Does anyone know if there are codes for instant command renewal and infinite focus / D-Link bar?
Nah, nevermind. It's not that important.
Is there an AR Max code to play as Ariel in Atlantica and Aladdin in Agrabah? And fully working with attacking and stuff?
Cool, thanks. Is there also a code so that Heartless never appear in every world? I like to explore sometimes but the hordes of Heartless enemies are annoying
I never played Riku's story, but I didn't really enjoy Sora's story. Especially how he started fighting the Riku clone over Namine, being a totally clueless idiot. I know, the Organization did it to him, but still, it was painful to see him acting so dumb. In the end it was all "Namine this Namine that".
Did they really attack Sora? If I recall, Sora attacked them first. Anyway, they are a bad guy organization, and everyone loves bad guy organizations. Just look at Akatsuki in Naruto or the Espada in Bleach. They're also a refreshing change from everyone and their mom who wield Keyblades.
That's game-mechanic wise, but why did they show up story wise? I personally think they just wanted to scoop Sora up, and the one who stayed behind (don't remember who it was) especially wanted to mind**** him. Sora had no idea what he was talking about.
Does anyone have the non raw AR Max code for getting rid of Donald and Goofy?
Is there a way to fix the Dream Sword so you can unequip it? Thanks for the other codes.
Dream Sword works, except if I equip it, I can't un-equip it, so I'm stuck with it forever.
I'm not a big fan of the Final Fantasy series, I've never played FFVIII and I only played FFVII for halfway through or something, but I like Leon and Cloud, although a bit more action would be nice. Especially in KHII Leon was a bit dull, restoration comittee give me a break. It would be nice if you could add Leon or Cloud in your party or something. Also, it would be awesome if they could add Vincent. I don't think KH should distance itself from Final Fantasy to get its own image, because Kingdom Hearts revolves almost entirely around Disney worlds, and some of the most important characters are Disney characters. Kingdom Hearts will never completely have an original image, it's just a mix of Disney, Final Fantasy, and original characters, and it works.
Wow, I never knew that about Monstro. I thought you needed to complete Monstro to get Atlantica, and Atlantica is required for Hollow Bastion. The Deep Jungle one is pretty cool imo, if you do that you see a rare scene with Snow White.
Is there a code for PAL that automatically completes worlds? I hate Halloween Town and I'd love to skip it.
I'm already doing that but that just gives you a lot of HP. I can take maybe three hits from Sephiroth without my health bar depleting and then it starts to go down
No I only have PAL version
There is an infinite health code but it's not really infinite because against strong bosses like Hercules and Sephiroth they can still damage me and Sephiroth's Sin Harvest still kills me
Does anyone have an infinite health cheat for Sora
Yeah that's what I mean its got to have some sort of item slot code since it was in your inventory. Then it should be able to add it again
Also, someone got an AR Max code for infinite health? I mean really infinite health, so that even Sephi's Sin Harvest won't bring it down. Not raw. I think this is the NTSC code T2AB-GXB6-32202 0ZFC-B7KU-2XZ8R
This doesn't actually add the Dream Sword to the inventory, it just makes a keyblade look like the Dream Sword, and only sometimes. I found that all of the Keyblades have a chance of looking like the Dream Sword, but it can go away after a transition. For example, if I enter a Coliseum tournament with the Ultima Keyblade looking like the Dream Sword, there's a chance it will look like the Ultima Keyblade again when the screen shifts to the tournament ring.