What, why did you quit moderating carey?(dont answer if you dont want to) well, but i gotta say that you did a great job you and the other guys at moderating and hacking games.
ok do what ever you find easier for you and take your time i am not in a hurry
nah never mind the digits i dont use them alot thought only make the codes that doesnt need digits. thx.
Lets not ask this question they are doing their best already give them the time they need.
thanks a million Looks like i have been offline for a long time, does this code work on ps2 and congrats for making this ecxellent progress.
can you make these codes a day 1 files i own code breaker 7 and 10 these are for final mix Code: Codebreaker/Gameshark version of codes Master Code (final mix) 903088E0 0C0C21E0 when instructed to press R2, press it and then change maps for example like going from Crystal Fissure to The Great Maw. Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 201C9A80 0000102D Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 201C99A0 0000102D Sora Can Summon When Alone 201C9B5C 0000102D Valor form is Tron version (press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CAD056 00000002 11CE0B70 00000669 Wisdom Form is Tron version (press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B72 0000066B 11CAD116 00000003 Master Form is tron Version (Press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B76 0000066D 11CAD1D6 00000004 Final Form is Tron version (Press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B78 0000066F 11CAD296 00000005 Play as Roxas 11CE0B68 0000005A Play as Dual Wield Roxas 11CE0B68 00000323 Roxas has Final Form Moveset (recomended to remove all Combo Plus and equip Negative Combo) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Party of Mickey and Riku 4032F064 00130001 1212030A 00000000 Mickey wields Xaldin's lances (Press R2) D034D45C 0000FDFF 11CD4ADC 00000845 Riku wields Oblivion (Press R2) 11CD4B04 00000069 Press R2 while changing maps to go to Room of Sleep D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00001B04 Limit Cut Xemnas replaces Donald 11CE0B6A 000009C9 Play as Riku [NTSC/J Final Mix Version] 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 21CB8C80 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 2032F0AC 12020100 Mickey (ally) replaces Donald 11CE0B6A 00000764 Circle is Facedown Reaction Command in Shortcut Menu 1032F228 00000231 Press R2 and change maps to play as Regular Sora in Limit Form costume E002FDFF 0034D45C 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B Terra is an ally 01CBD98C 00000009 11CBD9D4 000013B5 21CBD9D8 42C80000 21CBD9DC 0B010819 Donald is replaced by Terra (press R2) D034D45C 0000FDFF 11CE0B6A 0000096F Goofy is replaced by Aqua's Armor (Press R2) D034D45C 0000FDFF 11CE0B6C 000009E7 Press R2 to replace pence and NPC donald with Auron and Riku E002FDFF 0034D45C 11C3BED8 00000065 11C3BFBC 00000819 Press R2 to go to "Where nothing Gathers" D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00000012 Bosses are super powered (including the ones that replace Donald) Press R2 E005FDFF 0034D45C 11C6C4E8 00000251 11C6C670 000000FF 11C6C674 00000080 21C6C690 12121264 21C6C694 00641212 3/4 Sora Fix (to have more than 1 main character) 201D69F0 00000000 Play as 3 Wisdom Soras 4032F064 00130001 12050505 00000000 Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F000A 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Wisdom Form's left hand keyblade is Oathkeeper 1032EE5C 0000002A Oathkeeper is replaced by Mickey's golden keyblade 11CD4394 00000074 11CD4390 00000074 (Mickeys Keyblade) 11CD4390 00000317 (Way to Dawn) 11CD4390 00000845 (Xaldins Spears, Unequip Explosion and other extra finishers) infinite jump 20191C70 00000000 DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (some of them still dont' appear tho) E001FDFF 0034D45C 01C9F62F 00000001 Roxas can perform Reaction Commands E001FDFF 0034D45C 01C9572F 00000001 Character Slot 1 (Sora) 11CE0B68 0000???? Character Slot 2 (Donald) 11CE0B6A 0000???? Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 11CE0B6C 0000???? Character Slot 4 (guest/Guest) 11CE0B6E 0000???? Digit 0054 - Sora 0055 - Sora (hero form/Valor form) 0056 - Sora (way form/Wisdom form) 0057 - Sora (master form/master form) 0058 - Sora (Über-Form/final form) 0059 - Sora (anti-form) 095D - Sora (Limit form) 005A - Roxas 005B - Micky (with Kutte/with robe) 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Beast 005F - Jack (Halloween Town) 0060 - Jack (Christmas town) 0061 - Simba 0062 - Aladdin 0063 - Mulan 0064 - Ping 0065 - Auron 0066 - Sparrow 0067 - King trailer/Kingdom key (dummy) 0068 - Star loyalty/Oath Keeper (dummy) 0069 - Note Irish/Oblivion (dummy) 006A - Glitchy KHI Ultima (dummy) 006B - Glitchy KHI Ultima (dummy) 006C - Magic wand (dummy) 006D - Knight sign (dummy) 006E - Sign (dummy) 006F - Bent sword (dummy) 0070 - Battle companion (dummy) 0071 - Ancestor sword (dummy) 0072 - Mushu (dummy) 0073 - Dead head sword (dummy) 0074 - Mickys key sword (dummy) 0075 - Nothing? 0076 - Gigg Schack (opponent! /Enemy!) 0077 - Gigg Schack (opponent! /Enemy!) 0078 - Schattenschalk (opponent! /Enemy!) 0079 - Tetrabot (opponent! /Enemy!) 007A - Morning star (opponent! /Enemy!) 007B - Tornado dancer (opponent! /Enemy!) 007C - Crescendo (opponent! /Enemy!) 007D - Schauderplanze (opponent! /Enemy!) 007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!) 007F - Fear (Boss!) 0080 - Fear (Boss!) 0081 - Fright (Boss!) 0082 - Carpet/Carpet 0083 - “Freeze” 0084 - “Freeze” 00C8 - Hero form/Valor form (dummy) 0108 - Sora (dummy) 02D4 - Tron 0318 - Micky (without Kutte/robe without) 0319 - Donald 0323 - Roxas (hero form/Valor form) 05F9 - Way form/Wisdom form (dummy) 05FA - Master form/master form (dummy) 05FB - Über-Form/final form (dummy) 06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I) 081D - Sparrow 0819 - Riku (only guest/only Guest) 095D - Limit form 097F - Limit form (dummy) 061C - Leon (Partner!) 06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!) 06B3 - Tifa (Partner!) 0688 - Cloud (Partner!) 016A - Hercules (Partner!) 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 06C2 - Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Roo (Partner!) 0764 - Mickey (without Coat) (Partner!) 04DC - Axel (Partner!) 0133 - Twilight Thorn (Boss!) 04D7 - Hayner (Boss!) 0678 - Seifer (Boss!) 08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 082F - Setzer (Boss!) 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger (Boss!) 0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2nd Battle ) (Boss!) 0015 - Shan-Yu (Boss!) 0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yu's Falcon) (Boss!) 0161 - Thresholder (Boss!) 02CE - Beast (Boss!) 0162 - Dark Thorn (Boss!) 0163 - Shadow Stalker (Boss!) 0284 - Shadow Stalker Chandelier (Boss!) 0285 - Shadow Stalker Pillars (Boss!) 015F - Cerberus (Boss!) 031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone (Boss!) 0160 - Hydra (Boss!) 039A - Hydra's Head (Boss!) 0167 - Pete (Timeless River) (Boss!) 0166 - Illuminator (Boss!) 03F7 - Barbossa (Boss!) 040B - Volcano Lord (Boss!) 040C - Blizzard Lord (Boss!) 05CE - Prison Keeper (Boss!) 007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!) 0299 - Shenzi (Boss!) 029A - Banzai (Boss!) 029B - Ed (Boss!) 029C - Scar (Boss!) 04B8 - The Hostile Program (Boss!) 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) (Boss!) 063C - Riku (Boss!) 0165 - Storm Rider (Boss!) 03E5 - Xaldin (Boss!) 0812 - Hades (Boss!) 0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) (Boss!) 015C - Jafar (Boss!) 007F - Lock (Boss!) 0080 - Shock (Boss!) 0081 - Barrel (Boss!) 05D0 - The Experiment (Boss!) 0459 - Groundshaker (Boss!) 035E - Sark (Boss!) 03C4 - Sark (Large) (Boss!) 08F8 - Squall / Leon (Boss!) 08F9 - Cloud (Boss!) 08FA - Tifa (Boss!) 08FB - Yuffie (Boss!) 08B6 - Sephiroth (Boss!) 015D - Hades (1st and 2nd Battle) (Boss!) 015E - Hades (3rd Paradox Hades Cup Battle) (Boss!) 0622 - Xigbar (Boss!) 05F8 - Luxord (No HP-Bar) (Boss!) 05FF - "Luxord's Card" (Boss!) 06C9 - Saïx (Boss!) 06FA - Saïx's Claymore (Object) (Boss!) 0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) (Boss!) 085C - Armored Xemnas room mopdifitor E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 0000YYXX Compiled by Antiweapon. Put into text format by Keyblade Spirit. XX - World ---------------------------------- 01 - World of Darkness 02 - Twilight Town 03 - Destiny Islands 04 - Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion 05 - Beast's Castle 06 - Olympus Colisseum 07 - Agrabah 08 - Land of Dragons 09 - 100 Acre Wood 0A - Pride Lands 0B - Atlantica 0C - Disney Castle 0D - Timeless River 0E - Halloween Town 0F - World Map [o_O WTF?] 10 - Port Royal 11 - Space Paranoids 12 - The World That Never Was 13 - Insta-Freeze YY - Room Digits [Note - NE means No Escape.] --------------------- World of Darkness 00 - The Dark Margin [NE] Twilight Town 00 - The Empty Realm [NE] 01 - Roxas's Room [NE] 02 - The Usual Spot 03 - Back Alley 18 - On The Train [NE] 22 - Station of Awakening [NE] Destiny Islands 00 - Beach [NE] 01 - The Main Road [NE] 02 - Main Island: Shore [NE] Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion 00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army below) 02 - The Great Maw 03 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 04 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 05 - Ansems Study 06 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction) 08 - Bailey (Before Destruction) 09 - Borough 0A - Marketplace 0B - Castle Corridors 0C - Heartless Manufactory 0D - Merlin's house 0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid) 0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid) 10 - Ravine Trail 11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Conditions) 12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction) 13 - Bailey (After Destruction) 14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed) 15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths 16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area 17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber 18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft 19 - Transport to Remembrance 1A - Garden of Assemblage 1B - Room of Sleep and Stairwell (found by AntiWeapon) (Not 100% solid) 1C - BSOD 1D - BSOD 1E - BSOD 1F - BSOD 20 - The Old Mansion (Vexen's Area) 21 - Station of Remembrance (Larxene's Area) 22 - Zexion's fight area 23 - BSOD 24 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 25 - BSOD 26 - Station of Oblivion (Marluxia's Area) 27 - BSOD 28 - BSOD 29 - Instant Freeze Beast's Castle 00 - Entrance Hall 01 - Parlour 02 - Belle's Room 03 - Beast's Room 04 - Ballroom 05 - Ballroom (First Boss Area, Text Misplaced?) 06 - Courtyard 07 - The East Wing 08 - The West Hall 09 - The West Wing 0A - Dungeon 0B - Undercroft 0C - Secret Passage 0D - Bridge 0E - Ballroom (Jap. Text?, Where Beast and Belle Dance?) 0F - Bridge (For Xaldins Fight?) 10 - Freeze 11 - Freeze Olympus Colisseum 01 - Collesem gates (Cant get to the lobby for some reason, Undestroyed) 02 - Collesem gates (destroyed) 03 - Underworld entrance (Triggerd a cutscene for me ) 04 - Collesium foyer 05 - Valley of the dead 06 - Hades chamber 07 - Cave of the dead: Entrance 08 - Where you fight pete. 09 - The underdrome 0A - Cave of the dead: Inner chamber 0B - Underworld cavern: enterance 0C - The lock (With the meg engraving thing, reaction command to remove lock dosent do anything) 0D - The underdrome (cutscene verstion, can go into the soul pit place.) 0E - Collesem gates (destroyed, night) 0F - Cave of the dead: Passage 10 - Underworld caverns: The lost road 11 - Underworld caverns: Atrium 12 - Collesium gates (Where you fight the multiheaded thing) 13 - Underdrome (small, for tornament fights) 14 - Insta freeze Agrabah 00 - Agrabah 01 - Bazaar 02 - The Peddler's Shop [From first visit?] 03 - The Palace 04 - Vault 05 - Above Agrabah 06 - Palace Walls 07 - The Cave of Wonders Entrance 08 - Freeze 09 - The Cave of Wonders Stone ... 0A - The Cave of Wonders Treasure Room 0B - Ruined Chamber 0C - The Cave of Wonders Valley of Stone 0D - The Cave of Wonders Chasm of Challenges 0E - Mini Game? "Head Towards Jafars Shadow!", Jafars Invincible. 0F - The Peddler's Shop [From second visit?] 100 Acre Wood 00 - 100 Acre Wood World Selection? [P] 01 - The Big Tree [Forgot what it's called] 02 - Pooh Bear's House [NP?] 03 - Rabbit's House [NP?] 04 - Piglette's House [NP?] 05 - Kanga's House [NP?] 06 - The Day of a Wind? (Possible Mini Game Area?, Messed up Text, Blue Screen) [NP?] 07 - Eye the collection of Honey (Jap. Text, Possible Misspelling and Mini Game Area) [NP?] 08 - Flower Fence Valley (Possible Mini Game Area?, Jap. Text) [NP?] 09 - The Spookey Cave [NP?] Pride lands: 00 - Pride rock 02 - Kings den 03 - Long gourge place. 04 - The savana 05 - Elafant graveyard 06 - Gorge 07 - Wastelands 08 - Jungle 09 - Oasis 0A - Pride rock (restored) 0B - Oasis (Night) 0C - Overlook 0D - Peak 0E - Scar's darkness 0F - (Looks like Savana, cept it didn't have a proper title and I couldent leave the area) 10 - (Where Mufasa died) Atlantica 01 - Treasure Room [NE] 02 - Undersea Courtyard [P] 03 - Submarine Open Space (Jap. Text?, Same as 02, Recolored) [P] 04 - Freeze? 05 - Sunken Ship [P] 06 - Wrath of the Sea (Daytime) [P] 07 - Seashore (Same as above, Nighttime, Jap. Text?) [P] 08 - Seashore (Same as above and 06, Evening) [P] 09 - Wrath of the Sea (Area when you are singing with Ursula) [P] 0A - D (Wedding Ship?) [P] Disney Castle Room 00 - Audience chamber Room 01 - Library Room 02 - Colonnade Room 03 - Courtyard Room 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns) Room 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone Room 06 - Gummi Hanger Room 07 - Gathering Place Room 08 - Instant Freeze Timeless River 00 - Cornerstone Hill [P] 01 - Pier 02 - Waterway [P] 03 - Wharf [NP] 04 - Lilliput [NP] 05 - Building Site [NP] 06 - Scene of the Fire [NP] 07 - Mickey's House [NP] 08 - Villians Vale (Black & White) [NP] Space Paranoids 00 - Pit Cell 01 - The Canyon 02 - Game Grid 03 - Data Space 04 - I/O Tower 05 - I/O Tower: Communications Tower 06 - Simulation Hanger 07 - Solar Sailor Simulation 08 - Central Computer 09 - Central Computer Core 0A - Solar Sailor Simulation The World That Never Was 00 - Where Nothing Gathers 02 - Fragments crossing 03 - Memories skyscraper 04 - The brink of dispair 05 - The soundless prision 06 - Nothings call 07 - Chooked asention (Going up) 08 - Chooked asention (Going down) 09 - Twilights view 0A - Hall of empty melodies 0B - Something of empty melodies (Where you meet up with kairi and riku) 0C - Naughts skyway 0D - Proof of existance 0E - Havoks divide 0F - Where you fight Saix (Full kingdom hearts moon + beam hitting it 10 - Naughts aproach 11 - Something something passage (Where Maleficent and pete fight the heartless swarm. ) 12 - The alter of naught (Oddly the kingdom hearts moon is still full and there is no door.) 13 - Memory's contortion (where you fight Xemnas 1) 14 - The world of nothing (the final fight area, with exit) 15 - The world of nothing (where you fight Roxas) 16 - Station of awakening (where you fly around in the litte thing with riku and sora) 17 - Armor 2 fight (with attacking dragon (crashes)) 18 - Armor 1 fight 19 - Core (with attackable core! (Crashes if you attack it enough) ) 1A - Twin cannons (With working reaction commands) 1B - First area of final battle 1C - Second area of final battle 1D - Alter of naught (no kingdom hearts moon) play as riku Final Mix: 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 21CB8C80 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 01C5FFD4 00000005 1032F228 00000001 1032F22E 000001C6 11CB8C9E 00000002 2032F0AC 00020100 Full Party 4032F064 00130001 03020100 00000000 Alone 4032F064 00130001 12121200 00000000 Play as Normal Sora with Limits custom 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B Bosses: Donald is replaced by Axel (TT 2nd battle) 11CE0B6A 00000051 Goofy is replaced by Axel (TT 2nd battle) 11CE0B6C 00000051 Donald is replaced by Xemnas 1 11CE0B6A 00000646 Goofy is replaced by Xemnas 1 11CE0B6C 00000646 Donald is replaced by Roxas (Boss) 11CE0B6A 00000951 Goofy is replaced by Roxas (Boss) 11CE0B6C 00000951 Donald is replaced by Saix 11CE0B6A 000006C9 Goofy is replaced by Saix 11CE0B6C 000006C9 Partners: Donald is replaced by Cloud (Partner) 11CE0B6A 00000688 Goofy is replaced by Cloud (Partner) 11CE0B6C 00000688 Donald is replaced by Leon (Partner) 11CE0B6A 0000061C Goofy is replaced by Leon (Partner) 11CE0B6C 0000061C Donald is replaced by Tifa (Partner) 11CE0B6A 000006B3 Goofy is replaced by Tifa (Partner) 11CE0B6C 000006B3 Play As Riku 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 Auron can perform 8 Hit Combo (go into the menu and equip Aerial Sweep and use it during battle) 200F9014 24010005 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F0001 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010005 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F0001 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Detection Saber 1032E020 0000002C Edge of Ultima 1032E020 0000002D Darkside(Mickey's Keyblade)equip kingdom key before using this code. 11CD4390 00000074 have donald and sora only 4032F064 00130001 12120100 00000000 have goofy and sora only 4032F064 00130001 12120200 00000000 No Music 202BD264 0000302D 202BD2AC 0000302D room midifiter Final Mix: (Ported by Antiweapon) E001FDFF 0034D45C R2 Joker 1032BAE0 0000YYXX Darkness 21D44368 3FCDFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Light 21D44368 3FCEFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Press R2 to Ride LIght Cycle E004FDFF 0034D45C 4032F064 00130001 12120200 00000000 11CE0B68 000005F5 11CE0B6A 00000654 Ally Roxas E006FEFF 0034D45C(L2 Joker) 01C957EF 0000000E 11C957F4 00003131 11C95814 00003131 21C95834 00010002 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000???? <- Weapon Mod i'll get the sora one too. EDIT:got the Ally Sora code. Ally Sora E006FEFF 0034D45C (L2 Joker) 01C957EF 00000001 11C957F4 00003031 11C95814 00003031 21C95834 0001000D 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000???? <- Weapon Mod Sora Weapon Mod 1032E020 0000???? Kingdom Key Mod 11CD4390 0000XXXX Kingdom key Mod 2 21CEF60C 0000XXXX Digits: 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 0180 = Struggle Hammer 002C = Detection Saber 002D = Edge of Ultima 021F = Acrossing Two 0220 = Winner's proof 0846 = Axel weapon 02c0= Auron weapon 0842= Saix weapon 08BD= kairy keyblade All bosses are allies 2036C3E8 0016F1F4 Riku Weapon Mod 11CD4B04 0000???? digits: 08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher) 0067 = Kingdom Key 0068 = Oathkeeper 0069 = Oblivion 0074 = Darkside 0769 = Star Seeker 0317 = Way to The Dawn 076A = Hidden Dragon 076B = Hero's Crest 076C = Monochrome 076E = Follow The Wind 076F = Photon Debugger 0770 = Gullwing 0771 = Rumbling Rose 0772 = Guardian Soul 0773 = Wishing Lamp 0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin 0775 = Sleeping Lion 0776 = Sweet Memory 0777 = Mysterious Abyss 0778 = Fatal Crest 0779 = Bond Of Flame 077A = Fenrir 077B = Ultima weapon 0845 = Xaldin Spear's 0846 = Axel Weapon 0842 = Saïx'- Sword 0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow 02C0 = Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon) All bosses are allies 2036C3E8 0016F1F4 Darkness [R2] E002FDFF 0034D45C 21D44368 3FCDFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Light [L2] E002FEFF 0034D45C 21D44368 3FCEFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Sora [ID-01] [Class B] 01C95536 000000?? Battle Form [Valor] [ID-02] [Class B] 01C95596 000000?? Magic Form [Wisdom] [ID-03] [Class B] 01C955F6 000000?? Trinity Form [Master] [ID-04] [Class B] 01C956B6 000000?? Ultima Form [Final] [ID-05] [Class B] 01C956B6 000000?? Heartless Form [Anti] [ID-06] [Class A] 01C95714 000000?? Mickey [ID-1C] [Class B] 01C957D4 000000?? Donald [ID-11] [Class HB] (Something doesn't feel right...) 01C95836 000000?? Goofy [ID-14] [Class HB] 01C95894 000000?? Riku ID- 23 Class HB 01CB5E16 000000?? DW Roxas- ID: 0A 01C9F62F 000000?? Roxas- ID: 0E 01C9572F 000000?? 01= Sora 02= Valor 03= Wisdom 04= Master Form 05= Final Form 06= Anti-Form * 0A= Dual-Wield Roxas 0D= Roxas Axel playable E006FDFF 0034D45C 20a4d218 01083540 20f88c44 00000100 20f88c48 00f88c40 20a4acd8 00f99540 20a4acf8 00f99540 20a4ad08 00f99540 21c954f0 58455f42 21c954f4 00303131 E002FEFF 0034D45C 2032bae0 00001402 2032bae4 00D500D5 press L2 at disney castle going into mickeys throne room from the hall of the cornerstone, and then while in axels battle, press R2 and either run forward or attack normally. play as Cloud 21C954F0 42485F4E 21C954F4 5F303535 21C954F8 004C5442 E00DFEFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00001512 11C6CC24 00000688 11C6CC26 000008B6 21C954EC FF000000 E008FDFF 0034D45C 20BFE644 000000D1 20BFE648 00BFE640 20903198 00D01C50 20902A18 00C704E0 20902F98 00C8E5B0 209005B8 00C14560 20903418 00C219F0 20900578 00CDECC0 instructions: Go to/Load from the hall of the cornerstone. press L2 going into mickey's throne room. after going into the throne room, press R2, then attack, aerial attack, fall, or hit the ground to see if the mushball comes alive Partners 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 0551 - Timon (Partner!) 0552 - Pumbaa (Partner!) 061C - Leon (Partner!) 06C2 - Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Roo (Partner!) Bosses 0016 - Hayabusa 007F - Lock 0080 - Shock 0081 - Barrel 0162 - Dark Thorn 0163 - Shadow Stalker 0165 - Storm Rider 0167 - Pete (Timeless River) 031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) 035E - Sark 03C4 - Sark (Large) 03DB - Pete (Timeless River) 03E5 - Xaldin 04A0 - Demyx's Water Clone 05D0 - The Experiment 0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) 063C - Riku 0647 - Pete (Timeless River Battle) 0678 - Seifer 06BB - Pete (Megara Battle) 06BC - Pete (Hercules Battle) 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger 085C - Xemnas (Armor) 086C - Vivi 08B6 - Sephiroth 08D0 - Vivi 08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) 08F8 - Leon 090F - Pete (Hades-Paradox Cup Battle) 0934 - Vexen's Anti-Sora 0937 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) 0938 - Zexion (Absent Silhouette) 096F - Terra 09CB - Xaldin (Limit Cut) 09CC - Demyx (Limit Cut) Play as Shadow Roxas 11c6cc20 00000754 21cb1950 58455f50 21cb1954 2e303131 21cb1958 7465736d 1000 Heartless battle (R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00001104 2032BAE4 00420042 1032BAE8 00000042 Sephiroth Battle (L2) E003FEFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00000104 2032BAE4 004B004B 1032BAE8 0000004B BGM Mod 10347D34 000000XX 10347D44 000000XX the first line is for gummi world map, town music, and boss music the second line is for normal battles *indicates that digit is exclusive to Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ only 31 and below= no music 32- Station of Serenity. 33- Station of Serenity Battle 34- Twilight Town (Sora's story) 35- Twilight Town Battles (Sora's story) 36- TWTNW 37- TWTNW battle music 38- Port Royal. 39- Port Royal Battles. 3A- Freeze 3B- 1st Armor Xemnas Battle 3C- Dash to the Unknown 3E- Twilight Xemnas Battle 3F- 13th Rememberance* 40- Christmas Town* 41- Christmas Town Battles* 42 - The Other Promise* 43 - Rage Awakened* 44 - Cavern of Rememberance* 45 - CoR Battle* 46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 50- Freeze 51- Freeze 52- Mini-Game 53- Nothing? 54- Agrabah Battle (super fast) 55- Space Paranoids Battle 56- Freeze 57- Xemnas Battle (the one in front of the skyscraper)(hangs the game sometimes) 58- Music when Sora awakens 59- Reunion (one when Sora, Riku, and Kairi reunite) 5A- Music when Riku removes blindfold (i THINK) 5B- Kairi's Theme 5C- New Journey 5D- Evil Music (when the Villians plot) 5E- Solemn Music (when Sora finds out what happens when he uses the keyblade) 5F- No Hope 60- Happy March (when Maleficent and Pete die in TWTNW) 61- Silly music (like when Sora visits Santa) 62- Bad Omen 63- Longing (when Kairi is taken from her home) 64- Underworld Music 65- Beast Castle Music 66- Underworld Battle Music 67- Olympus Coliseum Theme 68- Beast Castle Battle Music 69- Nothing 6A- Under the Sea (sometimes hangs the game) 6B- Ursula's Revenge (background music) (sometimes hangs the game) 6C- Ariel's Song (background to the one she sings in the cave) 6D- Conclusion Song to Atlantica (background music) 6E- Large Boss Battle (like against the MCP or Jafar) 6F- Chaotic Battle (used in 1000 Heartless event) 70- Land of Dragon Battle 71- Swim this way (background music to "swim this way" in Atlantica) 72- Nobodies attack 73- Special Boss Battle (like against against the Experiment in Halloween Town) 74- Land of Dragon Town 75- Annoying Battle (like against Pete or the Hyenas) 76- Twilight Town (Roxas story) 77- Twilight Town Battles (Roxas story) 78- Arena Battles 79- Mini Boss Battles (like in Beast's Castle during first visit) 7A- Atlantica Tutorial 7B- Atlantica Tutorial (when you do something right) 7C- Same as 7B 7D- Conclusion to Atlantica Tutorial 7E- Nothing 7F- Agrabah Town 80- Agrabah Battle 81- Atlantica Town 82- Neverland Clock Tower (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 83- Ambush (battle music for most scripted battles) 84- Ending to Beast's Castle (when belle and beast dance together) 85- Yen Sid Tower 86- Twilight Town battle (Sora's story) 87- Space Paranoids 88- Space Paranoids Battle 89- Gummi?s World Map. 8A- Gummi Menu 8B- Gummi Construction 8C- Under the Sea (this one doesn't hang the game) 8D- 100 Acre Wood 8E- Gummi Victory 8F- Disney Castle. 90- Halloween Town 91- Struggle in Hollow Bastion 92- Roxas' Theme 93- Atlantica Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 94- Gummi Launch 95- Halloween Town Battles. 96- Disney Boss Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 97- The 13th Struggle (Organization XIII battles) 98- Hollow Bastion. 99- Hollow Bastion Battles. 9A- Port Royal 9B- Port Royal battles (hangs the game) 9C- Ansem Final Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 9D- Nothing 9E- 100 Acre Minigame 9F- 100 Acre Minigame (when riding the broom thing) A0- Nothing A1- Nothing A2- Evil Music (when Villians plot) A3- Bad Omen A4- Olympus Coliseum Mini-game A5- Nothing A6- Bad Omen A7- Bad Omen (this one can be used in worlds as well) A8- Bad Omen A9- Bad Omen AA- Nothing AB- Nothing AC- Nothing AD- Nothing AE- Nothing AF- Shocker Music (like when Maleficent revives) B0-B8= Nothing B9- 13th Dilema BA- Pride Lands Theme BB- Pride Lands battles BC- One Winged Angel BD- Timeless River Theme BE- Timeless River Battles it seems everything past BE is nothing but it was only tested until D5 which all turned out to be nothing Postern save point 11c477e0 0000???? Ultimate Roxas 11C6C4EC 00002EE0 11C6C670 00000080 11C6C674 000000FF 21C6C690 00000064 21C6C694 00640000 Add in this R2 joker if it is outside of a normal boss fight, so that you can tap it to fill their hp to 17 HP bars. D034D45C 0000FDFF 11C6C4E8 000000D4 The real DW sora: 01C9F62F 00000001 21C9F634 00303031 01C9F655 00000030 01C9F674 00000001 11CE0B68 00000323 SORA MOD 21C954F4 YY303031 21C954F8 XXXXXXXX VALOR MOD 21C95554 YY303031 21C95558 XXXXXXXX WISDOM MOD 21C955B4 YY303031 21C955B8 XXXXXXXX LIMIT MOD 21CBD2D4 YY303031 21CBD2D8 XXXXXXXX MASTER MOD 21C95614 YY303031 21C95618 XXXXXXXX FINAL MOD 21C95674 YY303031 21C95678 XXXXXXXX ANTI MOD 21C956D4 YY303031 21C956D8 XXXXXXXX YY DIGITS: BOTTOM VALUE IS 00000000: "00" BOTOM VALUE IS ANOTHER FORMS VALUE: "5F" XX DIGITS: SORA (CURRENTLY HAS UNREMOVABLE SHININESS): "00000000" VALOR FORM: "464C5442" WISDOM FORM: "4647414D" LIMIT FORM: "4631484B" MASTER FORM: "46495254" FINAL: "46544C55" ANTIFORM: "464C5448" drive gauge is maxed 201A1AB0 00000000 201A1ACC 256EFFFF MP does not decrease 201A1A08 00000000 HP does not decrease 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 Have all consumption items materials, key items, and dummies 2032F0B0 62626262 1032F0B4 00006262 0032F0B6 00000062 0032F111 00000062 0032F13F 00000062 2032F140 00626262 0032F147 00000062 4032F148 00090001 62626262 00000000 0032F17B 00000062 2032F17C 62626262 2032F194 62626262 2032F198 62626262 1032F19C 00006262 2032F1D8 62626262 2032F1DC 62626262 1032F1E0 00006262 materials each 98 (recollection 4 kind, serenity 4 kind and illusion 2 kind,) 0032F0B7 00000062 4032F0B8 00030001 62626262 00000000 1032F0CA 00006262 2032F0CC 62620062 0032F0D0 00000062 2032F0D8 62620062 1032F0DC 00006262 2032F0E0 00626262 0032F0E7 00000062 2032F0E8 62626262 2032F0EC 00626262 1032F0F6 00006262 0032F0FA 00000062 2032F100 62626200 2032F108 00626262 2032F10C 62626262 1032F112 00006262 1032F114 00006262 2032F128 62006200 2032F12C 62006262 2032F130 62626262 2032F134 00626262 0032F1E5 00000062 Hooded Mickey Replaces Donald 11C6CC22 0000005B Hooded Mickey Replaces Goofy 11C6CC24 0000005B Normal party with riku 4032F064 00130001 02010300 00000000 Play As Riku 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 Max AP: 0032E028 000000FF Infinity Jump (it gets glitchy in Drive Forms so....you shouldn't use Drive Forms during the code) 20191C70 00000000 Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 201C9A80 0000102D Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 201C99A0 0000102D Sora Can Summon When Alone 201C9B5C 0000102D 1000 Heartless Fight (Jokered R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00001104 2032BAE4 00420042 1032BAE8 00000042 All Sora Weapons 0032F0D1 00000062 1032F0D2 00006262 1032F0D4 00006262 0032F1AB 00000062 0032F1AC 00000062 0032F1AF 00000062 4032F1B0 00040001 62626262 00000000 0032F1C8 00000062 0032F1C9 00000062 Super Speed (normal Sora only) 21CE2FE4 41C00000 Donald Mod 11C6CC22 0000XXXX Goofy Mod 11C6CC24 0000XXXX Replace XXXX with Party & Partner 0054 - Sora 0055 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) 0056 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) 0057 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) 0058 - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form) 0059 - Sora (Anti-Form) 005A - Roxas 005B - Micky / Mickey (mit Kutte / with Coat) 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Biest 005F - Jack (Halloween Town) 0060 - Jack (Christmas Town) 0061 - Simba 0062 - Aladdin 0063 - Mulan 0064 - Ping 0065 - Auron 0066 - Sparrow 0168 - Sora auf Teppich / Sora on Carpet 016A - Hercules (Partner!) 028A - Sora (Löwen-Form / Lion-Form) 029E - Donald (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 029D - Goofy (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 02B5 - Sora (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 0318 - Micky / Mickey (ohne Kutte / without Coat) 0323 - Roxas (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (aka. DW Roxas) 0396 - Donald (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere) 0397 - Goofy (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere) 03BE - Sora (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere) 03E7 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 03E8 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 03E9 - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form) (Halloween Town) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 03EA - Sora (Anti-Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 04DC - Axel (Partner!) 04F5 - Goofy (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0551 - Timon (Partner!) 0552 - Pumbaa (Partner!) 0554 - Goofy (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 055A - Donald (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 05CF - Donald (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 05EF - Donald (Möwen-Form / Gull-Form) 0601 - Sora (Karten-Form / Card-Form) 0602 - Sora (Würfel-Form / Dice-Form) 061B - Goofy (Schildkröten-Form / Turtle-Form) 061C - Squall / Leon (Partner!) 0656 - Sora (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0657 - Sora (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0663 - Winnie Puuh (auf Soras Schultern) / Winnie the Pooh (on Sora's Shoulders) 0669 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066A - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066B - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066C - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066D - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066E - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066F - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0670 - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form)(Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0671 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0672 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0688 - Cloud (Partner!) 06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!) 06B3 - Tifa (Partner!) 06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I Costume) 06C2 - I-Ah / Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Ruuh / Roo (Partner!) 0764 - Micky / Mickey (ohne Kutte / without Coat) (Partner!) 0819 - Riku (nur Party / only Party) 081D - Sparrow 08D1 - Riku (vom Xemnas Kampf / from Xemnas Battle) 08D2 - Sterbender Sora / Dying Sora (Wenn er von Xemnas Elektrisiert wird / when Xenmas electrifies him) 08F2 - Squall / Leon (Partner!) (Buggy) 08F3 - Cloud (Partner!) (Buggy) 08F4 - Tifa (Partner!) (Buggy) 08F5 - Yuffie (Partner!) (Buggy) 0955 - Sora (Christmas Town) 0956 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor Form) (Christmas Town) 0957 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Christmas Town) 0958 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master Form) (Christmas Town) 0959 - Sora (Über-Form/ Final Form) (Christmas Town) 095A - Sora (Anti-Form) (Christmas Town) 095B - Donald (Christmas Town) 095C - Goofy( Christmas Town) 095D - Limit Form 095E - Limit Form (Halloween Town) 095F - Limit Form (Christmas Town) 0960 - Limit Form (Space Paranoids) 0961 - Limit Form (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) Boss 0015 - Shan-Yu 0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yus Falke / Shan-Yu's Falcon) 0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2. Battle) 007E - Oogie Boogie 007F - Furcht / Lock 0080 - Angst / Shock 0081 - Schrecken / Barrel 0133 - Twilight-Dorn / Twilight Thorn 015C - Dschafar / Jafar (Djinn) 015D - Hades (1. & 2. Kampf / Battle) 015E - Hades (3. & Paradox Hades Cup-Kampf / Battle) 015F - Zerberus / Cerberus 0160 - Hydra 0161 - Torwächter / Thresholder 0162 - Dunkeltroll / Dark Thorn 0163 - Kettenbalg / Shadow Stalker 0165 - Sturmreiter / Storm Rider 0166 - Illuminator 0167 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River 0284 - "Kettenbalg Kronleuchter" / "Shadow Stalker Chandelier" (Objekt / Object) 0285 - "Kettenbalg Säulen" / "Shadow Stalker Pillars" (Objekt / Object) 0299 - Shenzi 029A - Banzai 029B - Ed 029C - Scar 02CE - Das Biest / The Beast 031B - Demyx (Arena des Olymps / Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) 035E - Sark 039A - Hydras Kopf / Hydra's Head 03C4 - Sark (Groß / Large) 03DB - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 03E5 - Xaldin 03F7 - Barbossa 040B - Vulkanlord / Volcano Lord 040C - Blizzardlord / Blizzard Lord 0459 - Bodenbeben / Groundshaker 04A0 - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone 04B8 - Das aggressive Programm / The aggressive Program 04D7 - Hayner 05CE - Gefängniswärter / Prison Keeper 05D0 - Die Marionette / The Experiment 05F8 - Luxord (Keine HP Leiste / No HP-Bar) 05FF - "Luxords Karte" / "Luxord's Card" 0607 - Sensenmeister / Grim Reaper (könnte abstürzen... / may crash...) 0622 - Xigbar 0639 - Dschafars Wasserklon (unverwundbar) / Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) 063C - Riku 0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) 0647 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River Battle) 0678 - Cifer / Seifer 06BB - Karlo / Pete (Megara Battle) 06BC - Karlo / Pete (Hercules Battle) 06C9 - Saïx 06F2 - Sephiroth (Block-Pose / Guard Stance) 06FA - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object) 0710 - Die Marionette / The Experiment (Kopf / Head) 0711 - Die Marionette / The Experiment ("linke / left Hand") 0712 - Die Marionette / The Experiment ("rechte / right Hand") 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger 0812 - Hades 081F - Xemnas (Finale) / Final Xemnas 082F - Setzer 0847 - Shenzi 085C - Xemnas (Rüstung / Armor) 086C - Vivi (Spielabsturz nach dem Sieg / Game Crash after defeat) 08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle) 08B6 - Sephiroth 08D0 - Vivi (Spielabsturz nach dem Sieg / Game Crash after defeat) 08F6 - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) 08F8 - Squall / Leon 08F9 - Cloud 08FA - Tifa 08FB - Yuffie 090E - Hades (Moiren-Cup / Goddess of Fate Cup Battle, Hades-Paradox Cup Battle) 090F - Karlo / Pete (Hades-Paradox Cup Battle) 0910 - Hercules (Titanen-Paradox / Titan-Paradox Cup Battle) 0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) 0923 - Marluxia (Absent Silhouette) 0933 - Vexen (Absent Silhouette) 0934 - Vexen's Anti-Sora 0935 - Lexaeus (Absent Silhouette) 0951 - Roxas 0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) 096F - Terra 097B - Zexion (Absent Silhouette) 097D - Zexion's Book (Objekt / Object) 09C4 - Axel (Limit Cut) 09C5 - Xigbar (Limit Cut) 09C6 - Saïx (Limit Cut) 09C8 - Luxord (Limit Cut) 09C9 - Xemnas (Limit Cut, Memory's Contortion) 09CA - Xemnas (Limit Cut, The World of Nothing?) 09CB - Xaldin (Limit Cut) 09CC - Demyx (Limit Cut) 09FA - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone (Limit Cut) 09FC - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object) Gegner / Enemy 0001 - Böllerwampe / Fat Bandit 0002 - Schizo-Spuk / Trick Ghost 0003 - Schoßhund / Rabid Dog 0004 - Flederhaken / Hook Bat 0005 - Magus Magnus / Bookmaster 0006 - Blauer Baron / Aeroplane 0007 - Bombenmolch / Minute Bomb 0008 - Hammerlakai / Hammer Frame 0009 - Zentaurier / Assault Rider 000A - Schreck-Geck / Nightwalker 000B - Wahrsagerin / Fortuneteller 000C - Mondräuber / Luna Knight 000D - Retro-Raser / Hot Rod 000E - Böllerbolzen / Cannon Gun 000F - Schädelbulle / Living Bone (ohne Schamane / without Shaman) 0010 - Transbot / Devastator 0011 - Lanzensoldat / Lance Soldier 0012 - Drilling / Mole Driller 0013 - Shamane / Shaman 0014 - Flugboxer / Aerial Knocker 0047 - Silberling / Silver Rock 0048 - Saphirling / Emerald Blues 0049 - Purpurling / Crimson Jazz 004A - Luftpirat / Air Pirate 004B - Freudenspender / Bulky Vendor 004C - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe 004D - Würfeleis / Icy Cube 0076 - Gigg-Schack / Wight Knight 0077 - Gigg-Schack / Wight Knight (Halloween Town) 0078 - Schattenschalk / Neoshadow 0079 - Tetrabot / Magnum Loader 007A - Morgenstern / Morningstar 007B - Tornado-Tänzer / Tornado Step 007C - Crescendo 007D - Schauderplanze / Creeper Plant 012E - Schattenlurch / Shadow 012F - Adowampe / Large Body 0130 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster 0131 - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight 0132 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot 0134 - Dragoner / Dragoon 0135 - Meuchler / Assassin 0136 - Samurai 0137 - Scharfschütze / Sniper 0138 - Tänzer / Dancer 0139 - Berserker 013A - Spieler / Gambler 013B - Beschwörer / Sorcerer 013C - Beschwörer v2 / Sorcerer v2 013D - Kriecher / Creeper 013E - Dämmerling / Dusk 0158 - "Funke?" / "Sparkle?" 0159 - "Weißes Feuer" / "White Fire" 016F - Gargoyle-Ritter / Gargoyle Knight 0170 - Gargoyle-Krieger / Gargoyle Warrior 0453 - Untoter Pirat A / Undead Pirate A 0454 - Untoter Pirat B / Undead Pirate B 0455 - Untoter Pirat C / Undead Pirate C 045A - Telebot / Strafer 04C4 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Halloween Town) 0556 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot (1000 Herzlosen Kampf! / 1000 Heartless Battle!) 0557 - Propellerdrohnen in Massen / Crowd of Rapid Thrusters 0558 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster 05BC - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight 05BD - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot 0627 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower 0628 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower 064A - "weiße Flamme" / "white Flame" 0686 - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe 0687 - Würfeleis / Icy Cube 0689 - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe 068A - Würfeleis / Icy Cube 068B - Tetrabot (Weiß) / Magnum Loader (White) 06B5 - Tetrabot (Blau) / Magnum Loader (Blue) 06B6 - Tetrabot (Gelb) / Magnum Loader (Yellow) 06B7 - Tetrabot (Green) / Magnum Loader (Green) 06BF - Berserker-Schwert / Berserker Sword (Objekt / Object) 06E0 - Wahrsagerin / Fortuneteller 06EE - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard 06EF - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Halloween Town) 06F0 - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Christmas Town) 06F1 - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Christmas Town, Halloween Town) 071D - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower + Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (in Massen / in Mass) 0723 - Schizo-Spuk / Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) 0724 - Blauer Baron / Aeroplane (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0725 - Bombenmoloch / Minute Bomb (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0726 - Hammerlakai / Hammer Frame (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0727 - Retro-Raser / Hot Rod (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0728 - Böllerbolzen / Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids) 0729 - Drilling / Mole Driller (Halloween Town) 072A - Saphirling / Emerald Blues (Halloween Town) 072B - Magus Magnus / Bookmaster (Space Paranoids) 072C - Schattenschalk / Neoshadow (Halloween Town) 072D - Schauderplanze / Creeper Plant (Halloween Town) 072E - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Halloween Town) 072F - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Space Paranoids) 0730 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0731 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Halloween Town) 0732 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0733 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0735 - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight (Halloween Town) 0737 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot (Space Paranoids) 0739 - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 073C - Saphirling / Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids) 0753 - Telebot / Strafer 075F - Flederhaken / Hookbat (Agrabah) 0760 - Purpurling / Crimson Jazz (Agrabah) 0761 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (Agrabah) 07E9 - Adowampe / Large Body (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 081C - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard 0833 - Scars Geist / Scar"s Ghost 085A - Bienen / Bees 085B - Bienen / Bees 089A - Niemand vom Endkampf v1 / Nobody from Final Battle v1 08BE - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Das Land der Drachen / Land of Dragons) 08BF - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Das Land der Drachen / Land of Dragons) 08ED - Niemand vom Endkampf v2 / Nobody from Final Battle v2 08F0 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Schloss Disney / Disney Castle) 0926 - Mushroom No.1 0927 - Mushroom No.2 0928 - Mushroom No.3 0929 - Mushroom No.4 092A - Mushroom No.5 092B - Mushroom No.6 092C - Mushroom No.7 092D - Mushroom No.8 092E - Mushroom No.9 092F - Mushroom No.10 0930 - Mushroom No.11 0931 - Mushroom No.12 0932 - Mushroom No.13 0963 - Magic Phantom 0964 - Perplex 0965 - Iron Hammer 0966 - Mad Bumper 0967 - Silent Launcher 0968 - Reckless 0969 - Lance Warrior 096A - Aerial Champ 096B - Necromancer 096C - Spring Metal 096D - Air Viking 096E - Rune Master 09CD - Freudenspender / Bulky Vendor (Halloween Town) 09EB - Dancing Mushroom Objekt / Object 0239 - Speicherpunkt (mit Weltkarten Option) / Save Point (with World Map Option) 023A - Speicherpunkt / Save Point infinite drive 201A1B58 00000000 201A1B64 00000000 Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms E006FDFF 0034D3C0 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029 materials each 98 (recollection 4 kind, serenity 4 kind and illusion 2 kind,) (Final Mix) 0032F0B7 00000062 4032F0B8 00030001 62626262 00000000 1032F0CA 00006262 2032F0CC 62620062 0032F0D0 00000062 2032F0D8 62620062 1032F0DC 00006262 2032F0E0 00626262 0032F0E7 00000062 2032F0E8 62626262 2032F0EC 00626262 1032F0F6 00006262 0032F0FA 00000062 2032F100 62626200 2032F108 00626262 2032F10C 62626262 1032F112 00006262 1032F114 00006262 2032F128 62006200 2032F12C 62006262 2032F130 62626262 2032F134 00626262 0032F1E5 00000062 Sora: 21CB9BF4 YY303031 21CB9BF8 ???????? VALOR MOD 21C95554 YY303031 21C95558 XXXXXXXX WISDOM MOD 21C955B4 YY303031 21C955B8 XXXXXXXX LIMIT MOD 21CBD2D4 YY303031 21CBD2D8 XXXXXXXX MASTER MOD 21C95614 YY303031 21C95618 XXXXXXXX FINAL MOD 21C95674 YY303031 21C95678 XXXXXXXX ANTI MOD 21C956D4 YY303031 21C956D8 XXXXXXXX YY DIGITS: If Bottom value is 00000000(Normal Sora): "00" If Bottom value is from the forms: "5F" XX DIGITS: SORA (CURRENTLY HAS UNREMOVABLE SHININESS): 00000000 VALOR FORM: 464C5442 WISDOM FORM: 4647414D LIMIT FORM: 4631484B MASTER FORM: 46495254 FINAL: 46544C55 ANTIFORM: 464C5448 Mulan Moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F001A 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 E001FDFF 0034D45C (R2) 11C6CC20 00000054 (Normal) E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2) 11C6CC20 000002B5 (Haloween) E001FFFD 0034D45C (L3) 11C6CC20 00000656 (Tron) E001FFFB 0034D45C (R3) 11C6CC20 00000657 (Timeless river) E001FFFE 0034D45C (Select) 11C6CC20 00000955 (Chrismas) E001FDFE 0034D45C(R2 Joker) 11C6CC20 00000955 E001FDFE 0034D45C (R2) 11C6CC20 00000981 Anti form in the drive menu 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF Pajama Roxas Model 01CB9937 0000005F 21CB9938 5F43504E 21CB993C 414A4150 21CB9940 0053414D Roxas Left Hand Weapon Mod 10341164 0000???? Digits(Real): 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 0180 = Struggle Hammer 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 01F5 = Struggle Weapon Digits(Dummy's): 0769 - Starseeker 0317 - Way to the dawn 0069 - Oblivion 0074 - Darkside 023D - Kingdom Key 023E - Oathkeeper 0769 - Starseeker 076A - Hidden Dragon 076B - Hero's Crest 076C - Monochrome 076E - Follow The Wind 076F - Photon Debugger 0770 - Gullwing 0771 - Rumbling Rose 0772 - Guardian Soul 0773 - Wishes Lamp 0774 - Decisive Pumpkin 0775 - Sleeping Lion 0776 - Sweet Memories 0777 - Mysterious Abyss 0778 - Fatal Crest 0779 - Bond Of Flame 077A - Fenrir 077B - Ultima Weapon 02C0 - Auron's Weapon 0842 - Saix's Weapon 0845 - Xaldin's Lances 0846 - Axel's Weapon 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade Save point mod for the hall of the cornerstone: 11C533E8 0000???? Mods chip: 11C53894 0000???? Mods dale: 11C53AD4 0000???? Skateboard mod: 11C535C4 0000???? Sora & Riku alone 4032F064 00130001 12120300 00000000 Reaction Command Mod E003FDFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C ????0000 21C5FF50 00010001 Reaction Refresh E001FFFE 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000001 throne room in mulan world boxes Emperor Mod 11C4FC20 0000???? Save Point Mod 11C4F124 0000???? Soldier 1 11C4FA64 0000???? Soldier 2 11C4FB44 0000???? Small One's 11C4F24C 0000???? 11C4f28C 0000???? 11C4f2CC 0000???? 11C4f30C 0000???? 11C4f34C 0000???? 11C4f38C 0000???? Large One's 11C4F3CC 0000???? 11C4F40C 0000???? Surveillance robots 5XXXXXXX 00000020 01CA9770 00000000 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA9790 00000000 XX Digits 01c98b50 - Shadow YY Digits 01c98b70 - Shadow Armored knights 5XXXXXXX 00000020 01CA97D0 00000000 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA97F0 00000000 XX Digits 01c98b50 - Shadow YY Digits 01c98b70 - Shadow XX Digits 1c96270 - Neoshadow 1ca47f0 - Demyx water Clone 1c99150 - Dusk 1c98df0 - Assassin 1c98f70 - Berserker YY Digits 1c96290 - Neoshadow 1ca4810 - Demyx water Clone 1c99150 - Dusk 1c98e10 - Assassin 1c98f90 - Berserker XX Digits 1ca7f10 - Rapid thruster 1cadc10 - Fiery Globe 1cadc70 - Icy Cube 1cba930 - Nobody from Final battle YY Digits 1ca7f30 - Rapid thruster 1cadc30 - Fiery Globe 1cadc90 - Icy Cube 1cba950 - Nobody from Final battle XX Digits 1c98af0 - Soldier YY Digits 1c98b10 - Soldier XX Digits 1c98bb0 - Large Body YY Digits 1c98bd0 - Large Body Green Sora 11CE0B68 000006C1 21CAEC34 5f303231 21CAEC38 5f43504E 21CAEC3C 45455247 01CAEC40 0000004E Blue Sora 11CE0B68 000006C1 21CAEC34 5f303231 21CAEC38 5f43504E 21CAEC3C 45554c42 Red Sora 11CE0B68 000006C1 21CAEC34 5f303231 21CAEC38 5f43504E 21CAEC3C 00444552 give mickey way to the dawn 11CD4394 00000317 roxas with sora's moveset here 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 if that dont work 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0001 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Roxas (DW) Second Weapon Mod 1032F01C 0000???? DW Mickey (Coat) 21C9578C 01000000 21C957D4 001C0001 21C957DC 0A000000 51CD52A0 00000020 01CD5880 00000000 21CD4AE0 00000769 Mickey (Coat) with all attacks D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00001B04 11C6CC20 0000005B 20E42198 00F58060 Bigger Special Effects 2035AA20 xxxxxxxx replace the x's with.... 3F000000 = small 3F800000 = normal 3F900000 = kinda big 3FA00000 = big 3FB00000 = even bigger 3FC00000 = HUGE 40000000 = WAY TO BIG!!! Try this with DW Sora code: 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F000A 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Anti to have Finals Moveset. 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Final form moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Makes the world Oathkeepers ultimas. Equipt oathkeeper before using the jokers. 11CD4524 0000077B 11CD4B18 0000077B 11CD4CA8 0000077B play as DW Roxas (Boss) (the best and large code i have) E006FEFF 0034D45C 21c954f0 58455f4e 21c954f4 5f303238 21c954f8 004c5442 01c954ef 00000006 2036d8c0 61786f72 0036d8c4 00000073 E017FDFF 0034D45C 2081cc44 00000347 20e67644 00000101 2081cdb8 00e91130 2081feb8 01038f20 2081ff38 00fe12e0 2081ff78 00fe5c60 2081f218 00ff3a10 2081db18 01080f60 2081cef8 00e9b910 2081cf38 00ea9280 2081cf78 00eb6fb0 2081cfb8 00ec33e0 2081cff8 00ed10a0 2081d034 00edc350 2081d078 00ee6e40 2081d0f8 00efd300 2081da58 010556b0 2081cc58 01023820 2081ffb8 00fea5b0 2081fff8 00fea5b0 20820038 00fea5b0 2081f998 01041d00 2081f9d8 01041d00 thx in advance
Codebreaker/Gameshark version of codes Master Code (final mix) 903088E0 0C0C21E0 when instructed to press R2, press it and then change maps for example like going from Crystal Fissure to The Great Maw. Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 201C9A80 0000102D Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 201C99A0 0000102D Sora Can Summon When Alone 201C9B5C 0000102D Valor form is Tron version (press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CAD056 00000002 11CE0B70 00000669 Wisdom Form is Tron version (press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B72 0000066B 11CAD116 00000003 Master Form is tron Version (Press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B76 0000066D 11CAD1D6 00000004 Final Form is Tron version (Press R2) E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B78 0000066F 11CAD296 00000005 Play as Roxas 11CE0B68 0000005A Play as Dual Wield Roxas 11CE0B68 00000323 Roxas has Final Form Moveset (recomended to remove all Combo Plus and equip Negative Combo) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Party of Mickey and Riku 4032F064 00130001 1212030A 00000000 Mickey wields Xaldin's lances (Press R2) D034D45C 0000FDFF 11CD4ADC 00000845 Riku wields Oblivion (Press R2) 11CD4B04 00000069 Press R2 while changing maps to go to Room of Sleep D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00001B04 Limit Cut Xemnas replaces Donald 11CE0B6A 000009C9 Play as Riku [NTSC/J Final Mix Version] 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 21CB8C80 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 2032F0AC 12020100 Mickey (ally) replaces Donald 11CE0B6A 00000764 Circle is Facedown Reaction Command in Shortcut Menu 1032F228 00000231 Press R2 and change maps to play as Regular Sora in Limit Form costume E002FDFF 0034D45C 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B Terra is an ally 01CBD98C 00000009 11CBD9D4 000013B5 21CBD9D8 42C80000 21CBD9DC 0B010819 Donald is replaced by Terra (press R2) D034D45C 0000FDFF 11CE0B6A 0000096F Goofy is replaced by Aqua's Armor (Press R2) D034D45C 0000FDFF 11CE0B6C 000009E7 Press R2 to replace pence and NPC donald with Auron and Riku E002FDFF 0034D45C 11C3BED8 00000065 11C3BFBC 00000819 Press R2 to go to "Where nothing Gathers" D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00000012 Bosses are super powered (including the ones that replace Donald) Press R2 E005FDFF 0034D45C 11C6C4E8 00000251 11C6C670 000000FF 11C6C674 00000080 21C6C690 12121264 21C6C694 00641212 3/4 Sora Fix (to have more than 1 main character) 201D69F0 00000000 Play as 3 Wisdom Soras 4032F064 00130001 12050505 00000000 Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F000A 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Wisdom Form's left hand keyblade is Oathkeeper 1032EE5C 0000002A Oathkeeper is replaced by Mickey's golden keyblade 11CD4394 00000074 11CD4390 00000074 (Mickeys Keyblade) 11CD4390 00000317 (Way to Dawn) 11CD4390 00000845 (Xaldins Spears, Unequip Explosion and other extra finishers) infinite jump 20191C70 00000000 DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (some of them still dont' appear tho) E001FDFF 0034D45C 01C9F62F 00000001 Roxas can perform Reaction Commands E001FDFF 0034D45C 01C9572F 00000001 Character Slot 1 (Sora) 11CE0B68 0000???? Character Slot 2 (Donald) 11CE0B6A 0000???? Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 11CE0B6C 0000???? Character Slot 4 (guest/Guest) 11CE0B6E 0000???? Digit 0054 - Sora 0055 - Sora (hero form/Valor form) 0056 - Sora (way form/Wisdom form) 0057 - Sora (master form/master form) 0058 - Sora (Über-Form/final form) 0059 - Sora (anti-form) 095D - Sora (Limit form) 005A - Roxas 005B - Micky (with Kutte/with robe) 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Beast 005F - Jack (Halloween Town) 0060 - Jack (Christmas town) 0061 - Simba 0062 - Aladdin 0063 - Mulan 0064 - Ping 0065 - Auron 0066 - Sparrow 0067 - King trailer/Kingdom key (dummy) 0068 - Star loyalty/Oath Keeper (dummy) 0069 - Note Irish/Oblivion (dummy) 006A - Glitchy KHI Ultima (dummy) 006B - Glitchy KHI Ultima (dummy) 006C - Magic wand (dummy) 006D - Knight sign (dummy) 006E - Sign (dummy) 006F - Bent sword (dummy) 0070 - Battle companion (dummy) 0071 - Ancestor sword (dummy) 0072 - Mushu (dummy) 0073 - Dead head sword (dummy) 0074 - Mickys key sword (dummy) 0075 - Nothing? 0076 - Gigg Schack (opponent! /Enemy!) 0077 - Gigg Schack (opponent! /Enemy!) 0078 - Schattenschalk (opponent! /Enemy!) 0079 - Tetrabot (opponent! /Enemy!) 007A - Morning star (opponent! /Enemy!) 007B - Tornado dancer (opponent! /Enemy!) 007C - Crescendo (opponent! /Enemy!) 007D - Schauderplanze (opponent! /Enemy!) 007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!) 007F - Fear (Boss!) 0080 - Fear (Boss!) 0081 - Fright (Boss!) 0082 - Carpet/Carpet 0083 - “Freeze” 0084 - “Freeze” 00C8 - Hero form/Valor form (dummy) 0108 - Sora (dummy) 02D4 - Tron 0318 - Micky (without Kutte/robe without) 0319 - Donald 0323 - Roxas (hero form/Valor form) 05F9 - Way form/Wisdom form (dummy) 05FA - Master form/master form (dummy) 05FB - Über-Form/final form (dummy) 06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I) 081D - Sparrow 0819 - Riku (only guest/only Guest) 095D - Limit form 097F - Limit form (dummy) 061C - Leon (Partner!) 06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!) 06B3 - Tifa (Partner!) 0688 - Cloud (Partner!) 016A - Hercules (Partner!) 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 06C2 - Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Roo (Partner!) 0764 - Mickey (without Coat) (Partner!) 04DC - Axel (Partner!) 0133 - Twilight Thorn (Boss!) 04D7 - Hayner (Boss!) 0678 - Seifer (Boss!) 08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 082F - Setzer (Boss!) 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger (Boss!) 0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2nd Battle ) (Boss!) 0015 - Shan-Yu (Boss!) 0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yu's Falcon) (Boss!) 0161 - Thresholder (Boss!) 02CE - Beast (Boss!) 0162 - Dark Thorn (Boss!) 0163 - Shadow Stalker (Boss!) 0284 - Shadow Stalker Chandelier (Boss!) 0285 - Shadow Stalker Pillars (Boss!) 015F - Cerberus (Boss!) 031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) (Boss!) 08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone (Boss!) 0160 - Hydra (Boss!) 039A - Hydra's Head (Boss!) 0167 - Pete (Timeless River) (Boss!) 0166 - Illuminator (Boss!) 03F7 - Barbossa (Boss!) 040B - Volcano Lord (Boss!) 040C - Blizzard Lord (Boss!) 05CE - Prison Keeper (Boss!) 007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!) 0299 - Shenzi (Boss!) 029A - Banzai (Boss!) 029B - Ed (Boss!) 029C - Scar (Boss!) 04B8 - The Hostile Program (Boss!) 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) (Boss!) 063C - Riku (Boss!) 0165 - Storm Rider (Boss!) 03E5 - Xaldin (Boss!) 0812 - Hades (Boss!) 0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) (Boss!) 015C - Jafar (Boss!) 007F - Lock (Boss!) 0080 - Shock (Boss!) 0081 - Barrel (Boss!) 05D0 - The Experiment (Boss!) 0459 - Groundshaker (Boss!) 035E - Sark (Boss!) 03C4 - Sark (Large) (Boss!) 08F8 - Squall / Leon (Boss!) 08F9 - Cloud (Boss!) 08FA - Tifa (Boss!) 08FB - Yuffie (Boss!) 08B6 - Sephiroth (Boss!) 015D - Hades (1st and 2nd Battle) (Boss!) 015E - Hades (3rd Paradox Hades Cup Battle) (Boss!) 0622 - Xigbar (Boss!) 05F8 - Luxord (No HP-Bar) (Boss!) 05FF - "Luxord's Card" (Boss!) 06C9 - Saïx (Boss!) 06FA - Saïx's Claymore (Object) (Boss!) 0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) (Boss!) 085C - Armored Xemnas room mopdifitor E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 0000YYXX Compiled by Antiweapon. Put into text format by Keyblade Spirit. XX - World ---------------------------------- 01 - World of Darkness 02 - Twilight Town 03 - Destiny Islands 04 - Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion 05 - Beast's Castle 06 - Olympus Colisseum 07 - Agrabah 08 - Land of Dragons 09 - 100 Acre Wood 0A - Pride Lands 0B - Atlantica 0C - Disney Castle 0D - Timeless River 0E - Halloween Town 0F - World Map [o_O WTF?] 10 - Port Royal 11 - Space Paranoids 12 - The World That Never Was 13 - Insta-Freeze YY - Room Digits [Note - NE means No Escape.] --------------------- World of Darkness 00 - The Dark Margin [NE] Twilight Town 00 - The Empty Realm [NE] 01 - Roxas's Room [NE] 02 - The Usual Spot 03 - Back Alley 18 - On The Train [NE] 22 - Station of Awakening [NE] Destiny Islands 00 - Beach [NE] 01 - The Main Road [NE] 02 - Main Island: Shore [NE] Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion 00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army below) 02 - The Great Maw 03 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 04 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 05 - Ansems Study 06 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction) 08 - Bailey (Before Destruction) 09 - Borough 0A - Marketplace 0B - Castle Corridors 0C - Heartless Manufactory 0D - Merlin's house 0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid) 0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid) 10 - Ravine Trail 11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Conditions) 12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction) 13 - Bailey (After Destruction) 14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed) 15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths 16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area 17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber 18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft 19 - Transport to Remembrance 1A - Garden of Assemblage 1B - Room of Sleep and Stairwell (found by AntiWeapon) (Not 100% solid) 1C - BSOD 1D - BSOD 1E - BSOD 1F - BSOD 20 - The Old Mansion (Vexen's Area) 21 - Station of Remembrance (Larxene's Area) 22 - Zexion's fight area 23 - BSOD 24 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid) 25 - BSOD 26 - Station of Oblivion (Marluxia's Area) 27 - BSOD 28 - BSOD 29 - Instant Freeze Beast's Castle 00 - Entrance Hall 01 - Parlour 02 - Belle's Room 03 - Beast's Room 04 - Ballroom 05 - Ballroom (First Boss Area, Text Misplaced?) 06 - Courtyard 07 - The East Wing 08 - The West Hall 09 - The West Wing 0A - Dungeon 0B - Undercroft 0C - Secret Passage 0D - Bridge 0E - Ballroom (Jap. Text?, Where Beast and Belle Dance?) 0F - Bridge (For Xaldins Fight?) 10 - Freeze 11 - Freeze Olympus Colisseum 01 - Collesem gates (Cant get to the lobby for some reason, Undestroyed) 02 - Collesem gates (destroyed) 03 - Underworld entrance (Triggerd a cutscene for me ) 04 - Collesium foyer 05 - Valley of the dead 06 - Hades chamber 07 - Cave of the dead: Entrance 08 - Where you fight pete. 09 - The underdrome 0A - Cave of the dead: Inner chamber 0B - Underworld cavern: enterance 0C - The lock (With the meg engraving thing, reaction command to remove lock dosent do anything) 0D - The underdrome (cutscene verstion, can go into the soul pit place.) 0E - Collesem gates (destroyed, night) 0F - Cave of the dead: Passage 10 - Underworld caverns: The lost road 11 - Underworld caverns: Atrium 12 - Collesium gates (Where you fight the multiheaded thing) 13 - Underdrome (small, for tornament fights) 14 - Insta freeze Agrabah 00 - Agrabah 01 - Bazaar 02 - The Peddler's Shop [From first visit?] 03 - The Palace 04 - Vault 05 - Above Agrabah 06 - Palace Walls 07 - The Cave of Wonders Entrance 08 - Freeze 09 - The Cave of Wonders Stone ... 0A - The Cave of Wonders Treasure Room 0B - Ruined Chamber 0C - The Cave of Wonders Valley of Stone 0D - The Cave of Wonders Chasm of Challenges 0E - Mini Game? "Head Towards Jafars Shadow!", Jafars Invincible. 0F - The Peddler's Shop [From second visit?] 100 Acre Wood 00 - 100 Acre Wood World Selection? [P] 01 - The Big Tree [Forgot what it's called] 02 - Pooh Bear's House [NP?] 03 - Rabbit's House [NP?] 04 - Piglette's House [NP?] 05 - Kanga's House [NP?] 06 - The Day of a Wind? (Possible Mini Game Area?, Messed up Text, Blue Screen) [NP?] 07 - Eye the collection of Honey (Jap. Text, Possible Misspelling and Mini Game Area) [NP?] 08 - Flower Fence Valley (Possible Mini Game Area?, Jap. Text) [NP?] 09 - The Spookey Cave [NP?] Pride lands: 00 - Pride rock 02 - Kings den 03 - Long gourge place. 04 - The savana 05 - Elafant graveyard 06 - Gorge 07 - Wastelands 08 - Jungle 09 - Oasis 0A - Pride rock (restored) 0B - Oasis (Night) 0C - Overlook 0D - Peak 0E - Scar's darkness 0F - (Looks like Savana, cept it didn't have a proper title and I couldent leave the area) 10 - (Where Mufasa died) Atlantica 01 - Treasure Room [NE] 02 - Undersea Courtyard [P] 03 - Submarine Open Space (Jap. Text?, Same as 02, Recolored) [P] 04 - Freeze? 05 - Sunken Ship [P] 06 - Wrath of the Sea (Daytime) [P] 07 - Seashore (Same as above, Nighttime, Jap. Text?) [P] 08 - Seashore (Same as above and 06, Evening) [P] 09 - Wrath of the Sea (Area when you are singing with Ursula) [P] 0A - D (Wedding Ship?) [P] Disney Castle Room 00 - Audience chamber Room 01 - Library Room 02 - Colonnade Room 03 - Courtyard Room 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns) Room 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone Room 06 - Gummi Hanger Room 07 - Gathering Place Room 08 - Instant Freeze Timeless River 00 - Cornerstone Hill [P] 01 - Pier 02 - Waterway [P] 03 - Wharf [NP] 04 - Lilliput [NP] 05 - Building Site [NP] 06 - Scene of the Fire [NP] 07 - Mickey's House [NP] 08 - Villians Vale (Black & White) [NP] Space Paranoids 00 - Pit Cell 01 - The Canyon 02 - Game Grid 03 - Data Space 04 - I/O Tower 05 - I/O Tower: Communications Tower 06 - Simulation Hanger 07 - Solar Sailor Simulation 08 - Central Computer 09 - Central Computer Core 0A - Solar Sailor Simulation The World That Never Was 00 - Where Nothing Gathers 02 - Fragments crossing 03 - Memories skyscraper 04 - The brink of dispair 05 - The soundless prision 06 - Nothings call 07 - Chooked asention (Going up) 08 - Chooked asention (Going down) 09 - Twilights view 0A - Hall of empty melodies 0B - Something of empty melodies (Where you meet up with kairi and riku) 0C - Naughts skyway 0D - Proof of existance 0E - Havoks divide 0F - Where you fight Saix (Full kingdom hearts moon + beam hitting it 10 - Naughts aproach 11 - Something something passage (Where Maleficent and pete fight the heartless swarm. ) 12 - The alter of naught (Oddly the kingdom hearts moon is still full and there is no door.) 13 - Memory's contortion (where you fight Xemnas 1) 14 - The world of nothing (the final fight area, with exit) 15 - The world of nothing (where you fight Roxas) 16 - Station of awakening (where you fly around in the litte thing with riku and sora) 17 - Armor 2 fight (with attacking dragon (crashes)) 18 - Armor 1 fight 19 - Core (with attackable core! (Crashes if you attack it enough) ) 1A - Twin cannons (With working reaction commands) 1B - First area of final battle 1C - Second area of final battle 1D - Alter of naught (no kingdom hearts moon) play as riku Final Mix: 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 21CB8C80 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 01C5FFD4 00000005 1032F228 00000001 1032F22E 000001C6 11CB8C9E 00000002 2032F0AC 00020100 Full Party 4032F064 00130001 03020100 00000000 Alone 4032F064 00130001 12121200 00000000 Play as Normal Sora with Limits custom 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B Bosses: Donald is replaced by Axel (TT 2nd battle) 11CE0B6A 00000051 Goofy is replaced by Axel (TT 2nd battle) 11CE0B6C 00000051 Donald is replaced by Xemnas 1 11CE0B6A 00000646 Goofy is replaced by Xemnas 1 11CE0B6C 00000646 Donald is replaced by Roxas (Boss) 11CE0B6A 00000951 Goofy is replaced by Roxas (Boss) 11CE0B6C 00000951 Donald is replaced by Saix 11CE0B6A 000006C9 Goofy is replaced by Saix 11CE0B6C 000006C9 Partners: Donald is replaced by Cloud (Partner) 11CE0B6A 00000688 Goofy is replaced by Cloud (Partner) 11CE0B6C 00000688 Donald is replaced by Leon (Partner) 11CE0B6A 0000061C Goofy is replaced by Leon (Partner) 11CE0B6C 0000061C Donald is replaced by Tifa (Partner) 11CE0B6A 000006B3 Goofy is replaced by Tifa (Partner) 11CE0B6C 000006B3 Play As Riku 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 Auron can perform 8 Hit Combo (go into the menu and equip Aerial Sweep and use it during battle) 200F9014 24010005 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F0001 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010005 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F0001 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Detection Saber 1032E020 0000002C Edge of Ultima 1032E020 0000002D Darkside(Mickey's Keyblade)equip kingdom key before using this code. 11CD4390 00000074 have donald and sora only 4032F064 00130001 12120100 00000000 have goofy and sora only 4032F064 00130001 12120200 00000000 No Music 202BD264 0000302D 202BD2AC 0000302D room midifiter Final Mix: (Ported by Antiweapon) E001FDFF 0034D45C R2 Joker 1032BAE0 0000YYXX Darkness 21D44368 3FCDFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Light 21D44368 3FCEFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Press R2 to Ride LIght Cycle E004FDFF 0034D45C 4032F064 00130001 12120200 00000000 11CE0B68 000005F5 11CE0B6A 00000654 Ally Roxas E006FEFF 0034D45C(L2 Joker) 01C957EF 0000000E 11C957F4 00003131 11C95814 00003131 21C95834 00010002 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000???? <- Weapon Mod i'll get the sora one too. EDIT:got the Ally Sora code. Ally Sora E006FEFF 0034D45C (L2 Joker) 01C957EF 00000001 11C957F4 00003031 11C95814 00003031 21C95834 0001000D 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000???? <- Weapon Mod Sora Weapon Mod 1032E020 0000???? Kingdom Key Mod 11CD4390 0000XXXX Kingdom key Mod 2 21CEF60C 0000XXXX Digits: 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 0180 = Struggle Hammer 002C = Detection Saber 002D = Edge of Ultima 021F = Acrossing Two 0220 = Winner's proof 0846 = Axel weapon 02c0= Auron weapon 0842= Saix weapon 08BD= kairy keyblade All bosses are allies 2036C3E8 0016F1F4 Riku Weapon Mod 11CD4B04 0000???? digits: 08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher) 0067 = Kingdom Key 0068 = Oathkeeper 0069 = Oblivion 0074 = Darkside 0769 = Star Seeker 0317 = Way to The Dawn 076A = Hidden Dragon 076B = Hero's Crest 076C = Monochrome 076E = Follow The Wind 076F = Photon Debugger 0770 = Gullwing 0771 = Rumbling Rose 0772 = Guardian Soul 0773 = Wishing Lamp 0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin 0775 = Sleeping Lion 0776 = Sweet Memory 0777 = Mysterious Abyss 0778 = Fatal Crest 0779 = Bond Of Flame 077A = Fenrir 077B = Ultima weapon 0845 = Xaldin Spear's 0846 = Axel Weapon 0842 = Saïx'- Sword 0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow 02C0 = Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon) All bosses are allies 2036C3E8 0016F1F4 Darkness [R2] E002FDFF 0034D45C 21D44368 3FCDFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Light [L2] E002FEFF 0034D45C 21D44368 3FCEFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Sora [ID-01] [Class B] 01C95536 000000?? Battle Form [Valor] [ID-02] [Class B] 01C95596 000000?? Magic Form [Wisdom] [ID-03] [Class B] 01C955F6 000000?? Trinity Form [Master] [ID-04] [Class B] 01C956B6 000000?? Ultima Form [Final] [ID-05] [Class B] 01C956B6 000000?? Heartless Form [Anti] [ID-06] [Class A] 01C95714 000000?? Mickey [ID-1C] [Class B] 01C957D4 000000?? Donald [ID-11] [Class HB] (Something doesn't feel right...) 01C95836 000000?? Goofy [ID-14] [Class HB] 01C95894 000000?? Riku ID- 23 Class HB 01CB5E16 000000?? DW Roxas- ID: 0A 01C9F62F 000000?? Roxas- ID: 0E 01C9572F 000000?? 01= Sora 02= Valor 03= Wisdom 04= Master Form 05= Final Form 06= Anti-Form * 0A= Dual-Wield Roxas 0D= Roxas Axel playable E006FDFF 0034D45C 20a4d218 01083540 20f88c44 00000100 20f88c48 00f88c40 20a4acd8 00f99540 20a4acf8 00f99540 20a4ad08 00f99540 21c954f0 58455f42 21c954f4 00303131 E002FEFF 0034D45C 2032bae0 00001402 2032bae4 00D500D5 press L2 at disney castle going into mickeys throne room from the hall of the cornerstone, and then while in axels battle, press R2 and either run forward or attack normally. play as Cloud 21C954F0 42485F4E 21C954F4 5F303535 21C954F8 004C5442 E00DFEFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00001512 11C6CC24 00000688 11C6CC26 000008B6 21C954EC FF000000 E008FDFF 0034D45C 20BFE644 000000D1 20BFE648 00BFE640 20903198 00D01C50 20902A18 00C704E0 20902F98 00C8E5B0 209005B8 00C14560 20903418 00C219F0 20900578 00CDECC0 instructions: Go to/Load from the hall of the cornerstone. press L2 going into mickey's throne room. after going into the throne room, press R2, then attack, aerial attack, fall, or hit the ground to see if the mushball comes alive Partners 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 0551 - Timon (Partner!) 0552 - Pumbaa (Partner!) 061C - Leon (Partner!) 06C2 - Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Roo (Partner!) Bosses 0016 - Hayabusa 007F - Lock 0080 - Shock 0081 - Barrel 0162 - Dark Thorn 0163 - Shadow Stalker 0165 - Storm Rider 0167 - Pete (Timeless River) 031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) 035E - Sark 03C4 - Sark (Large) 03DB - Pete (Timeless River) 03E5 - Xaldin 04A0 - Demyx's Water Clone 05D0 - The Experiment 0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) 063C - Riku 0647 - Pete (Timeless River Battle) 0678 - Seifer 06BB - Pete (Megara Battle) 06BC - Pete (Hercules Battle) 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger 085C - Xemnas (Armor) 086C - Vivi 08B6 - Sephiroth 08D0 - Vivi 08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) 08F8 - Leon 090F - Pete (Hades-Paradox Cup Battle) 0934 - Vexen's Anti-Sora 0937 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) 0938 - Zexion (Absent Silhouette) 096F - Terra 09CB - Xaldin (Limit Cut) 09CC - Demyx (Limit Cut) Play as Shadow Roxas 11c6cc20 00000754 21cb1950 58455f50 21cb1954 2e303131 21cb1958 7465736d 1000 Heartless battle (R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00001104 2032BAE4 00420042 1032BAE8 00000042 Sephiroth Battle (L2) E003FEFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00000104 2032BAE4 004B004B 1032BAE8 0000004B BGM Mod 10347D34 000000XX 10347D44 000000XX the first line is for gummi world map, town music, and boss music the second line is for normal battles *indicates that digit is exclusive to Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ only 31 and below= no music 32- Station of Serenity. 33- Station of Serenity Battle 34- Twilight Town (Sora's story) 35- Twilight Town Battles (Sora's story) 36- TWTNW 37- TWTNW battle music 38- Port Royal. 39- Port Royal Battles. 3A- Freeze 3B- 1st Armor Xemnas Battle 3C- Dash to the Unknown 3E- Twilight Xemnas Battle 3F- 13th Rememberance* 40- Christmas Town* 41- Christmas Town Battles* 42 - The Other Promise* 43 - Rage Awakened* 44 - Cavern of Rememberance* 45 - CoR Battle* 46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 50- Freeze 51- Freeze 52- Mini-Game 53- Nothing? 54- Agrabah Battle (super fast) 55- Space Paranoids Battle 56- Freeze 57- Xemnas Battle (the one in front of the skyscraper)(hangs the game sometimes) 58- Music when Sora awakens 59- Reunion (one when Sora, Riku, and Kairi reunite) 5A- Music when Riku removes blindfold (i THINK) 5B- Kairi's Theme 5C- New Journey 5D- Evil Music (when the Villians plot) 5E- Solemn Music (when Sora finds out what happens when he uses the keyblade) 5F- No Hope 60- Happy March (when Maleficent and Pete die in TWTNW) 61- Silly music (like when Sora visits Santa) 62- Bad Omen 63- Longing (when Kairi is taken from her home) 64- Underworld Music 65- Beast Castle Music 66- Underworld Battle Music 67- Olympus Coliseum Theme 68- Beast Castle Battle Music 69- Nothing 6A- Under the Sea (sometimes hangs the game) 6B- Ursula's Revenge (background music) (sometimes hangs the game) 6C- Ariel's Song (background to the one she sings in the cave) 6D- Conclusion Song to Atlantica (background music) 6E- Large Boss Battle (like against the MCP or Jafar) 6F- Chaotic Battle (used in 1000 Heartless event) 70- Land of Dragon Battle 71- Swim this way (background music to "swim this way" in Atlantica) 72- Nobodies attack 73- Special Boss Battle (like against against the Experiment in Halloween Town) 74- Land of Dragon Town 75- Annoying Battle (like against Pete or the Hyenas) 76- Twilight Town (Roxas story) 77- Twilight Town Battles (Roxas story) 78- Arena Battles 79- Mini Boss Battles (like in Beast's Castle during first visit) 7A- Atlantica Tutorial 7B- Atlantica Tutorial (when you do something right) 7C- Same as 7B 7D- Conclusion to Atlantica Tutorial 7E- Nothing 7F- Agrabah Town 80- Agrabah Battle 81- Atlantica Town 82- Neverland Clock Tower (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 83- Ambush (battle music for most scripted battles) 84- Ending to Beast's Castle (when belle and beast dance together) 85- Yen Sid Tower 86- Twilight Town battle (Sora's story) 87- Space Paranoids 88- Space Paranoids Battle 89- Gummi?s World Map. 8A- Gummi Menu 8B- Gummi Construction 8C- Under the Sea (this one doesn't hang the game) 8D- 100 Acre Wood 8E- Gummi Victory 8F- Disney Castle. 90- Halloween Town 91- Struggle in Hollow Bastion 92- Roxas' Theme 93- Atlantica Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 94- Gummi Launch 95- Halloween Town Battles. 96- Disney Boss Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 97- The 13th Struggle (Organization XIII battles) 98- Hollow Bastion. 99- Hollow Bastion Battles. 9A- Port Royal 9B- Port Royal battles (hangs the game) 9C- Ansem Final Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 9D- Nothing 9E- 100 Acre Minigame 9F- 100 Acre Minigame (when riding the broom thing) A0- Nothing A1- Nothing A2- Evil Music (when Villians plot) A3- Bad Omen A4- Olympus Coliseum Mini-game A5- Nothing A6- Bad Omen A7- Bad Omen (this one can be used in worlds as well) A8- Bad Omen A9- Bad Omen AA- Nothing AB- Nothing AC- Nothing AD- Nothing AE- Nothing AF- Shocker Music (like when Maleficent revives) B0-B8= Nothing B9- 13th Dilema BA- Pride Lands Theme BB- Pride Lands battles BC- One Winged Angel BD- Timeless River Theme BE- Timeless River Battles it seems everything past BE is nothing but it was only tested until D5 which all turned out to be nothing Postern save point 11c477e0 0000???? Ultimate Roxas 11C6C4EC 00002EE0 11C6C670 00000080 11C6C674 000000FF 21C6C690 00000064 21C6C694 00640000 Add in this R2 joker if it is outside of a normal boss fight, so that you can tap it to fill their hp to 17 HP bars. D034D45C 0000FDFF 11C6C4E8 000000D4 The real DW sora: 01C9F62F 00000001 21C9F634 00303031 01C9F655 00000030 01C9F674 00000001 11CE0B68 00000323 SORA MOD 21C954F4 YY303031 21C954F8 XXXXXXXX VALOR MOD 21C95554 YY303031 21C95558 XXXXXXXX WISDOM MOD 21C955B4 YY303031 21C955B8 XXXXXXXX LIMIT MOD 21CBD2D4 YY303031 21CBD2D8 XXXXXXXX MASTER MOD 21C95614 YY303031 21C95618 XXXXXXXX FINAL MOD 21C95674 YY303031 21C95678 XXXXXXXX ANTI MOD 21C956D4 YY303031 21C956D8 XXXXXXXX YY DIGITS: BOTTOM VALUE IS 00000000: "00" BOTOM VALUE IS ANOTHER FORMS VALUE: "5F" XX DIGITS: SORA (CURRENTLY HAS UNREMOVABLE SHININESS): "00000000" VALOR FORM: "464C5442" WISDOM FORM: "4647414D" LIMIT FORM: "4631484B" MASTER FORM: "46495254" FINAL: "46544C55" ANTIFORM: "464C5448" drive gauge is maxed 201A1AB0 00000000 201A1ACC 256EFFFF MP does not decrease 201A1A08 00000000 HP does not decrease 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 Have all consumption items materials, key items, and dummies 2032F0B0 62626262 1032F0B4 00006262 0032F0B6 00000062 0032F111 00000062 0032F13F 00000062 2032F140 00626262 0032F147 00000062 4032F148 00090001 62626262 00000000 0032F17B 00000062 2032F17C 62626262 2032F194 62626262 2032F198 62626262 1032F19C 00006262 2032F1D8 62626262 2032F1DC 62626262 1032F1E0 00006262 materials each 98 (recollection 4 kind, serenity 4 kind and illusion 2 kind,) 0032F0B7 00000062 4032F0B8 00030001 62626262 00000000 1032F0CA 00006262 2032F0CC 62620062 0032F0D0 00000062 2032F0D8 62620062 1032F0DC 00006262 2032F0E0 00626262 0032F0E7 00000062 2032F0E8 62626262 2032F0EC 00626262 1032F0F6 00006262 0032F0FA 00000062 2032F100 62626200 2032F108 00626262 2032F10C 62626262 1032F112 00006262 1032F114 00006262 2032F128 62006200 2032F12C 62006262 2032F130 62626262 2032F134 00626262 0032F1E5 00000062 Hooded Mickey Replaces Donald 11C6CC22 0000005B Hooded Mickey Replaces Goofy 11C6CC24 0000005B Normal party with riku 4032F064 00130001 02010300 00000000 Play As Riku 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 Max AP: 0032E028 000000FF Infinity Jump (it gets glitchy in Drive Forms so....you shouldn't use Drive Forms during the code) 20191C70 00000000 Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 201C9A80 0000102D Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 201C99A0 0000102D Sora Can Summon When Alone 201C9B5C 0000102D 1000 Heartless Fight (Jokered R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00001104 2032BAE4 00420042 1032BAE8 00000042 All Sora Weapons 0032F0D1 00000062 1032F0D2 00006262 1032F0D4 00006262 0032F1AB 00000062 0032F1AC 00000062 0032F1AF 00000062 4032F1B0 00040001 62626262 00000000 0032F1C8 00000062 0032F1C9 00000062 Super Speed (normal Sora only) 21CE2FE4 41C00000 Donald Mod 11C6CC22 0000XXXX Goofy Mod 11C6CC24 0000XXXX Replace XXXX with Party & Partner 0054 - Sora 0055 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) 0056 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) 0057 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) 0058 - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form) 0059 - Sora (Anti-Form) 005A - Roxas 005B - Micky / Mickey (mit Kutte / with Coat) 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Biest 005F - Jack (Halloween Town) 0060 - Jack (Christmas Town) 0061 - Simba 0062 - Aladdin 0063 - Mulan 0064 - Ping 0065 - Auron 0066 - Sparrow 0168 - Sora auf Teppich / Sora on Carpet 016A - Hercules (Partner!) 028A - Sora (Löwen-Form / Lion-Form) 029E - Donald (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 029D - Goofy (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 02B5 - Sora (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 0318 - Micky / Mickey (ohne Kutte / without Coat) 0323 - Roxas (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (aka. DW Roxas) 0396 - Donald (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere) 0397 - Goofy (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere) 03BE - Sora (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere) 03E7 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 03E8 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 03E9 - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form) (Halloween Town) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 03EA - Sora (Anti-Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 04BB - Minnie (Partner!) 04DC - Axel (Partner!) 04F5 - Goofy (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0551 - Timon (Partner!) 0552 - Pumbaa (Partner!) 0554 - Goofy (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 055A - Donald (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 05CF - Donald (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 05EF - Donald (Möwen-Form / Gull-Form) 0601 - Sora (Karten-Form / Card-Form) 0602 - Sora (Würfel-Form / Dice-Form) 061B - Goofy (Schildkröten-Form / Turtle-Form) 061C - Squall / Leon (Partner!) 0656 - Sora (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0657 - Sora (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0663 - Winnie Puuh (auf Soras Schultern) / Winnie the Pooh (on Sora's Shoulders) 0669 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066A - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066B - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066C - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066D - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066E - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066F - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0670 - Sora (Über-Form / Final-Form)(Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0671 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0672 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0688 - Cloud (Partner!) 06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!) 06B3 - Tifa (Partner!) 06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I Costume) 06C2 - I-Ah / Eeyore (Partner!) 06C3 - Tigger (Partner!) 06C4 - Piglet (Partner!) 06C5 - Ruuh / Roo (Partner!) 0764 - Micky / Mickey (ohne Kutte / without Coat) (Partner!) 0819 - Riku (nur Party / only Party) 081D - Sparrow 08D1 - Riku (vom Xemnas Kampf / from Xemnas Battle) 08D2 - Sterbender Sora / Dying Sora (Wenn er von Xemnas Elektrisiert wird / when Xenmas electrifies him) 08F2 - Squall / Leon (Partner!) (Buggy) 08F3 - Cloud (Partner!) (Buggy) 08F4 - Tifa (Partner!) (Buggy) 08F5 - Yuffie (Partner!) (Buggy) 0955 - Sora (Christmas Town) 0956 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor Form) (Christmas Town) 0957 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Christmas Town) 0958 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master Form) (Christmas Town) 0959 - Sora (Über-Form/ Final Form) (Christmas Town) 095A - Sora (Anti-Form) (Christmas Town) 095B - Donald (Christmas Town) 095C - Goofy( Christmas Town) 095D - Limit Form 095E - Limit Form (Halloween Town) 095F - Limit Form (Christmas Town) 0960 - Limit Form (Space Paranoids) 0961 - Limit Form (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) Boss 0015 - Shan-Yu 0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yus Falke / Shan-Yu's Falcon) 0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2. Battle) 007E - Oogie Boogie 007F - Furcht / Lock 0080 - Angst / Shock 0081 - Schrecken / Barrel 0133 - Twilight-Dorn / Twilight Thorn 015C - Dschafar / Jafar (Djinn) 015D - Hades (1. & 2. Kampf / Battle) 015E - Hades (3. & Paradox Hades Cup-Kampf / Battle) 015F - Zerberus / Cerberus 0160 - Hydra 0161 - Torwächter / Thresholder 0162 - Dunkeltroll / Dark Thorn 0163 - Kettenbalg / Shadow Stalker 0165 - Sturmreiter / Storm Rider 0166 - Illuminator 0167 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River 0284 - "Kettenbalg Kronleuchter" / "Shadow Stalker Chandelier" (Objekt / Object) 0285 - "Kettenbalg Säulen" / "Shadow Stalker Pillars" (Objekt / Object) 0299 - Shenzi 029A - Banzai 029B - Ed 029C - Scar 02CE - Das Biest / The Beast 031B - Demyx (Arena des Olymps / Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) 035E - Sark 039A - Hydras Kopf / Hydra's Head 03C4 - Sark (Groß / Large) 03DB - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 03E5 - Xaldin 03F7 - Barbossa 040B - Vulkanlord / Volcano Lord 040C - Blizzardlord / Blizzard Lord 0459 - Bodenbeben / Groundshaker 04A0 - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone 04B8 - Das aggressive Programm / The aggressive Program 04D7 - Hayner 05CE - Gefängniswärter / Prison Keeper 05D0 - Die Marionette / The Experiment 05F8 - Luxord (Keine HP Leiste / No HP-Bar) 05FF - "Luxords Karte" / "Luxord's Card" 0607 - Sensenmeister / Grim Reaper (könnte abstürzen... / may crash...) 0622 - Xigbar 0639 - Dschafars Wasserklon (unverwundbar) / Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) 063C - Riku 0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) 0647 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River Battle) 0678 - Cifer / Seifer 06BB - Karlo / Pete (Megara Battle) 06BC - Karlo / Pete (Hercules Battle) 06C9 - Saïx 06F2 - Sephiroth (Block-Pose / Guard Stance) 06FA - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object) 0710 - Die Marionette / The Experiment (Kopf / Head) 0711 - Die Marionette / The Experiment ("linke / left Hand") 0712 - Die Marionette / The Experiment ("rechte / right Hand") 0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger 0812 - Hades 081F - Xemnas (Finale) / Final Xemnas 082F - Setzer 0847 - Shenzi 085C - Xemnas (Rüstung / Armor) 086C - Vivi (Spielabsturz nach dem Sieg / Game Crash after defeat) 08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle) 08B6 - Sephiroth 08D0 - Vivi (Spielabsturz nach dem Sieg / Game Crash after defeat) 08F6 - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone 08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) 08F8 - Squall / Leon 08F9 - Cloud 08FA - Tifa 08FB - Yuffie 090E - Hades (Moiren-Cup / Goddess of Fate Cup Battle, Hades-Paradox Cup Battle) 090F - Karlo / Pete (Hades-Paradox Cup Battle) 0910 - Hercules (Titanen-Paradox / Titan-Paradox Cup Battle) 0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) 0923 - Marluxia (Absent Silhouette) 0933 - Vexen (Absent Silhouette) 0934 - Vexen's Anti-Sora 0935 - Lexaeus (Absent Silhouette) 0951 - Roxas 0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) 096F - Terra 097B - Zexion (Absent Silhouette) 097D - Zexion's Book (Objekt / Object) 09C4 - Axel (Limit Cut) 09C5 - Xigbar (Limit Cut) 09C6 - Saïx (Limit Cut) 09C8 - Luxord (Limit Cut) 09C9 - Xemnas (Limit Cut, Memory's Contortion) 09CA - Xemnas (Limit Cut, The World of Nothing?) 09CB - Xaldin (Limit Cut) 09CC - Demyx (Limit Cut) 09FA - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone (Limit Cut) 09FC - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object) Gegner / Enemy 0001 - Böllerwampe / Fat Bandit 0002 - Schizo-Spuk / Trick Ghost 0003 - Schoßhund / Rabid Dog 0004 - Flederhaken / Hook Bat 0005 - Magus Magnus / Bookmaster 0006 - Blauer Baron / Aeroplane 0007 - Bombenmolch / Minute Bomb 0008 - Hammerlakai / Hammer Frame 0009 - Zentaurier / Assault Rider 000A - Schreck-Geck / Nightwalker 000B - Wahrsagerin / Fortuneteller 000C - Mondräuber / Luna Knight 000D - Retro-Raser / Hot Rod 000E - Böllerbolzen / Cannon Gun 000F - Schädelbulle / Living Bone (ohne Schamane / without Shaman) 0010 - Transbot / Devastator 0011 - Lanzensoldat / Lance Soldier 0012 - Drilling / Mole Driller 0013 - Shamane / Shaman 0014 - Flugboxer / Aerial Knocker 0047 - Silberling / Silver Rock 0048 - Saphirling / Emerald Blues 0049 - Purpurling / Crimson Jazz 004A - Luftpirat / Air Pirate 004B - Freudenspender / Bulky Vendor 004C - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe 004D - Würfeleis / Icy Cube 0076 - Gigg-Schack / Wight Knight 0077 - Gigg-Schack / Wight Knight (Halloween Town) 0078 - Schattenschalk / Neoshadow 0079 - Tetrabot / Magnum Loader 007A - Morgenstern / Morningstar 007B - Tornado-Tänzer / Tornado Step 007C - Crescendo 007D - Schauderplanze / Creeper Plant 012E - Schattenlurch / Shadow 012F - Adowampe / Large Body 0130 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster 0131 - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight 0132 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot 0134 - Dragoner / Dragoon 0135 - Meuchler / Assassin 0136 - Samurai 0137 - Scharfschütze / Sniper 0138 - Tänzer / Dancer 0139 - Berserker 013A - Spieler / Gambler 013B - Beschwörer / Sorcerer 013C - Beschwörer v2 / Sorcerer v2 013D - Kriecher / Creeper 013E - Dämmerling / Dusk 0158 - "Funke?" / "Sparkle?" 0159 - "Weißes Feuer" / "White Fire" 016F - Gargoyle-Ritter / Gargoyle Knight 0170 - Gargoyle-Krieger / Gargoyle Warrior 0453 - Untoter Pirat A / Undead Pirate A 0454 - Untoter Pirat B / Undead Pirate B 0455 - Untoter Pirat C / Undead Pirate C 045A - Telebot / Strafer 04C4 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Halloween Town) 0556 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot (1000 Herzlosen Kampf! / 1000 Heartless Battle!) 0557 - Propellerdrohnen in Massen / Crowd of Rapid Thrusters 0558 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster 05BC - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight 05BD - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot 0627 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower 0628 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower 064A - "weiße Flamme" / "white Flame" 0686 - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe 0687 - Würfeleis / Icy Cube 0689 - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe 068A - Würfeleis / Icy Cube 068B - Tetrabot (Weiß) / Magnum Loader (White) 06B5 - Tetrabot (Blau) / Magnum Loader (Blue) 06B6 - Tetrabot (Gelb) / Magnum Loader (Yellow) 06B7 - Tetrabot (Green) / Magnum Loader (Green) 06BF - Berserker-Schwert / Berserker Sword (Objekt / Object) 06E0 - Wahrsagerin / Fortuneteller 06EE - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard 06EF - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Halloween Town) 06F0 - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Christmas Town) 06F1 - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Christmas Town, Halloween Town) 071D - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower + Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (in Massen / in Mass) 0723 - Schizo-Spuk / Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) 0724 - Blauer Baron / Aeroplane (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0725 - Bombenmoloch / Minute Bomb (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0726 - Hammerlakai / Hammer Frame (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0727 - Retro-Raser / Hot Rod (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0728 - Böllerbolzen / Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids) 0729 - Drilling / Mole Driller (Halloween Town) 072A - Saphirling / Emerald Blues (Halloween Town) 072B - Magus Magnus / Bookmaster (Space Paranoids) 072C - Schattenschalk / Neoshadow (Halloween Town) 072D - Schauderplanze / Creeper Plant (Halloween Town) 072E - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Halloween Town) 072F - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Space Paranoids) 0730 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0731 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Halloween Town) 0732 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0733 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 0735 - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight (Halloween Town) 0737 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot (Space Paranoids) 0739 - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 073C - Saphirling / Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids) 0753 - Telebot / Strafer 075F - Flederhaken / Hookbat (Agrabah) 0760 - Purpurling / Crimson Jazz (Agrabah) 0761 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (Agrabah) 07E9 - Adowampe / Large Body (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) 081C - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard 0833 - Scars Geist / Scar"s Ghost 085A - Bienen / Bees 085B - Bienen / Bees 089A - Niemand vom Endkampf v1 / Nobody from Final Battle v1 08BE - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Das Land der Drachen / Land of Dragons) 08BF - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Das Land der Drachen / Land of Dragons) 08ED - Niemand vom Endkampf v2 / Nobody from Final Battle v2 08F0 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Schloss Disney / Disney Castle) 0926 - Mushroom No.1 0927 - Mushroom No.2 0928 - Mushroom No.3 0929 - Mushroom No.4 092A - Mushroom No.5 092B - Mushroom No.6 092C - Mushroom No.7 092D - Mushroom No.8 092E - Mushroom No.9 092F - Mushroom No.10 0930 - Mushroom No.11 0931 - Mushroom No.12 0932 - Mushroom No.13 0963 - Magic Phantom 0964 - Perplex 0965 - Iron Hammer 0966 - Mad Bumper 0967 - Silent Launcher 0968 - Reckless 0969 - Lance Warrior 096A - Aerial Champ 096B - Necromancer 096C - Spring Metal 096D - Air Viking 096E - Rune Master 09CD - Freudenspender / Bulky Vendor (Halloween Town) 09EB - Dancing Mushroom Objekt / Object 0239 - Speicherpunkt (mit Weltkarten Option) / Save Point (with World Map Option) 023A - Speicherpunkt / Save Point infinite drive 201A1B58 00000000 201A1B64 00000000 Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms E006FDFF 0034D3C0 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029 materials each 98 (recollection 4 kind, serenity 4 kind and illusion 2 kind,) (Final Mix) 0032F0B7 00000062 4032F0B8 00030001 62626262 00000000 1032F0CA 00006262 2032F0CC 62620062 0032F0D0 00000062 2032F0D8 62620062 1032F0DC 00006262 2032F0E0 00626262 0032F0E7 00000062 2032F0E8 62626262 2032F0EC 00626262 1032F0F6 00006262 0032F0FA 00000062 2032F100 62626200 2032F108 00626262 2032F10C 62626262 1032F112 00006262 1032F114 00006262 2032F128 62006200 2032F12C 62006262 2032F130 62626262 2032F134 00626262 0032F1E5 00000062 Sora: 21CB9BF4 YY303031 21CB9BF8 ???????? VALOR MOD 21C95554 YY303031 21C95558 XXXXXXXX WISDOM MOD 21C955B4 YY303031 21C955B8 XXXXXXXX LIMIT MOD 21CBD2D4 YY303031 21CBD2D8 XXXXXXXX MASTER MOD 21C95614 YY303031 21C95618 XXXXXXXX FINAL MOD 21C95674 YY303031 21C95678 XXXXXXXX ANTI MOD 21C956D4 YY303031 21C956D8 XXXXXXXX YY DIGITS: If Bottom value is 00000000(Normal Sora): "00" If Bottom value is from the forms: "5F" XX DIGITS: SORA (CURRENTLY HAS UNREMOVABLE SHININESS): 00000000 VALOR FORM: 464C5442 WISDOM FORM: 4647414D LIMIT FORM: 4631484B MASTER FORM: 46495254 FINAL: 46544C55 ANTIFORM: 464C5448 Mulan Moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F001A 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 E001FDFF 0034D45C (R2) 11C6CC20 00000054 (Normal) E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2) 11C6CC20 000002B5 (Haloween) E001FFFD 0034D45C (L3) 11C6CC20 00000656 (Tron) E001FFFB 0034D45C (R3) 11C6CC20 00000657 (Timeless river) E001FFFE 0034D45C (Select) 11C6CC20 00000955 (Chrismas) E001FDFE 0034D45C(R2 Joker) 11C6CC20 00000955 E001FDFE 0034D45C (R2) 11C6CC20 00000981 Anti form in the drive menu 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF Pajama Roxas Model 01CB9937 0000005F 21CB9938 5F43504E 21CB993C 414A4150 21CB9940 0053414D Roxas Left Hand Weapon Mod 10341164 0000???? Digits(Real): 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 0180 = Struggle Hammer 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 01F5 = Struggle Weapon Digits(Dummy's): 0769 - Starseeker 0317 - Way to the dawn 0069 - Oblivion 0074 - Darkside 023D - Kingdom Key 023E - Oathkeeper 0769 - Starseeker 076A - Hidden Dragon 076B - Hero's Crest 076C - Monochrome 076E - Follow The Wind 076F - Photon Debugger 0770 - Gullwing 0771 - Rumbling Rose 0772 - Guardian Soul 0773 - Wishes Lamp 0774 - Decisive Pumpkin 0775 - Sleeping Lion 0776 - Sweet Memories 0777 - Mysterious Abyss 0778 - Fatal Crest 0779 - Bond Of Flame 077A - Fenrir 077B - Ultima Weapon 02C0 - Auron's Weapon 0842 - Saix's Weapon 0845 - Xaldin's Lances 0846 - Axel's Weapon 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade Save point mod for the hall of the cornerstone: 11C533E8 0000???? Mods chip: 11C53894 0000???? Mods dale: 11C53AD4 0000???? Skateboard mod: 11C535C4 0000???? Sora & Riku alone 4032F064 00130001 12120300 00000000 Reaction Command Mod E003FDFF 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000000 21C5FF4C ????0000 21C5FF50 00010001 Reaction Refresh E001FFFE 0034D45C 21C5FF48 00000001 throne room in mulan world boxes Emperor Mod 11C4FC20 0000???? Save Point Mod 11C4F124 0000???? Soldier 1 11C4FA64 0000???? Soldier 2 11C4FB44 0000???? Small One's 11C4F24C 0000???? 11C4f28C 0000???? 11C4f2CC 0000???? 11C4f30C 0000???? 11C4f34C 0000???? 11C4f38C 0000???? Large One's 11C4F3CC 0000???? 11C4F40C 0000???? Surveillance robots 5XXXXXXX 00000020 01CA9770 00000000 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA9790 00000000 XX Digits 01c98b50 - Shadow YY Digits 01c98b70 - Shadow Armored knights 5XXXXXXX 00000020 01CA97D0 00000000 5YYYYYYY 00000020 01CA97F0 00000000 XX Digits 01c98b50 - Shadow YY Digits 01c98b70 - Shadow XX Digits 1c96270 - Neoshadow 1ca47f0 - Demyx water Clone 1c99150 - Dusk 1c98df0 - Assassin 1c98f70 - Berserker YY Digits 1c96290 - Neoshadow 1ca4810 - Demyx water Clone 1c99150 - Dusk 1c98e10 - Assassin 1c98f90 - Berserker XX Digits 1ca7f10 - Rapid thruster 1cadc10 - Fiery Globe 1cadc70 - Icy Cube 1cba930 - Nobody from Final battle YY Digits 1ca7f30 - Rapid thruster 1cadc30 - Fiery Globe 1cadc90 - Icy Cube 1cba950 - Nobody from Final battle XX Digits 1c98af0 - Soldier YY Digits 1c98b10 - Soldier XX Digits 1c98bb0 - Large Body YY Digits 1c98bd0 - Large Body Green Sora 11CE0B68 000006C1 21CAEC34 5f303231 21CAEC38 5f43504E 21CAEC3C 45455247 01CAEC40 0000004E Blue Sora 11CE0B68 000006C1 21CAEC34 5f303231 21CAEC38 5f43504E 21CAEC3C 45554c42 Red Sora 11CE0B68 000006C1 21CAEC34 5f303231 21CAEC38 5f43504E 21CAEC3C 00444552 give mickey way to the dawn 11CD4394 00000317 roxas with sora's moveset here 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 if that dont work 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0001 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Roxas (DW) Second Weapon Mod 1032F01C 0000???? DW Mickey (Coat) 21C9578C 01000000 21C957D4 001C0001 21C957DC 0A000000 51CD52A0 00000020 01CD5880 00000000 21CD4AE0 00000769 Mickey (Coat) with all attacks D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00001B04 11C6CC20 0000005B 20E42198 00F58060 Bigger Special Effects 2035AA20 xxxxxxxx replace the x's with.... 3F000000 = small 3F800000 = normal 3F900000 = kinda big 3FA00000 = big 3FB00000 = even bigger 3FC00000 = HUGE 40000000 = WAY TO BIG!!! Try this with DW Sora code: 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F000A 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Anti to have Finals Moveset. 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 Final form moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Makes the world Oathkeepers ultimas. Equipt oathkeeper before using the jokers. 11CD4524 0000077B 11CD4B18 0000077B 11CD4CA8 0000077B play as DW Roxas (Boss) (the best and large code i have) E006FEFF 0034D45C 21c954f0 58455f4e 21c954f4 5f303238 21c954f8 004c5442 01c954ef 00000006 2036d8c0 61786f72 0036d8c4 00000073 E017FDFF 0034D45C 2081cc44 00000347 20e67644 00000101 2081cdb8 00e91130 2081feb8 01038f20 2081ff38 00fe12e0 2081ff78 00fe5c60 2081f218 00ff3a10 2081db18 01080f60 2081cef8 00e9b910 2081cf38 00ea9280 2081cf78 00eb6fb0 2081cfb8 00ec33e0 2081cff8 00ed10a0 2081d034 00edc350 2081d078 00ee6e40 2081d0f8 00efd300 2081da58 010556b0 2081cc58 01023820 2081ffb8 00fea5b0 2081fff8 00fea5b0 20820038 00fea5b0 2081f998 01041d00 2081f9d8 01041d00
I heard you get it by defeating the organization 13 mushrooms, and by defeating enigmatic soldier and by beating all the data battles.
I think by making a full limit but ragnarok doesnt count.
All of these codes are for regular kh2.
No problems.
You can use ARMAX with it, you just put the ARMAX cd then the swap magic the final mix and the codes will be active.
Sorry my ps2 is being repaired it just suddenly stopped running every game i have.
Max/Inf MOney 2032DF70 000F423F
I kept killing nobodies before the battle till i got to level 5 and i had about 5 potion or so.
I like bond of flames,Way to the dawn and the one you get after beating roxas,if some body can tell me its name i will be gratefull.
the ones i had problems with is lexause(or what ever his name is),and demyx but i actually enjoyed larxene ,Marluxia and roxas fight.
Why team up Marluxia would kick his butt but thats if he was as strong asin com. Marluxia rocks.
Thats another theory that i think it might be right but we will never really know , maybe it was random and not because of any thing, or maybe of his memories or because of his past and future or his dark side and good side but the most ones i believe are this one and because of his dark and good side.
36028 Hey guys.
No Do you own a nintendo w i i ?