWZT-RU4C-E0FPM 3-Way Kunai MEBM-G8ZF-WV1CT F5KN-UREU-6KKK5 Twin-Edge Kunai J3RH-JA23-VBY27 Fire Kunai QFHM-P5WB-M4D29 DM2M-B1ZY-AJ465 Shuriken GTWH-RHMN-PW9TU 3-Way Shuriken HMJ3-GJ6G-4TGZV 6-Way Shuriken WQ64-3V3V-RW51Q 7MAN-3HGY-PVAXA Fire Bomb HRB9-1BPB-153XX 3VJ8-R7FU-WPPAH 3-Way Fire Bomb EB93-CM3M-2E5TT 69RV-CMC1-7HAZU 8-Way Fire Bomb 46ND-B618-V521Y Fire Blossom K2CC-KMY6-R3YE3 Flash Bomb 9NGC-G50G-2M37M 4-Way Flash Bomb 3ACU-HAET-7FEXG 1HQF-MN5G-40D10 Kunai 620F-XEAJ-JTN99 Silver Kunai TRPP-PAAT-52D23 2JE1-EU66-0FHHP Gold Kunai 43WX-1Y9D-GM3VD 79BH-T8J2-08BF1 All Equip Attack Items H9W8-3CT5-4GRJE ZBQR-Q8BD-PZFN6 MBRG-FPTU-DYGXU
Raw codes Enable Code (Must Be On) 901194D4 0C047A7A infinite Time 2034D404 00000000 Naruto Uzumaki Codes nfinite Health 10350A00 000003E7 Max Health 10350A02 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A00 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A0E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350A12 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350A14 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350A14 0098967F Character 2 Codes Infinite Health 10350A30 000003E7 Max Health 10350A32 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A30 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A3E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350A42 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350A44 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350A44 0098967F Character 3 Codes Infinite Health 10350A60 000003E7 Max Health 10350A62 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A60 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A6E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350A72 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350A74 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350A74 0098967F Character 4 Codes Infinite Health 10350A90 000003E7 Max Health 10350A92 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350A90 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350A9E 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350AA2 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350AA4 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350AA4 0098967F Character 5 Codes Infinite Health 10350AC0 000003E7 Max Health 10350AC2 000003E7 Max Infinite Health 20350AC0 03E703E7 Infinite Stamina 10350ACE 000003E7 Max Stamina 10350AD2 000003E7 Infinite Virtue 10350AD4 0000FFFF Max Virtue 20350AD4 0098967F Max Item Codes Medicine C 00350B6D 00000063 Medicine B 00350B6E 00000063 Medicine A 00350B6F 00000063 Medicine X 00350B70 00000063 Rations C 00350B71 00000063 Rations B 00350B72 00000063 Rations A 00350B73 00000063 Rations X 00350B74 00000063 Duals C 00350B75 00000063 Duals B 00350B76 00000063 Duals A 00350B77 00000063 Duals X 00350B78 00000063 Mineral 00350BAB 00000063 All Items 00350B6D 00000063 10350B6E 00006363 20350B70 63636363 20350B74 63636363 00350B78 00000063 00350BAB 00000063 Max Equip Attack Item Codes Kunai Knife 00350BAC 00000009 5-Way Kunai 00350BAD 00000009 3-Way Kunai 00350BAE 00000009 Twin-Edge Kunai 00350BAF 00000009 Fire Kunai 00350BB0 00000009 Shuriken 00350BB1 00000009 3-Way Shuriken 00350BB2 00000009 6-Way Shuriken 00350BB3 00000009 Fire Bomb 00350BB4 00000009 3-Way Fire Bomb 00350BB5 00000009 8-Way Fire Bomb 00350BB6 00000009 Fire Blossom 00350BB7 00000009 Flash Bomb 00350BB8 00000009 4-Way Flash Bomb 00350BB9 00000009 Kunai 00350BBB 00000009 Silver Kunai 00350BBC 00000009 Gold Kunai 00350BBD 00000009 All Equip Attack Items 40350BAC 00040001 09090909 00000000 10350BBC 00000909 ARMAX codes Enable Code (Must Be On) RQ02-DYXA-J1MB3 C5E0-8PWW-TVJGT infinite Time AZ8N-UA7F-E666F YTQ2-N9DU-YUMX6 Naruto Uzumaki Codes nfinite Health RE45-ZUXF-1PRT1 MN0J-H554-3KNJ0 Max Health 8011-8M6C-2QVJN X7MM-BGNN-H59DY Max Infinite Health Q41U-9FP4-ABX0C 34MU-EWGU-37RMD Infinite Stamina DF4Y-K3DW-QK1ZX JJ5B-X4EE-HX8TJ Max Stamina YR4W-18FU-5CGFH QK0W-3D87-83PK0 Infinite Virtue EG46-UMRM-KQ92F H7P5-XWYB-G8PX2 Max Virtue Z7ZT-T8ZV-9XN7K EN83-WXJT-1UHVK Character 2 Codes Infinite Health YZVV-ZD0D-MVFCF 7F4B-ZVDQ-6Q222 Max Health C82G-NGK9-9561P C8AP-PWJN-KF70P Max Infinite Health C395-EX8R-UGY8D Infinite Stamina VWPM-CD20-B8ZU3 MN3Y-VHXW-Q94PH Max Stamina QRFY-NNUA-EDRWH Infinite Virtue 80VZ-ZV7Z-4P4B8 CRKP-E1X1-CPZFK Max Virtue 2ZNV-078R-EXMTW GWYM-G48P-45WUK Character 3 Codes Infinite Health K9WJ-QHXH-CAQVM 2AM8-Y0Y3-FN8CM Max Health 889N-FTRT-J59DX Max Infinite Health RGVN-NCVB-2H6C4 Infinite Stamina 01PJ-KKF5-D3KGE FQAX-FA7R-UQ50A Max Stamina HGHD-AGDM-F1TDK DCT3-JQTV-ZVWG6 Infinite Virtue 5QTB-GJJJ-HDAEE 0Q22-TVT4-4UUH0 Max Virtue PR6R-M2VR-3GJ3D Character 4 Codes Infinite Health 553H-FCGX-D19C8 YY8U-MXV5-C43VE Max Health ZYKR-HUWV-K663T Max Infinite Health J977-QVAR-PU1GH Infinite Stamina 4KR0-VF78-5YNPH 9D9V-DGQ9-ZQK4H Max Stamina MFYR-WXFD-WE27X 8JNQ-4N5T-MWUQE Infinite Virtue GM77-EYUN-2FGG4 Max Virtue 1D9U-UWT4-PXEW9 EADC-ZXY9-T6YWT Character 5 Codes Infinite Health FMK1-HREQ-JBWE3 GTJK-3RG4-1R963 Max Health DWYY-RAG0-BQVTN 8DPQ-02ZC-JKRAV Max Infinite Health KY95-GU53-1MM48 KK0V-DWRN-ZJGY8 Infinite Stamina E6CZ-928Z-VZ2C4 Max Stamina XMP7-EZGW-PDV96 U2AG-U81C-RAQTT Infinite Virtue NQ0M-N6P0-ZTP27 EP14-MZTD-0R323 Max Virtue PEJY-NKME-8YTNY Max Item Codes Medicine C FNQG-836Y-TJDCW 1M4K-NXD1-XBGAY Medicine B KCT1-U5ET-D25KN KEEZ-CDV2-31CKA Medicine A ETCE-TJ3Y-79R2X 3XWJ-KFNT-FTFKJ Medicine X NU5W-61Q8-GXPUA ATTF-6UV1-2HR6W Rations C AYBR-390V-77J10 Rations B TZXM-DYM5-279RW Rations A ED2N-YYZ4-QJ39R Rations X 8JBK-3WTP-B02AR JJ3M-R3KH-B7HB0 Duals C 6DGW-Q2E3-VKFYC 9YRF-6KXA-B5W0N Duals B M4DB-MYJ5-E3QMR Duals A RWRD-XHJW-2MWEM 0N2Z-1P5B-HEPDW Duals X 3HC9-UY53-TYMQX GU2K-HU11-FKXJ3 QJ0E-UYZJ-HEM9X Mineral VGGW-ZEFY-GUNJC HJVN-DAN0-JH82E All Items 53KJ-CDHZ-H4D5B R9JE-GRW7-F8W2E 2YBW-H5E4-FQZUD 44U6-B7JF-NVXBW U2WH-6E6C-9Q0YR GU2K-HU11-FKXJ3 ZCXN-0Z64-97V79 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Max Equip Attack Item Codes Kunai Knife TNBQ-14A4-BXJ2Q FN1N-4TN1-VNUGJ 5-Way Kunai WWZT-RU4C-E0FPM 3-Way Kunai MEBM-G8ZF-WV1CT F5KN-UREU-6KKK5 Twin-Edge Kunai J3RH-JA23-VBY27 Fire Kunai QFHM-P5WB-M4D29 DM2M-B1ZY-AJ465 Shuriken GTWH-RHMN-PW9TU 3-Way Shuriken HMJ3-GJ6G-4TGZV 6-Way Shuriken WQ64-3V3V-RW51Q 7MAN-3HGY-PVAXA Fire Bomb HRB9-1BPB-153XX 3VJ8-R7FU-WPPAH 3-Way Fire Bomb EB93-CM3M-2E5TT 69RV-CMC1-7HAZU 8-Way Fire Bomb 46ND-B618-V521Y Fire Blossom K2CC-KMY6-R3YE3 Flash Bomb 9NGC-G50G-2M37M 4-Way Flash Bomb 3ACU-HAET-7FEXG 1HQF-MN5G-40D10 Kunai 620F-XEAJ-JTN99 Silver Kunai TRPP-PAAT-52D23 2JE1-EU66-0FHHP Gold Kunai 43WX-1Y9D-GM3VD 79BH-T8J2-08BF1 All Equip Attack Items H9W8-3CT5-4GRJE ZBQR-Q8BD-PZFN6 MBRG-FPTU-DYGXU
I have one that i completed story once but still didnt finish kakachi gaiden and didnt unlock sasuke EDIT: I found one that unlocked every thing and all characters. here is the link. http://rapidshare.com/files/123540478/naruto_uzumaki_chronicle.cbs.html