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  1. Ksemanr
    Xemnas = Sorcerors
    Xigbar = Snipers
    Xaldin = Dragoon
    Vexen = Unknown
    Lexaeus = Unknown
    Zexion = Unknown
    Saïx = Berserkers
    Axel = Assassins
    Demyx = Dancers
    Luxord = Gamblers
    Marluxia = Unknown
    Larxene = Unknown
    Roxas = Samurai
    Post by: Ksemanr, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Ksemanr
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days had no Final Fantasy characters at all, and it was just as great as the rest of the series.

    I highly doubt any Final Fantasy characters will appear in Birth By Sleep. As someone already stated, they fit better in Sora's story.

    Edit: ofrgot about the Moogle in 358/2 Days, but i wouldn't really count him. Moogles are more of a reoccuring Square icon, not a Final Fantasy character. There will definalyl be moogles in BBS, running the shops as they always do, so if you count that as a FF character, then that's the only one I believe will appear.
    Post by: Ksemanr, Oct 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Ksemanr
    Time for my theories. For easier reference I gave the characters from the secret video in Final Mix 2 that didn't already have names nicknames.

    Baldy - The bald guy wearing Xehanort's heartless's clothes that fights the 3 armoured knights.

    Spiderman - The red and black Dark Riku looking guy who is created from the copy of Baldy that also fights the 3 knights.

    Gay - The tallest of the 3 knights with brown hair who looks like an older Sora. He doesn't have an official name yet from what I know.

    Aqua - The girl knight with blue hair. This her official name so yeah.

    Ven - The Roxas-look-a-like that Baldy freezes. Tis his official name.

    Ok to start off I believe the secret videos take place in the past. Nomura keeps calling it a "new series" and I think it's a series of prequels. The reason is the keyblade war. The first trailer mentions a keyblade war, and the desert they are in looks liek it might have been the battlefeild the war took place in because of all the keyblades. And we know the Keyblade War takes place before KH1 and before Ansem found Xehanort. We know this from what Xigbar said to Zexion in FM2:

    "Xigbar: So harsh of you. I just want us to have a little fun talk about, say, Xemnas' secret. How many years ago was it? People with the blade of keys started to appear and fought great battles. When they were gone, a man who had lost his memories appeared. Xemnas... no... Xehanort was taken in by Ansem around that time, was he not?"

    Another reason why I think it takes place in the past is Mickey's keyblade. In the trailer, Mickey is weilding the Star Seeker keyblade. But Mickey found the Keyblade from the world of darkness in the first Kingdom Hearts game, the golden keyblade, and he weilds that. We also know that he used to be Yensid's apprentice, thus why he's using the Star Seeker.

    As for the carcass Gay is standing on at the beginning of Sunset Horizons, I thik it is connect to the Organization XIII somehow, because it looks like a dead Nobody, and if you looks carefully you can see Xigbar's Ray Gun, Vexen's Sheild, and Larxene's Kunai. Also it appears as though Gay has defeated it, and it vanishes into dust.

    When Gay, Aqua, and Ven walk up to the keyblades, you see that they are in crossroads reminesent of the crossraods Sora and Riku both came across, but the crossroads are made from thousands of Keyblades in a desert instead of grass. I beleive this is the same place, only in the past and grass grew over it in time.

    When Baldy starts to walk towards the 3, words appear on the screen. "Master of Keyblade" "The Lost Two" "Memory Of Xehanort" "Chasers" and "Keyblade War" and then it says "It all Began With Birth By Sleep"

    "Master of Keyblade" obviously means a keyblade master, someone who can weild and use a keyblade. "The lost two" means there are two that are lost. Mickey might possibly be one of these lost two, since you later see him away from the battle scene. The other lost one I think is Xehanort, since this game is supossed to surround Xehanort according to Nomura, and since he went missing and was found by Ansem with no memory. Ansem could also be one of the lost two instead of Mickey. "Memory of Xehanort" has somethign to do with Xehanort's lost memories. They might have something to do with this whole Keyblade War an Baldy and the knights.

    Chasers I think might be another type of enemy like Heartless or Nobodies. Heartless are created from a person's heart and Nobodies are the person's body thats left over and has become an empty shell. But what happened to the third part of a person that Ansem mentioned in his reports, the soul? A Chaser might be the persons soul after they are turned into a heartless. It could also be a pill you take after getting drunk.

    The Keyblade War is when "People with the blade of keys started to appear and fought great battles." The crossroads appear to be the battlefeild of the Keyblade War maybe a year or two after the war, since the keyblades are rust, but still before KH1. Because it would be a couple of years after the war, so Xehanort would still be real young under Ansem's care at the time, so it's several years before KH1.

    "Birth By Sleep" is possibly the awakening keyblade masters go through before they earn their keyblade. The awakening happens in the person's dreams, while they are asleep. Sora went through one in the first KH1, and so did Roxas in KH2. They life as a master of keyblade begins in their sleep, during the awakening. The plot of KH would begin with the very first awakening when the first keyblade master got his keyblade.

    In Sunset Horizons Gay picked up the Kingdom Key, Ven picked up the Road To Dawn, and Aqua picks up the Keyblade of Darkness. Possibly these keyblades each represt sent light (Kingdom Key), Darkness(Keyblade of Darkness) and Inbetween (Road to Dawn). Also at the beginning of the seocond trailer, they are no longer weilding these keyblades and are all single weilding again.

    Baldy walks towards the 3 knights and a ghost like copy of him appears. This copy then turns into Spiderman, web slinging and all. I believe Spidey here is either a heartless summoned by Baldy, simlar to the way Xehanort has the Guadrian, or a just a copy of Baldy that takes on a different appearance to cause less confusion. Gay appears to be the leader of the knights as how he takes charge in fighting Baldy and attacks first.

    Both Baldy and Spiderman appear to be quite skilled in magic as how Baldy manipulates the surroundings into a mountainous area, and both Baldy and Spiderman use blizzard spells alot. Spidey also uses thunder on Gay, tempoarily stunning him. Baldy also has some connection to the keyblades as how he weilds one and can control the thousands of keyblades in the ground forming them into a tornado. Baldy also creates a ball of dark energy later on which he uses to reveal Kingdom Hearts. They are both also quite talented physically, baldy being able to fight easily against Gay, and Spidey being able to fight some pyshically also and being able to surf the keyblade tornado Baldy made. Baldy also has some control over the weather as how he made the sky dark and cloudy and also parted the coulds later on.

    Gay and Ven both appear to be talented in pyshcal fighting, with Gay being the stronger of the two. Aqua appears to be more skilled in magic and she cast reflect a few times in the battle and also uses a thunder spell. There seems to be a little Aqua x Ven relationship going on as how Ven rushes over to Aqua' side when she's knocked down, and they lock eyes when Ven is in Baldy's grasp. Aqua is also the one most worried when Ven is frozen. Ven is still alive though cause he is still moving his eyes.

    Baldy has to have some connection with Xehanort because they wear the exact same outfit. Perharps Baldy is Xehanorts father or grandfather. Baldy could also be Xehanort's former master before he lost his memory. Baldy also looks like an old monkey, perhaps related to Cranky Kong.

    Gay looks a lot like an older Sora. Perhaps he is Sora's father, and Sora became a keyblade master like his father used to be. Also when Kingdom Hearts appears, his eyes change from blue to yellow. Perhaps Kingdom Hearts has some affect on his that gives him different powers, or causes some type of transformation, or makes him go insane.

    Aqua looks a lot like Ienzo/Zexion, and at first I thought she was Ienzo before I realized she has boobs. She also looks similar to Kairi, possibly some connection to her. She also appears to have something going on with Ven.

    Ven looks exactally like Roxas, so I expect them to be connected somehow. I dunno how though. And his keyblade broke.

    Also I belive Zexion is related to this somehow, except still Ienzo back then. I don't know why, but I just think this. Him and his book.

    Xemnas has to have somethign to do with this, because he is seen with Boobs' armour and keyblade in his hidden room, and he says "It has been a long time my friend."

    Also Xigbar is in someway related, cause at one point I read that Nomura said something along the lines of "Xigbar has somethign to do with this" I don't think those were the exact words though. Xigbar's ray gun was on the slain creature thing in Sunset Horizns, and when I read about Xigbar having somethign to do with it, I thought of what he said before fighting Sora. "You don't look like half the hero the others were." I think Xigbar, still Braig back then, knew the past keyblade masters, or at least some of them (possibly he knew Gay, Ven, and Aqua?).

    That's all I have for now my brain fired.
    Post by: Ksemanr, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX