I hate the ******* for what he did. He pretty much uses Riku to get Roxas and then erases Roxas' personality for his own selfish goals. Roxas was awesome in Org. XIII, and that stupid ******* ruined it all. Seriously, I hate the dude. He acts like God who has created incomplete species (Nobodies) and constantly discriminates against them. "A Nobody does not have the right to be." Yeah, screw you man. Even if a Nobody doesn't have a heart, if you look at the friendship between Axel and Roxas, and even the friendship between Roxas and those three Twilight Town misfits, you can see even a Nobody has emotions.
They all have cool abilities, but Larxene has by far the best technique.
I think Seifer is an emo ******* who likes to pick on people for no good reason. Out of all the guys in Twilight Town, he was the most horrible one along with Hayner.
Original Sound Track...
Anyone know if a english OST exists for KHII?
I thought he was the typical fantasy hero kid who wants to go on an adventure. Now I think he's a dumbass. Seriously he is dumb. Don't get me wrong, he looks cool. But he's a complete dumbass. Especially in CoM where he just can't get it through his head that he's been fighting a replica of Riku, and that Naminé ****ed up his mind. I mean come on, he should be mad at the damn girl. Not be like "Ah whatever it's ok no worries I'll just go to sleep for a year".
You play as Roxas, right? Then I think it's gonna end after Riku captures Roxas... After all, who wants to go through those horrible days in Twilight Town again. I think Riku is gonna be the final boss as well.
I almost cried when Larxene died, she was so cool!! At least she showed the guts to overthrow the Organisation, and she was such a cool character. The moment she died when she was was screaming she didn't wanna die really brought tears to my eyes too. There goes my favorite girl :'( R.I.P. Larxie
Their black coats protect them from the corruption
Larxene 4ever, she's sexy, speedy, and sadistic!!! The ultimate XIII woman
AAAHGFHGFGH NOT AGAIN WONDERLAND Man I'm so happy Deep Jungle and Pridelands and Land of Dragons aren't in there. I hated those worlds with a passion in KH2. But they should replace Wonderland with Atlantica, really. Ok in KHII Atlantica wasn't much, but it was great in KH1. Port Royal would be nice too. More pirate stuff, yarr. Halloween Town can go to hell for all I give a damn. Never liked it and never will. Especially horrible in KH2. UUGH HORRIBLE BOSS FIGHT
I like younger Sora more, but his new outfit is cooler then his first one. And yeah his voice was kinda cool in Under the Sea.
The World Ends With You, I enjoyed it until I had my first battle. I absolutely hated the battle system and it made me quit right away.
Yes every time I had to ride that dolphin I died a little on the inside. In fact I couldn't help ripping apart a nearby dolphin plushie in frustration
Kyle's mom from South Park for Larxene, definitely :D
Probably most famous one; Axel: Got it memorized? Quotes I also liked Hades: How DARE you get a happy ending! Seifer: That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers.
Well seeing as Twilight Town is a virtual town created by the fantasy of some sick ******* he probably couldn't be assed to make a day/night rotation and he thought what the hell ill give it an eternal sunset and call it Twilight Town
In Traverse Town it's always night I think
I know, I like how they look. But I don't really like what they all add, it's not needed imo
Well Roxas don't has to have a heart. They say Twilight Town is all an illusion