I only save with codes on like infinite health and time and stuff, but no character or weapon changing or w/e. But if you turn into Mickey and trigger a cutscene the game crashes. Also is there a code so you can get Anti-Sora form whenever you want and still have access to the normal drive forms?
It works but how do I change back to Sora after I turned into Mickey?
Cool and do you have one for - Play as Mickey - Sora's Kingdom Keyblade is Mickey's Kingdom Keyblade
Heya, Can someone give me ARmax (pal) codes for - Infinite munny - Infinite HP / MP Donald and Goofy Please? I didn't look through all 34 pages, so if they have been posted I hope someone can repost them for me. Oh, and one for - Donald and Goofy lvl 99 - Gummi ship infinite health Please
Hmm yeah you're right. Well even if the kids were deceived, Riku chose for his own to join Maleficent. Sora offered Riku to join em', but he refused. Then later Riku offered Sora to join him, but obviously Sora couldn't do that either. In the end he was a little jealous that Sora had "replaced" him. But who cares whose fault it is. What happened happened, and nobody could really help it.
Screw Xenahort and Kairi, it can't be your fault if you don't know what's gonna happen. It was Riku's fault. He couldn't stand that Kairi liked Sora more then him and that Sora was the wielder of the Keyblade and that he teamed up with Goofy and Donald. He was just jealous, and along with the encouraging of Maleficent caused him to walk over to the dark side. He says how he's not afraid of darkness and how he controls it, but conversely that just shows how much it consumes him. At the end I do believe Riku is pure again, when he closes the door to Kingdom Hearts with Sora & co. Haven't played KHII yet so I don't know what he's like in that.
Ah that blows. I wanna explore the areas without encountering Heartless every sec :( But plot wise I don't really understand what's the use in locking keyholes if heartless keep appearing anyway. I thought Sora was doing it so the Heartless would disappear from the worlds.
I particularly like the Queen Ursula battle. The normal battle with Ursula didn't really feel good because you can't hit her unless you hit that pot first. But the battle with Queen Ursula was awesome. Also I liked the battle with Genie Jafar.
After sealing the keyhole in Atlantica, are all the heartless gone in all areas there?
Apparently I'm Ansem, I'm wise, not on the side of light nor darkness, and seek revenge. Hmm. Guess that's about right.
Well first of all I was amazed by the awesome graphics and detail of Sora's hair. As well as the awesome song in the background. I really liked Sora since I saw him in the intro. He looks funny and awesome at the same time, a colorful character, but also someone who's serious. And about the visuals, you kinda get used to that if you play a lot of Squeenix games. I mean the kind of stuff that happened, not the graphical quality.
I was pretty shocked that Ariel wasn't one. She is really a princess after all. But yeah that can't be a requirement since some of them aren't princesses anyway. Why they call it princesses of heart then is beyond me. But I think Ariel would've made a good fit. But it doesn't really bug me.
Ok well I'm also excited about seeing the new kid Roxas, wonder what he's like
Hmm alright then. Yeah I will buy it, wouldn't wanna miss it as a KH fan. Too bad about the Atlantica though. Ah well, enough other worlds to kick ass in.
So I heard there's no swimming in Atlantica in KHII? You gotta be kidding me! So how exactly do you play in Atlantica in KHII? I wanted to finally pick up KHII soon, but due to this, I'm getting doubts. Atlantica was the most awesome part in KH ever.
Seriously Sora's arms are ridicilously thin. I started to think he was on a diet or something. While if you look at Riku he has solid muscled arms. Would be better if Sora got a pair of those too imo.