Yes, yes it is. :) Lagunas the best.
Demy- Im as good as Sora?
Leon- well do YOU lose weight by doing it? Sora- *giggle fit*
I see. :P it was cuter than anything.
I like Selphie better after playing FF though. And wakkas hair is just awful. My brother will say the weirdest things about it...
Laguna- actually, you shouldnt be mad, cuz anger gives you wrinkles. Then again, so does laughter... *just stop talking now.*
Well, you can always go back a couple of pages. It was only last night.
I used to have a file on KH where I would just hang out on Destiny Islands and beat him up :P Along with Wakka and Selphie of course, because they...
Vexen- Demyx is just as dim-witted as Sora... (looks in crystal ball while Sora is attempting to catch fish with his hands) Demy- thank you!
You would've liked the part when Laguna was playing with Denzel and Marlene. It was totally adorbs.
Sora- I thought he was Rikus brother? Leon- none of that is true!
He irritated me, too, so I gave the game to my brother who also doesn't play it
Laguna- hey! You got lost worse than me! That almost never happens!
Well. I haven't played MUCH of it. I spend most of my time with VIII
Demy- not me. I dunno what half those words mean.
Lol. So he's basically a pansy?
Sora- just make fun of him back. Cid spread plenty of rumors about HIM, too. Leon- hey!
Or he just was a little late getting to the bar. Later than Laguna of course, who got lost.... of course
Laguna- Zack! Where've you been?
Yay! You're online!