cant tape them
cool when will they come out
cool happy gaming
playing as Terra!!!? how? why? when?
that is what people said about the riku code
that sucks every time you press square
yeah my friend imports games so he knows
oh ok 0_0.....
it might be some time till that happens
ok the last part was not needed realy
mickey needs more power because he is the king lol
that sounds like a great code
so many codes not yet found but same goes with so many codes found
a move you get when lvling up wisdom form it makes you move faster
yeah learned that last week
i am geting pro 8 got about $400 its $549.99
very odd well i dont know what to do right now
must get sony veges only $149.99 to go ahh
was it for the right ar you have
love number 3 going to get crisis core