Ugh I know! My sisters playing Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core
Lol. Hes like the Marluxia of FF
Sora- No! Cid wrote that one down actually. Leon- answer the question.
Demy- that's mean.
Yeah I know. Too many to keep track of.
Laguna- aww. Its cuz I'm a guy isn't it? Or wait! Because I'm in my 30s?
I know. It was pretty much b/t Seifer and Sephiroth for me, and Sephiroth isn't attractive.
Heehee. Laguna's in 8.
Laguna- really? Tifa, who is it? C'mon, Lightning! Dish!
Umm.... not Sephiroth? I dunno. Seifer maybe. I dunno.
There are so many! Maybe just focus on the main ones or something
Laguna- who? Do I know him? Or her? However you role. (Laughs at Zack)
So great that the two of us can go on and on about them every night and not get tired.
Lol probably
Leon- no. Does Aerith know you have sex with Tifa during the day? Sora- *covers ears* ahhhh!!! Eeeewww!
I want to adopt Zack the puppy and save Laguna after he washed-out up on shore. *daydreaming. Drools.*
Laguna- Lightning, you fancy somebody too? Who?
Sometimes I see the hairstyles in video games and whatnot and think "where did that even come from and who thought it was a good idea?"
They are so fantastic.
Laguna- hey! There's nothing wrong with looking after orphans! Course, its always easier when there's someone helping out... *why do you say these things? Stop thinking about Raine! Ahhh crap! I just thought of Raine! Don't cry, Laguna!*